Leptonica 1.68
C Image Processing Library


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*====================================================================*
00002  -  Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica.  All rights reserved.
00003  -  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be
00004  -  useful, but with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
00005  -  No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the
00006  -  consequences of using this software, or for whether it serves any
00007  -  particular purpose or works at all, unless he or she says so in
00008  -  writing.  Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and
00009  -  redistribute this source code, for commercial or non-commercial
00010  -  purposes, with the following restrictions: (1) the origin of this
00011  -  source code must not be misrepresented; (2) modified versions must
00012  -  be plainly marked as such; and (3) this notice may not be removed
00013  -  or altered from any source or modified source distribution.
00014  *====================================================================*/
00016 /*
00017  *  gplot.c
00018  *                     
00019  *     Basic plotting functions
00020  *          GPLOT      *gplotCreate()
00021  *          void        gplotDestroy()
00022  *          l_int32     gplotAddPlot()
00023  *          l_int32     gplotSetScaling()
00024  *          l_int32     gplotMakeOutput()
00025  *          l_int32     gplotGenCommandFile()
00026  *          l_int32     gplotGenDataFiles()
00027  *
00028  *     Quick and dirty plots
00029  *          l_int32     gplotSimple1()
00030  *          l_int32     gplotSimple2()
00031  *          l_int32     gplotSimpleN()
00032  *
00033  *     Serialize for I/O
00034  *          GPLOT      *gplotRead()
00035  *          l_int32     gplotWrite()
00036  *
00037  *
00038  *     Utility for programmatic plotting using gnuplot 7.3.2 or later
00039  *     Enabled:
00040  *         - output to png (color), ps (mono), x11 (color), latex (mono)
00041  *         - optional title for graph
00042  *         - optional x and y axis labels
00043  *         - multiple plots on one frame
00044  *         - optional title for each plot on the frame
00045  *         - optional log scaling on either or both axes
00046  *         - choice of 5 plot styles for each plot
00047  *         - choice of 2 plot modes, either using one input array
00048  *           (Y vs index) or two input arrays (Y vs X).  This
00049  *           choice is made implicitly depending on the number of
00050  *           input arrays.
00051  *
00052  *     Usage:
00053  *         gplotCreate() initializes for plotting
00054  *         gplotAddPlot() for each plot on the frame
00055  *         gplotMakeOutput() to generate all output files and run gnuplot
00056  *         gplotDestroy() to clean up
00057  *
00058  *     Example of use:
00059  *         gplot = gplotCreate("tempskew", GPLOT_PNG, "Skew score vs angle",
00060  *                    "angle (deg)", "score");
00061  *         gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore1, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 1");
00062  *         gplotAddPlot(gplot, natheta, nascore2, GPLOT_POINTS, "plot 2");
00063  *         gplotSetScaling(gplot, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y);
00064  *         gplotMakeOutput(gplot);
00065  *         gplotDestroy(&gplot);
00066  *
00067  *     Note for output to GPLOT_LATEX:
00068  *         This creates latex output of the plot, named <rootname>.tex.
00069  *         It needs to be placed in a latex file <latexname>.tex
00070  *         that precedes the plot output with, at a minimum:
00071  *           \documentclass{article}
00072  *           \begin{document}
00073  *         and ends with
00074  *           \end{document}
00075  *         You can then generate a dvi file <latexname>.dvi using
00076  *           latex <latexname>.tex
00077  *         and a PostScript file <psname>.ps from that using
00078  *           dvips -o <psname>.ps <latexname>.dvi
00079  */
00081 #include <string.h>
00082 #include "allheaders.h"
00084     /* MS VC++ can't handle array initialization with static consts ! */
00085 #define L_BUF_SIZE      512
00086 #define MAX_NUM_GPLOTS  40
00088 const char  *gplotstylenames[] = {"with lines",
00089                                   "with points",
00090                                   "with impulses",
00091                                   "with linespoints",
00092                                   "with dots"};
00093 const char  *gplotfilestyles[] = {"LINES",
00094                                   "POINTS",
00095                                   "IMPULSES", 
00096                                   "LINESPOINTS",
00097                                   "DOTS"};
00098 const char  *gplotfileoutputs[] = {"",
00099                                    "PNG",
00100                                    "PS",
00101                                    "EPS",
00102                                    "X11",
00103                                    "LATEX"};
00106 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
00107  *                       Basic Plotting Functions                  *
00108  *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00109 /*!
