:version: $RCSfile: index.rst,v $ $Revision: 693361f85272 $ $Date: 2010/08/23 15:08:52 $ ====================================================== imageviewer -- Image viewer with panning and zooming ====================================================== .. module:: imageviewer :synopsis: Image viewer with panning and zooming. Inheritance Diagram =================== .. inheritance-diagram:: imageviewer Description =========== This module implements the :class:`ImageViewer` class which allows panning and zooming of |QPixmap|\ s by using a :class:`SynchableGraphicsView` embedded inside a :qtref:`QFrame <qframe>`. It contains the following classes: + :class:`ImageViewer` -- Image Viewer than can pan & zoom images (|QPixmap|\ s). + :class:`SynchableGraphicsView` -- |QGraphicsView| that can synchronize zooming & panning of multiple instances. + :class:`MainWindow` -- Sample app to test the :class:`ImageViewer` class. Reference ========= ImageViewer ----------- .. autoclass:: ImageViewer :members: :show-inheritance: SynchableGraphicsView --------------------- .. autoclass:: SynchableGraphicsView :members: :show-inheritance: MainWindow ---------- .. autoclass:: MainWindow :members: :show-inheritance: **Usage**:: python imageviewer.py imagefilename .. Local Variables: coding: utf-8 mode: rst indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 72 mode: auto-fill standard-indent: 3 tab-stop-list: (3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60) End: