Leptonica 1.68
C Image Processing Library

ccbord.c File Reference

Border representation of connected components: display and svg serialization. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "allheaders.h"

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#define DEBUG_PRINT   0


CCBORDAccbaCreate (PIX *pixs, l_int32 n)
void ccbaDestroy (CCBORDA **pccba)
CCBORDccbCreate (PIX *pixs)
void ccbDestroy (CCBORD **pccb)
l_int32 ccbaAddCcb (CCBORDA *ccba, CCBORD *ccb)
l_int32 ccbaExtendArray (CCBORDA *ccba)
l_int32 ccbaGetCount (CCBORDA *ccba)
CCBORDccbaGetCcb (CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 index)
CCBORDApixGetAllCCBorders (PIX *pixs)
CCBORDpixGetCCBorders (PIX *pixs, BOX *box)
PTAApixGetOuterBordersPtaa (PIX *pixs)
PTApixGetOuterBorderPta (PIX *pixs, BOX *box)
l_int32 pixGetOuterBorder (CCBORD *ccb, PIX *pixs, BOX *box)
l_int32 pixGetHoleBorder (CCBORD *ccb, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 xs, l_int32 ys)
l_int32 findNextBorderPixel (l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_uint32 *data, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 px, l_int32 py, l_int32 *pqpos, l_int32 *pnpx, l_int32 *pnpy)
void locateOutsideSeedPixel (l_int32 fpx, l_int32 fpy, l_int32 spx, l_int32 spy, l_int32 *pxs, l_int32 *pys)
l_int32 ccbaGenerateGlobalLocs (CCBORDA *ccba)
l_int32 ccbaGenerateStepChains (CCBORDA *ccba)
l_int32 ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords (CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 coordtype)
l_int32 ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs (CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 ptsflag)
l_int32 ccbaGenerateSinglePath (CCBORDA *ccba)
PTAgetCutPathForHole (PIX *pix, PTA *pta, BOX *boxinner, l_int32 *pdir, l_int32 *plen)
PIXccbaDisplayBorder (CCBORDA *ccba)
PIXccbaDisplaySPBorder (CCBORDA *ccba)
PIXccbaDisplayImage1 (CCBORDA *ccba)
PIXccbaDisplayImage2 (CCBORDA *ccba)
l_int32 ccbaWrite (const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba)
l_int32 ccbaWriteStream (FILE *fp, CCBORDA *ccba)
CCBORDAccbaRead (const char *filename)
CCBORDAccbaReadStream (FILE *fp)
l_int32 ccbaWriteSVG (const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba)
char * ccbaWriteSVGString (const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba)


static const l_int32 INITIAL_PTR_ARRAYSIZE = 20
static const l_int32 NMAX_HOLES = 150
static const l_int32 xpostab [] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1}
static const l_int32 ypostab [] = {0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1}
static const l_int32 qpostab [] = {6, 6, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4}

Detailed Description

Border representation of connected components: display and svg serialization.

   CCBORDA and CCBORD creation and destruction
       CCBORDA     *ccbaCreate()
       void        *ccbaDestroy()
       CCBORD      *ccbCreate()
       void        *ccbDestroy()

   CCBORDA addition
       l_int32      ccbaAddCcb()
       l_int32      ccbaExtendArray()

   CCBORDA accessors
       l_int32      ccbaGetCount()
       l_int32      ccbaGetCcb()

   Top-level border-finding routines
       CCBORDA     *pixGetAllCCBorders()
       CCBORD      *pixGetCCBorders()
       PTAA        *pixGetOuterBordersPtaa()
       PTA         *pixGetOuterBorderPta()

   Lower-level border location routines
       l_int32      pixGetOuterBorder()
       l_int32      pixGetHoleBorder()
       l_int32      findNextBorderPixel()
       void         locateOutsideSeedPixel()

   Border conversions
       l_int32      ccbaGenerateGlobalLocs()
       l_int32      ccbaGenerateStepChains()
       l_int32      ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords()
       l_int32      ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs()

   Conversion to single path
       l_int32      ccbaGenerateSinglePath()
       PTA         *getCutPathForHole()

   Border and full image rendering
       PIX         *ccbaDisplayBorder()
       PIX         *ccbaDisplaySPBorder()
       PIX         *ccbaDisplayImage1()
       PIX         *ccbaDisplayImage2()

   Serialize for I/O
       l_int32      ccbaWrite()
       l_int32      ccbaWriteStream()
       l_int32      ccbaRead()
       l_int32      ccbaReadStream()

   SVG output
       l_int32      ccbaWriteSVG()
       char        *ccbaWriteSVGString()

   Border finding is tricky because components can have
   holes, which also need to be traced out.  The outer
   border can be connected with all the hole borders,
   so that there is a single border for each component.
   [Alternatively, the connecting paths can be eliminated if
   you're willing to have a set of borders for each
   component (an exterior border and some number of
   interior ones), with "line to" operations tracing
   out each border and "move to" operations going from
   one border to the next.]