00110  *  gplotCreate()
00111  *
00112  *      Input:  rootname (root for all output files)
00113  *              outformat (GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_X11,
00114  *                         GPLOT_LATEX)
00115  *              title  (<optional> overall title)
00116  *              xlabel (<optional> x axis label)
00117  *              ylabel (<optional> y axis label)
00118  *      Return: gplot, or null on error
00119  *
00120  *  Notes:
00121  *      (1) This initializes the plot.
00122  *      (2) The 'title', 'xlabel' and 'ylabel' strings can have spaces,
00123  *          double quotes and backquotes, but not single quotes.
00124  */
00125 GPLOT  *
00126 gplotCreate(const char  *rootname,
00127             l_int32      outformat,
00128             const char  *title,
00129             const char  *xlabel,
00130             const char  *ylabel)
00131 {
00132 char   *newroot;
00133 char    buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
00134 GPLOT  *gplot;
00136     PROCNAME("gplotCreate");
00138     if (!rootname)
00139         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("rootname not defined", procName, NULL);
00140     if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS &&
00141         outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_X11 &&
00142         outformat != GPLOT_LATEX)
00143         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("outformat invalid", procName, NULL);
00145     if ((gplot = (GPLOT *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(GPLOT))) == NULL)
00146         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("gplot not made", procName, NULL);
00147     gplot->cmddata = sarrayCreate(0);
00148     gplot->datanames = sarrayCreate(0);
00149     gplot->plotdata = sarrayCreate(0);
00150     gplot->plottitles = sarrayCreate(0);
00151     gplot->plotstyles = numaCreate(0);
00153         /* Save title, labels, rootname, outformat, cmdname, outname */
00154     newroot = genPathname(rootname, NULL);  /* remove '/tmp' on windows */
00155     gplot->rootname = newroot;
00156     gplot->outformat = outformat;
00157     snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.cmd", newroot);
00158     gplot->cmdname = stringNew(buf);
00159     if (outformat == GPLOT_PNG)
00160         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.png", newroot);
00161     else if (outformat == GPLOT_PS)
00162         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.ps", newroot);
00163     else if (outformat == GPLOT_EPS)
00164         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.eps", newroot);
00165     else if (outformat == GPLOT_LATEX)
00166         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.tex", newroot);
00167     else  /* outformat == GPLOT_X11 */
00168         buf[0] = '\0';
00169     gplot->outname = stringNew(buf);
00170     if (title) gplot->title = stringNew(title);
00171     if (xlabel) gplot->xlabel = stringNew(xlabel);
00172     if (ylabel) gplot->ylabel = stringNew(ylabel);
00174     return gplot;
00175 }
00178 /*!
00179  *   gplotDestroy()
00180  *
00181  *        Input: &gplot (<to be nulled>)
00182  *        Return: void
00183  */
00184 void
00185 gplotDestroy(GPLOT  **pgplot)
00186 {
00187 GPLOT  *gplot;
00189     PROCNAME("gplotDestroy");
00191     if (pgplot == NULL) {
00192         L_WARNING("ptr address is null!", procName);
00193         return;
00194     }
00196     if ((gplot = *pgplot) == NULL)        
00197         return;
00199     FREE(gplot->rootname);
00200     FREE(gplot->cmdname);
00201     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->cmddata);
00202     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->datanames);
00203     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plotdata);
00204     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plottitles);
00205     numaDestroy(&gplot->plotstyles);
00206     FREE(gplot->outname);
00207     if (gplot->title)
00208         FREE(gplot->title);
00209     if (gplot->xlabel)
00210         FREE(gplot->xlabel);
00211     if (gplot->ylabel)
00212         FREE(gplot->ylabel);
00214     FREE(gplot);
00215     *pgplot = NULL;
00216     return;
00217 }
00220 /*!
00221  *  gplotAddPlot()
00222  *
00223  *      Input:  gplot
00224  *              nax (<optional> numa: set to null for Y_VS_I;
00225  *                   required for Y_VS_X)
00226  *              nay (numa: required for both Y_VS_I and Y_VS_X)
00227  *              plotstyle (GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES,
00228  *                         GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS)
00229  *              plottitle  (<optional> title for individual plot)
00230  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00231  *
00232  *  Notes:
00233  *      (1) There are 2 options for (x,y) values:
00234  *            o  To plot an array vs the index, set nax = NULL.
00235  *            o  To plot one array vs another, use both nax and nay.
00236  *      (2) If nax is defined, it must be the same size as nay.
00237  *      (3) The 'plottitle' string can have spaces, double
00238  *          quotes and backquotes, but not single quotes.
00239  */
00240 l_int32
00241 gplotAddPlot(GPLOT       *gplot,
00242              NUMA        *nax,
00243              NUMA        *nay,
00244              l_int32      plotstyle,
00245              const char  *plottitle)
00246 {
00247 char       buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
00248 char       emptystring[] = "";
00249 char      *datastr, *title;
00250 l_int32    n, i;
00251 l_float32  valx, valy, startx, delx;
00252 SARRAY    *sa;
00254     PROCNAME("gplotAddPlot");
00256     if (!gplot)
00257         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00258     if (!nay)
00259         return ERROR_INT("nay not defined", procName, 1);
00260     if (plotstyle != GPLOT_LINES && plotstyle != GPLOT_POINTS &&
00261         plotstyle != GPLOT_IMPULSES && plotstyle != GPLOT_LINESPOINTS &&
00262         plotstyle != GPLOT_DOTS)
00263         return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1);
00265     n = numaGetCount(nay);
00266     numaGetXParameters(nay, &startx, &delx);
00267     if (nax) {
00268         if (n != numaGetCount(nax))
00269             return ERROR_INT("nax and nay sizes differ", procName, 1);
00270     }
00272         /* Save plotstyle and plottitle */
00273     numaAddNumber(gplot->plotstyles, plotstyle);
00274     if (plottitle) {
00275         title = stringNew(plottitle);
00276         sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, title, L_INSERT);
00277     }
00278     else
00279         sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, emptystring, L_COPY);
00281         /* Generate and save data filename */
00282     gplot->nplots++;
00283     snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.data.%d", gplot->rootname, gplot->nplots);
00284     sarrayAddString(gplot->datanames, buf, L_COPY);
00286         /* Generate data and save as a string */
00287     sa = sarrayCreate(n);
00288     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00289         if (nax)
00290             numaGetFValue(nax, i, &valx);
00291         else
00292             valx = startx + i * delx;
00293         numaGetFValue(nay, i, &valy);
00294         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%f %f\n", valx, valy);
00295         sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY);
00296     }
00297     datastr = sarrayToString(sa, 0);
00298     sarrayAddString(gplot->plotdata, datastr, L_INSERT);
00299     sarrayDestroy(&sa);
00301     return 0;
00302 }
00305 /*!
00306  *  gplotSetScaling()
00307  *
00308  *      Input:  gplot
00309  *              scaling (GPLOT_LINEAR_SCALE, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X,
00310  *                       GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y, GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y)
00311  *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
00312  *
00313  *  Notes:
00314  *      (1) By default, the x and y axis scaling is linear.
00315  *      (2) Call this function to set semi-log or log-log scaling.