   Here's the plan.  We get the pix for each connected
   component, and trace its exterior border.  We then
   find the holes (if any) in the pix, and separately
   trace out their borders, all using the same
   border-following rule that has ON pixels on the right
   side of the path.  

   [For svg, we may want to turn each set of borders for a c.c.
   into a closed path.  This can be done by tunnelling
   through the component from the outer border to each of the 
   holes, going in and coming out along the same path so
   the connection will be invisible in any rendering 
   (display or print) from the outline.  The result is a 
   closed path, where the outside border is traversed
   cw and each hole is traversed ccw.  The svg renderer
   is assumed to handle these closed borders properly.]

   Each border is a closed path that is traversed in such
   a way that the stuff inside the c.c. is on the right
   side of the traveller.  The border of a singly-connected
   component is thus traversed cw, and the border of the
   holes inside a c.c. are traversed ccw.  Suppose we have
   a list of all the borders of each c.c., both the cw and ccw
   traversals.  How do we reconstruct the image?


   Method 1.  Topological method using connected components.
   We have closed borders composed of cw border pixels for the
   exterior of c.c. and ccw border pixels for the interior (holes)
   in the c.c. 
       (a) Initialize the destination to be OFF.  Then,
           in any order:
       (b) Fill the components within and including the cw borders,
           and sequentially XOR them onto the destination.
       (c) Fill the components within but not including the ccw
           borders and sequentially XOR them onto the destination.
   The components that are XOR'd together can be generated as follows:
       (a) For each closed cw path, use pixFillClosedBorders():
             (1) Turn on the path pixels in a subimage that
                 minimally supports the border.
             (2) Do a 4-connected fill from a seed of 1 pixel width
                 on the border, using the inverted image in (1) as
                 a filling mask.
             (3) Invert the fill result: this gives the component
                 including the exterior cw path, with all holes
       (b) For each closed ccw path (hole):
             (1) Turn on the path pixels in a subimage that minimally
                 supports the path.
             (2) Find a seed pixel on the inside of this path.
             (3) Do a 4-connected fill from this seed pixel, using
                 the inverted image of the path in (1) as a filling

   Method 2.  A variant of Method 1.  Topological.
   In Method 1, we treat the exterior border differently from
   the interior (hole) borders.  Here, all borders in a c.c.
   are treated equally:
       (1) Start with a pix with a 1 pixel OFF boundary
           enclosing all the border pixels of the c.c. 
           This is the filling mask.
       (2) Make a seed image of the same size as follows:  for
           each border, put one seed pixel OUTSIDE the border
           (where OUTSIDE is determined by the inside/outside
           convention for borders).
       (3) Seedfill into the seed image, filling in the regions
           determined by the filling mask.  The fills are clipped
           by the border pixels.
       (4) Inverting this, we get the c.c. properly filled,
           with the holes empty!
       (5) Rasterop using XOR the filled c.c. (but not the 1
           pixel boundary) into the full dest image.

   Method 2 is about 1.2x faster than Method 1 on text images,
   and about 2x faster on complex images (e.g., with halftones).


   Method 3.  The traditional way to fill components delineated
   by boundaries is through scan line conversion.  It's a bit
   tricky, and I have not yet tried to implement it.


   Method 4.  [Nota Bene: this method probably doesn't work, and
   won't be implemented.  If I get a more traditional scan line
   conversion algorithm working, I'll erase these notes.]
   Render all border pixels on a destination image,
   which will be the final result after scan conversion.  Assign
   a value 1 to pixels on cw paths, 2 to pixels on ccw paths,
   and 3 to pixels that are on both paths.  Each of the paths
   is an 8-connected component.  Now scan across each raster
   line.  The attempt is to make rules for each scan line
   that are independent of neighboring scanlines.  Here are
   a set of rules for writing ON pixels on a destination raster image:

       (a) The rasterizer will be in one of two states: ON and OFF.
       (b) Start each line in the OFF state.  In the OFF state,
           skip pixels until you hit a path of any type.  Turn
           the path pixel ON. 
       (c) If the state is ON, each pixel you encounter will
           be turned on, until and including hitting a path pixel.
       (d) When you hit a path pixel, if the path does NOT cut
           through the line, so that there is not an 8-cc path
           pixel (of any type) both above and below, the state
           is unchanged (it stays either ON or OFF).
       (e) If the path does cut through, but with a possible change
           of pixel type, then we decide whether or
           not to toggle the state based on the values of the
           path pixel and the path pixels above and below:
             (1) if a 1 path cuts through, toggle;
             (1) if a 2 path cuts through, toggle;
             (3) if a 3 path cuts through, do not toggle;
             (4) if on one side a 3 touches both a 1 and a 2, use the 2
             (5) if a 3 has any 1 neighbors, toggle; else if it has
                 no 1 neighbors, do not toggle;
             (6) if a 2 has any neighbors that are 1 or 3,
                 do not toggle
             (7) if a 1 has neighbors 1 and x (x = 2 or 3),

   To visualize how these rules work, consider the following
   component with border pixels labeled according to the scheme
   above.  We also show the values of the interior pixels
   (w=OFF, b=ON), but these of course must be inferred properly
   from the rules above:

                3  w  3             1  1  1
                1  2  1          1  b  2  b  1 
                1  b  1             3  w  2  1
                3  b  1          1  b  2  b  1
             3  w  3                1  1  1
             3  w  3                     
          1  b  2  b  1
          1  2  w  2  1
       1  b  2  w  2  b  1
          1  2  w  2  1
             1  2  b  1
             1  b  1

   Even if this works, which is unlikely, it will certainly be
   slow because decisions have to be made on a pixel-by-pixel
   basis when encountering borders.

Definition in file ccbord.c.

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG_PRINT   0

Definition at line 268 of file ccbord.c.

Function Documentation

CCBORDA* ccbaCreate ( PIX pixs,
l_int32  n 


Input: pixs (binary image; can be null) n (initial number of ptrs) Return: ccba, or null on error

Definition at line 284 of file ccbord.c.

References CALLOC, CCBorda::ccb, ERROR_PTR, CCBorda::h, INITIAL_PTR_ARRAYSIZE, CCBorda::n, CCBorda::nalloc, NULL, CCBorda::pix, pixClone(), pixGetHeight(), pixGetWidth(), PROCNAME, and CCBorda::w.

Referenced by ccbaReadStream(), and pixGetAllCCBorders().

void ccbaDestroy ( CCBORDA **  pccba)


Input: &ccba (<to be="" nulled>="">) Return: void

Definition at line 318 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBorda::ccb, ccbDestroy(), FREE, L_WARNING, CCBorda::n, NULL, CCBorda::pix, pixDestroy(), and PROCNAME.

Referenced by main().

CCBORD* ccbCreate ( PIX pixs)


Input: pixs (<optional>) Return: ccb or null on error

Definition at line 350 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaCreate(), CALLOC, ERROR_PTR, CCBord::local, NULL, CCBord::pix, pixClone(), pixGetDepth(), PROCNAME, ptaaCreate(), ptaCreate(), CCBord::refcount, and CCBord::start.

Referenced by ccbaReadStream(), pixGetCCBorders(), and pixGetOuterBorderPta().

l_int32 ccbaAddCcb ( CCBORDA ccba,


Input: ccba ccb (to be added by insertion) Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error

Definition at line 440 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBorda::ccb, ccbaExtendArray(), ccbaGetCount(), ERROR_INT, CCBorda::n, CCBorda::nalloc, and PROCNAME.

Referenced by ccbaReadStream(), and pixGetAllCCBorders().

l_int32 ccbaExtendArray ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error

Definition at line 468 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBorda::ccb, ERROR_INT, CCBorda::nalloc, NULL, PROCNAME, and reallocNew().

Referenced by ccbaAddCcb().

CCBORDA* pixGetAllCCBorders ( PIX pixs)


Input: pixs (1 bpp) Return: ccborda, or null on error

Definition at line 544 of file ccbord.c.

References boxaDestroy(), boxaGetCount(), boxDestroy(), ccbaAddCcb(), ccbaCreate(), ERROR_PTR, L_CLONE, NULL, pixaDestroy(), pixaGetBox(), pixaGetPix(), pixConnComp(), pixDestroy(), pixGetCCBorders(), pixGetDepth(), and PROCNAME.