00316  */
00317 l_int32
00318 gplotSetScaling(GPLOT   *gplot,
00319                 l_int32  scaling)
00320 {
00321     PROCNAME("gplotSetScaling");
00323     if (!gplot)
00324         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00325     if (scaling != GPLOT_LINEAR_SCALE &&
00326         scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X &&
00327         scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y &&
00328         scaling != GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y)
00329         return ERROR_INT("invalid gplot scaling", procName, 1);
00330     gplot->scaling = scaling;
00331     return 0;
00332 }
00335 /*!
00336  *  gplotMakeOutput()
00337  *
00338  *      Input:  gplot
00339  *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
00340  *
00341  *  Notes:
00342  *      (1) This uses gplot and the new arrays to add a plot
00343  *          to the output, by writing a new data file and appending
00344  *          the appropriate plot commands to the command file.
00345  *      (2) The gnuplot program for windows is wgnuplot.exe.  The
00346  *          standard gp426win32 distribution does not have a X11 terminal.
00347  */
00348 l_int32
00349 gplotMakeOutput(GPLOT  *gplot)
00350 {
00351 char     buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
00352 l_int32  ignore;
00354     PROCNAME("gplotMakeOutput");
00356     if (!gplot)
00357         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00359     gplotGenCommandFile(gplot);
00360     gplotGenDataFiles(gplot);
00362 #ifndef _WIN32
00363     if (gplot->outformat != GPLOT_X11)
00364         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "gnuplot %s &", gplot->cmdname);
00365     else
00366         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE,
00367                  "gnuplot -persist -geometry +10+10 %s &", gplot->cmdname);
00368 #else
00369    if (gplot->outformat != GPLOT_X11)
00370        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "wgnuplot %s", gplot->cmdname);
00371    else
00372        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE,
00373                "wgnuplot -persist %s", gplot->cmdname);
00374 #endif  /* _WIN32 */
00375     ignore = system(buf);
00376     return 0;
00377 }
00380 /*!
00381  *  gplotGenCommandFile()
00382  *
00383  *      Input:  gplot
00384  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00385  */
00386 l_int32
00387 gplotGenCommandFile(GPLOT  *gplot)
00388 {
00389 char     buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
00390 char    *cmdstr, *plottitle, *dataname;
00391 l_int32  i, plotstyle, nplots;
00392 FILE    *fp;
00394     PROCNAME("gplotGenCommandFile");
00396     if (!gplot)
00397         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00399         /* Remove any previous command data */
00400     sarrayClear(gplot->cmddata);
00402         /* Generate command data instructions */
00403     if (gplot->title) {   /* set title */
00404         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set title '%s'", gplot->title);
00405         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00406     }
00407     if (gplot->xlabel) {   /* set xlabel */
00408         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set xlabel '%s'", gplot->xlabel);
00409         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00410     }
00411     if (gplot->ylabel) {   /* set ylabel */
00412         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set ylabel '%s'", gplot->ylabel);
00413         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00414     }
00416     if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PNG)    /* set terminal type and output */
00417         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal png; set output '%s'",
00418                  gplot->outname);
00419     else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PS)
00420         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal postscript; set output '%s'",
00421                  gplot->outname);
00422     else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_EPS)
00423         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE,
00424                 "set terminal postscript eps; set output '%s'",
00425                 gplot->outname);
00426     else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_LATEX)
00427         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal latex; set output '%s'",
00428                  gplot->outname);
00429     else  /* gplot->outformat == GPLOT_X11 */
00430 #ifndef _WIN32
00431         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal x11");
00432 #else
00433         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal windows");
00434 #endif  /* _WIN32 */
00435     sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00437     if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X ||
00438         gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) {
00439         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set logscale x");
00440         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00441     }
00442     if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y ||
00443         gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) {
00444         snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set logscale y");
00445         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00446     }
00448     nplots = sarrayGetCount(gplot->datanames);
00449     for (i = 0; i < nplots; i++) {
00450         plottitle = sarrayGetString(gplot->plottitles, i, L_NOCOPY);
00451         dataname = sarrayGetString(gplot->datanames, i, L_NOCOPY);
00452         numaGetIValue(gplot->plotstyles, i, &plotstyle);
00453         if (nplots == 1)
00454             snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s",
00455                      dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
00456         else {
00457             if (i == 0)
00458                 snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s, \\",
00459                      dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
00460             else if (i < nplots - 1)
00461                 snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, " '%s' title '%s' %s, \\",
00462                      dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
00463             else
00464                 snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, " '%s' title '%s' %s",
00465                      dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
00466         }
00467         sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
00468     }
00470         /* Write command data to file */
00471     cmdstr = sarrayToString(gplot->cmddata, 1);
00472     if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(gplot->cmdname, "w")) == NULL)
00473         return ERROR_INT("cmd stream not opened", procName, 1);
00474     fwrite(cmdstr, 1, strlen(cmdstr), fp);
00475     fclose(fp);
00476     FREE(cmdstr);
00477     return 0;
00478 }
00481 /*!
00482  *  gplotGenDataFiles()
00483  *
00484  *      Input:  gplot
00485  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00486  */
00487 l_int32
00488 gplotGenDataFiles(GPLOT  *gplot)
00489 {
00490 char    *plotdata, *dataname;
00491 l_int32  i, nplots;
00492 FILE    *fp;
00494     PROCNAME("gplotGenDataFiles");
00496     if (!gplot)
00497         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00499     nplots = sarrayGetCount(gplot->datanames);
00500     for (i = 0; i < nplots; i++) {
00501         plotdata = sarrayGetString(gplot->plotdata, i, L_NOCOPY);
00502         dataname = sarrayGetString(gplot->datanames, i, L_NOCOPY);
00503         if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(dataname, "w")) == NULL)
00504             return ERROR_INT("datafile stream not opened", procName, 1);
00505         fwrite(plotdata, 1, strlen(plotdata), fp);
00506         fclose(fp);
00507     }
00509     return 0;
00510 }
00513 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
00514  *                       Quick and Dirty Plots                     *
00515  *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00516 /*!
00517  *  gplotSimple1()
00518  *
00519  *      Input:  na (numa; plot Y_VS_I)
00520  *              outformat (GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_X11,
00521  *                         GPLOT_LATEX)
00522  *              outroot (root of output files)
00523  *              title  (<optional>, can be NULL)
00524  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00525  *
00526  *  Notes:
00527  *      (1) This gives a line plot of a numa, where the array value
00528  *          is plotted vs the array index.  The plot is generated
00529  *          in the specified output format; the title  is optional.
00530  *      (2) When calling this function more than once, be sure the
00531  *          outroot strings are different; otherwise, you will
00532  *          overwrite the output files.
00533  */
00534 l_int32
00535 gplotSimple1(NUMA        *na,
00536              l_int32      outformat,
00537              const char  *outroot,
00538              const char  *title)
00539 {
00540 GPLOT  *gplot;
00542     PROCNAME("gplotSimple1");
00544     if (!na)
00545         return ERROR_INT("na not defined", procName, 1);
00546     if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS &&
00547         outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_X11 &&
00548         outformat != GPLOT_LATEX)
00549         return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1);
00550     if (!outroot)
00551         return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1);
00553     if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0)
00554         return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1);
00555     gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na, GPLOT_LINES, NULL);
00556     gplotMakeOutput(gplot);
00557     gplotDestroy(&gplot);
00558     return 0;
00559 }
00562 /*!
00563  *  gplotSimple2()
00564  *
00565  *      Input:  na1 (numa; we plot Y_VS_I)
00566  *              na2 (ditto)
00567  *              outformat (GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_X11,
00568  *                         GPLOT_LATEX)
00569  *              outroot (root of output files)
00570  *              title  (<optional>)
00571  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00572  *
00573  *  Notes:
00574  *      (1) This gives a line plot of two numa, where the array values
00575  *          are each plotted vs the array index.  The plot is generated
00576  *          in the specified output format; the title  is optional.