Referenced by main().

CCBORD* pixGetCCBorders ( PIX pixs,
BOX box 


Input: pixs (1 bpp, one 8-connected component) box (xul, yul, width, height) in global coords Return: ccbord, or null on error

Notes: (1) We are finding the exterior and interior borders of an 8-connected component. This should be used on a pix that has exactly one 8-connected component. (2) Typically, pixs is a c.c. in some larger pix. The input box gives its location in global coordinates. This box is saved, as well as the boxes for the borders of any holes within the c.c., but the latter are given in relative coords within the c.c. (3) The calculations for the exterior border are done on a pix with a 1-pixel added border, but the saved pixel coordinates are the correct (relative) ones for the input pix (without a 1-pixel border) (4) For the definition of the three tables -- xpostab[], ypostab[] and qpostab[] -- see above where they are defined.

Definition at line 612 of file ccbord.c.

References boxaDestroy(), boxaGetBox(), boxaGetCount(), boxCreate(), boxDestroy(), boxPrintStreamInfo(), ccbCreate(), ERROR_PTR, Box::h, L_CLONE, L_WARNING, NULL, pixaDestroy(), pixaGetPix(), pixConnComp(), pixDestroy(), pixGetDepth(), pixGetHoleBorder(), pixGetOuterBorder(), pixGetPixel(), pixGetWidth(), pixHolesByFilling(), pixZero(), PROCNAME, Box::w, Box::x, and Box::y.

Referenced by pixGetAllCCBorders().

PTAA* pixGetOuterBordersPtaa ( PIX pixs)


Input: pixs (1 bpp) Return: ptaa (of outer borders, in global coords), or null on error

Definition at line 719 of file ccbord.c.

References boxaDestroy(), boxaGetBox(), boxaGetCount(), boxDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, L_CLONE, L_INSERT, NULL, pixaDestroy(), pixaGetPix(), pixConnComp(), pixDestroy(), pixGetDepth(), pixGetOuterBorderPta(), PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), and ptaaCreate().

Referenced by DoPageSegmentation(), and pixGetRegionsBinary().

PTA* pixGetOuterBorderPta ( PIX pixs,
BOX box 


Input: pixs (1 bpp, one 8-connected component) box (<optional> of pixs, in global coordinates) Return: pta (of outer border, in global coords), or null on error

Notes: (1) We are finding the exterior border of a single 8-connected component. (2) If box is NULL, the outline returned is in the local coords of the input pix. Otherwise, box is assumed to give the location of the pix in global coordinates, and the returned pta will be in those global coordinates.

Definition at line 777 of file ccbord.c.

References boxClone(), boxCreate(), boxDestroy(), boxGetGeometry(), ccbCreate(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, L_CLONE, CCBord::local, NULL, pixGetDepth(), pixGetHeight(), pixGetOuterBorder(), pixGetWidth(), pixZero(), PROCNAME, ptaaGetPta(), ptaClone(), ptaDestroy(), and ptaTransform().

Referenced by pixGetOuterBordersPtaa().

l_int32 pixGetOuterBorder ( CCBORD ccb,
PIX pixs,
BOX box 


Input: ccb (unfilled) pixs (for the component at hand) box (for the component, in global coords) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) the border is saved in relative coordinates within the c.c. (pixs). Because the calculation is done in pixb with added 1 pixel border, we must subtract 1 from each pixel value before storing it. (2) the stopping condition is that after the first pixel is returned to, the next pixel is the second pixel. Having these 2 pixels recur in sequence proves the path is closed, and we do not store the second pixel again.

Definition at line 849 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaAddBox(), ERROR_INT, findNextBorderPixel(), L_COPY, L_INSERT, CCBord::local, nextOnPixelInRaster(), NULL, pixAddBorder(), pixDestroy(), pixGetData(), pixGetHeight(), pixGetWidth(), pixGetWpl(), PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), ptaAddPt(), ptaCreate(), and CCBord::start.

Referenced by pixGetCCBorders(), and pixGetOuterBorderPta().

l_int32 pixGetHoleBorder ( CCBORD ccb,
PIX pixs,
BOX box,
l_int32  xs,
l_int32  ys 


Input: ccb (the exterior border is already made) pixs (for the connected component at hand) box (for the specific hole border, in relative coordinates to the c.c.) xs, ys (first pixel on hole border, relative to c.c.) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) we trace out hole border on pixs without addition of single pixel added border to pixs (2) therefore all coordinates are relative within the c.c. (pixs) (3) same position tables and stopping condition as for exterior borders

Definition at line 936 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaAddBox(), ERROR_INT, findNextBorderPixel(), L_COPY, L_INSERT, CCBord::local, NULL, pixGetData(), pixGetHeight(), pixGetWidth(), pixGetWpl(), PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), ptaAddPt(), ptaCreate(), and CCBord::start.