00577  *      (2) When calling this function more than once, be sure the
00578  *          outroot strings are different; otherwise, you will
00579  *          overwrite the output files.
00580  */
00581 l_int32
00582 gplotSimple2(NUMA        *na1,
00583              NUMA        *na2,
00584              l_int32      outformat,
00585              const char  *outroot,
00586              const char  *title)
00587 {
00588 GPLOT  *gplot;
00590     PROCNAME("gplotSimple2");
00592     if (!na1 || !na2)
00593         return ERROR_INT("na1 and na2 not both defined", procName, 1);
00594     if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS &&
00595         outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_X11 &&
00596         outformat != GPLOT_LATEX)
00597         return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1);
00598     if (!outroot)
00599         return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1);
00601     if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0)
00602         return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1);
00603     gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na1, GPLOT_LINES, NULL);
00604     gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na2, GPLOT_LINES, NULL);
00605     gplotMakeOutput(gplot);
00606     gplotDestroy(&gplot);
00607     return 0;
00608 }
00611 /*!
00612  *  gplotSimpleN()
00613  *
00614  *      Input:  naa (numaa; we plot Y_VS_I for each numa)
00615  *              outformat (GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_X11,
00616  *                         GPLOT_LATEX)
00617  *              outroot (root of output files)
00618  *              title (<optional>)
00619  *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
00620  *
00621  *  Notes:
00622  *      (1) This gives a line plot of all numas in a numaa (array of numa),
00623  *          where the array values are each plotted vs the array index.
00624  *          The plot is generated in the specified output format;
00625  *          the title  is optional.
00626  *      (2) When calling this function more than once, be sure the
00627  *          outroot strings are different; otherwise, you will
00628  *          overwrite the output files.
00629  */
00630 l_int32
00631 gplotSimpleN(NUMAA       *naa,
00632              l_int32      outformat,
00633              const char  *outroot,
00634              const char  *title)
00635 {
00636 l_int32  i, n;
00637 GPLOT   *gplot;
00638 NUMA    *na;
00640     PROCNAME("gplotSimpleN");
00642     if (!naa)
00643         return ERROR_INT("naa not defined", procName, 1);
00644     if ((n = numaaGetCount(naa)) == 0)
00645         return ERROR_INT("no numa in array", procName, 1);
00646     if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS &&
00647         outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_X11 &&
00648         outformat != GPLOT_LATEX)
00649         return ERROR_INT("invalid outformat", procName, 1);
00650     if (!outroot)
00651         return ERROR_INT("outroot not specified", procName, 1);
00653     if ((gplot = gplotCreate(outroot, outformat, title, NULL, NULL)) == 0)
00654         return ERROR_INT("gplot not made", procName, 1);
00655     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00656         na = numaaGetNuma(naa, i, L_CLONE);
00657         gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na, GPLOT_LINES, NULL);
00658         numaDestroy(&na);
00659     }
00660     gplotMakeOutput(gplot);
00661     gplotDestroy(&gplot);
00662     return 0;
00663 }
00666 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*
00667  *                           Serialize for I/O                     *
00668  *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00669 /*!