Referenced by pixGetCCBorders().

l_int32 findNextBorderPixel ( l_int32  w,
l_int32  h,
l_uint32 data,
l_int32  wpl,
l_int32  px,
l_int32  py,
l_int32 pqpos,
l_int32 pnpx,
l_int32 pnpy 


Input: w, h, data, wpl (px, py), (current P) &qpos (input current Q; <return> new Q) (&npx, &npy) (<return> new P) Return: 0 if next pixel found; 1 otherwise

Notes: (1) qpos increases clockwise from 0 to 7, with 0 at location with Q to left of P: Q P (2) this is a low-level function that does not check input parameters. All calling functions should check them.

Definition at line 1016 of file ccbord.c.

References GET_DATA_BIT, qpostab, xpostab, and ypostab.

Referenced by pixGetHoleBorder(), and pixGetOuterBorder().

void locateOutsideSeedPixel ( l_int32  fpx,
l_int32  fpy,
l_int32  spx,
l_int32  spy,
l_int32 pxs,
l_int32 pys 


Input: fpx, fpy (location of first pixel) spx, spy (location of second pixel) &xs, &xy (seed pixel to be returned)

Notes: (1) the first and second pixels must be 8-adjacent, so |dx| <= 1 and |dy| <= 1 and both dx and dy cannot be 0. There are 8 possible cases. (2) the seed pixel is OUTSIDE the foreground of the c.c. (3) these rules are for the situation where the INSIDE of the c.c. is on the right as you follow the border: cw for an exterior border and ccw for a hole border.

Definition at line 1065 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by ccbaDisplayImage1(), and ccbaDisplayImage2().

l_int32 ccbaGenerateGlobalLocs ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba (with local chain ptaa of borders computed) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Action: this uses the pixel locs in the local ptaa, which are all relative to each c.c., to find the global pixel locations, and stores them in the global ptaa.

Definition at line 1113 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBoxGeometry(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, CCBord::global, L_CLONE, L_INSERT, CCBord::local, NULL, PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), ptaaCreate(), ptaAddPt(), ptaaDestroy(), ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaCreate(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), and ptaGetIPt().

Referenced by main().

l_int32 ccbaGenerateStepChains ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba (with local chain ptaa of borders computed) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) This uses the pixel locs in the local ptaa, which are all relative to each c.c., to find the step directions for successive pixels in the chain, and stores them in the step numaa. (2) To get the step direction, use 1 2 3 0 P 4 7 6 5 where P is the previous pixel at (px, py). The step direction is the number (from 0 through 7) for each relative location of the current pixel at (cx, cy). It is easily found by indexing into a 2-d 3x3 array (dirtab).

Definition at line 1182 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, L_CLONE, L_INSERT, CCBord::local, NULL, numaaAddNuma(), numaaCreate(), numaAddNumber(), numaaDestroy(), numaCreate(), PROCNAME, ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), and CCBord::step.

Referenced by ccbaWriteStream(), and main().

l_int32 ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords ( CCBORDA ccba,
l_int32  coordtype 


Input: ccba (with step chains numaa of borders) coordtype (CCB_GLOBAL_COORDS or CCB_LOCAL_COORDS) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) This uses the step chain data in each ccb to determine the pixel locations, either global or local, and stores them in the appropriate ptaa, either global or local. For the latter, the pixel locations are relative to the c.c.

Definition at line 1254 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBoxGeometry(), CCB_GLOBAL_COORDS, CCB_LOCAL_COORDS, ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, CCBord::global, L_CLONE, L_INSERT, CCBord::local, NULL, numaaGetCount(), numaaGetNuma(), numaDestroy(), numaGetCount(), numaGetIValue(), PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), ptaaCreate(), ptaAddPt(), ptaaDestroy(), ptaCreate(), ptaGetIPt(), CCBord::start, CCBord::step, xpostab, and ypostab.