00670  *  gplotRead()
00671  * 
00672  *      Input:  filename
00673  *      Return: gplot, or NULL on error
00674  */
00675 GPLOT *
00676 gplotRead(const char  *filename)
00677 {
00678 char     buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
00679 char    *rootname, *title, *xlabel, *ylabel, *ignores;
00680 l_int32  outformat, ret, version, ignore;
00681 FILE    *fp;
00682 GPLOT   *gplot;
00684     PROCNAME("gplotRead");
00686     if (!filename)
00687         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL);
00689     if ((fp = fopenReadStream(filename)) == NULL)
00690         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);
00692     ret = fscanf(fp, "Gplot Version %d\n", &version);
00693     if (ret != 1) {
00694         fclose(fp);
00695         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("not a gplot file", procName, NULL);
00696     }
00697     if (version != GPLOT_VERSION_NUMBER) {
00698         fclose(fp);
00699         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("invalid gplot version", procName, NULL);
00700     }
00702     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Rootname: %s\n", buf);
00703     rootname = stringNew(buf);
00704     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output format: %d\n", &outformat);
00705     ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* Title: ... */
00706     title = stringNew(buf + 7);
00707     title[strlen(title) - 1] = '\0';
00708     ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* X axis label: ... */
00709     xlabel = stringNew(buf + 14);
00710     xlabel[strlen(xlabel) - 1] = '\0';
00711     ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* Y axis label: ... */
00712     ylabel = stringNew(buf + 14);
00713     ylabel[strlen(ylabel) - 1] = '\0';
00715     if (!(gplot = gplotCreate(rootname, outformat, title, xlabel, ylabel))) {
00716         fclose(fp);
00717         return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("gplot not made", procName, NULL);
00718     }
00719     FREE(rootname);
00720     FREE(title);
00721     FREE(xlabel);
00722     FREE(ylabel);
00723     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->cmddata);
00724     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->datanames);
00725     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plotdata);
00726     sarrayDestroy(&gplot->plottitles);
00727     numaDestroy(&gplot->plotstyles);
00729     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Commandfile name: %s\n", buf);
00730     stringReplace(&gplot->cmdname, buf);
00731     ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nCommandfile data:");
00732     gplot->cmddata = sarrayReadStream(fp);
00733     ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nDatafile names:");
00734     gplot->datanames = sarrayReadStream(fp);
00735     ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot data:");
00736     gplot->plotdata = sarrayReadStream(fp);
00737     ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot titles:");
00738     gplot->plottitles = sarrayReadStream(fp);
00739     ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot styles:");
00740     gplot->plotstyles = numaReadStream(fp);
00742     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Number of plots: %d\n", &gplot->nplots);
00743     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output file name: %s\n", buf);
00744     stringReplace(&gplot->outname, buf);
00745     ignore = fscanf(fp, "Axis scaling: %d\n", &gplot->scaling);
00747     fclose(fp);
00748     return gplot;
00749 }
00752 /*!
00753  *  gplotWrite()
00754  * 
00755  *      Input:  filename
00756  *              gplot
00757  *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
00758  */
00759 l_int32
00760 gplotWrite(const char  *filename,
00761            GPLOT       *gplot)
00762 {
00763 FILE  *fp;
00765     PROCNAME("gplotWrite");
00767     if (!filename)
00768         return ERROR_INT("filename not defined", procName, 1);
00769     if (!gplot)
00770         return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
00772     if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(filename, "wb")) == NULL)
00773         return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);
00775     fprintf(fp, "Gplot Version %d\n", GPLOT_VERSION_NUMBER);
00776     fprintf(fp, "Rootname: %s\n", gplot->rootname);
00777     fprintf(fp, "Output format: %d\n", gplot->outformat);
00778     fprintf(fp, "Title: %s\n", gplot->title);
00779     fprintf(fp, "X axis label: %s\n", gplot->xlabel);
00780     fprintf(fp, "Y axis label: %s\n", gplot->ylabel);
00782     fprintf(fp, "Commandfile name: %s\n", gplot->cmdname);
00783     fprintf(fp, "\nCommandfile data:");
00784     sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->cmddata);
00785     fprintf(fp, "\nDatafile names:");
00786     sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->datanames);
00787     fprintf(fp, "\nPlot data:");
00788     sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->plotdata);
00789     fprintf(fp, "\nPlot titles:");
00790     sarrayWriteStream(fp, gplot->plottitles);
00791     fprintf(fp, "\nPlot styles:");
00792     numaWriteStream(fp, gplot->plotstyles);
00794     fprintf(fp, "Number of plots: %d\n", gplot->nplots);
00795     fprintf(fp, "Output file name: %s\n", gplot->outname);
00796     fprintf(fp, "Axis scaling: %d\n", gplot->scaling);
00798     fclose(fp);
00799     return 0;
00800 }
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