Referenced by main().

l_int32 ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs ( CCBORDA ccba,
l_int32  ptsflag 


Input: ccba ptsflag (CCB_SAVE_ALL_PTS or CCB_SAVE_TURNING_PTS) Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) This calculates the splocal rep if not yet made. (2) It uses the local pixel values in splocal, the single path pta, which are all relative to each c.c., to find the corresponding global pixel locations, and stores them in the spglobal pta. (3) This lists only the turning points: it both makes a valid svg file and is typically about half the size when all border points are listed.

Definition at line 1354 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBoxGeometry(), CCB_SAVE_ALL_PTS, ccbaGenerateSinglePath(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, NULL, PROCNAME, ptaAddPt(), ptaCreate(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), CCBord::spglobal, and CCBord::splocal.

Referenced by main().

l_int32 ccbaGenerateSinglePath ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Notes: (1) Generates a single border in local pixel coordinates. For each c.c., if there is just an outer border, copy it. If there are also hole borders, for each hole border, determine the smallest horizontal or vertical distance from the border to the outside of the c.c., and find a path through the c.c. for this cut. We do this in a way that guarantees a pixel from the hole border is the starting point of the path, and we must verify that the path intersects the outer border (if it intersects it, then it ends on it). One can imagine pathological cases, but they may not occur in images of text characters and un-textured line graphics. (2) Once it is verified that the path through the c.c. intersects both the hole and outer borders, we generate the full single path for all borders in the c.c. Starting at the start point on the outer border, when we hit a line on a cut, we take the cut, do the hold border, and return on the cut to the outer border. We compose a pta of the outer border pts that are on cut paths, and for every point on the outer border (as we go around), we check against this pta. When we find a matching point in the pta, we do its cut path and hole border. The single path is saved in the ccb.

Definition at line 1471 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBox(), boxDestroy(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, getCutPathForHole(), L_CLONE, L_FOUND, L_INSERT, L_NOT_FOUND, L_WARNING, L_WARNING_INT, CCBord::local, NMAX_HOLES, NULL, CCBord::pix, PROCNAME, ptaaAddPta(), ptaaCreate(), ptaAddPt(), ptaaDestroy(), ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaCreate(), ptaCyclicPerm(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), ptaJoin(), ptaReverse(), and CCBord::splocal.

Referenced by ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs(), and main().

PTA* getCutPathForHole ( PIX pix,
PTA pta,
BOX boxinner,
l_int32 pdir,
l_int32 plen 


Input: pix (of c.c.) pta (of outer border) boxinner (b.b. of hole path) &dir (direction (0-3), returned; only needed for debug) &len (length of path, returned) Return: pta of pts on cut path from the hole border to the outer border, including end points on both borders; or null on error

Notes: (1) If we don't find a path, we return a pta with no pts in it and len = 0. (2) The goal is to get a reasonably short path between the inner and outer borders, that goes entirely within the fg of the pix. This function is cheap-and-dirty, may fail for some holes in complex topologies such as those you might find in a moderately dark scanned halftone. If it fails to find a path to any particular hole, it gives a warning, and because that hole path is not included, the hole will not be rendered.

Definition at line 1633 of file ccbord.c.

References ERROR_PTR, Box::h, NULL, pixGetHeight(), pixGetPixel(), pixGetWidth(), PROCNAME, ptaAddPt(), ptaContainsPt(), ptaCreate(), ptaEmpty(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), Box::w, Box::x, and Box::y.

Referenced by ccbaGenerateSinglePath().

PIX* ccbaDisplayBorder ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba Return: pix of border pixels, or null on error

Notes: (1) Uses global ptaa, which gives each border pixel in global coordinates, and must be computed in advance by calling ccbaGenerateGlobalLocs().

Definition at line 1779 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, CCBord::global, CCBorda::h, L_CLONE, L_WARNING, NULL, pixCreate(), pixSetPixel(), PROCNAME, ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), and CCBorda::w.

Referenced by main().

PIX* ccbaDisplaySPBorder ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccba Return: pix of border pixels, or null on error

Notes: (1) Uses spglobal pta, which gives each border pixel in global coordinates, one path per c.c., and must be computed in advance by calling ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs().

Definition at line 1830 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, CCBorda::h, L_WARNING, NULL, pixCreate(), pixSetPixel(), PROCNAME, ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), CCBord::spglobal, and CCBorda::w.

Referenced by main().

PIX* ccbaDisplayImage1 ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccborda Return: pix of image, or null on error

Notes: (1) Uses local ptaa, which gives each border pixel in local coordinates, so the actual pixel positions must be computed using all offsets. (2) For the holes, use coordinates relative to the c.c. (3) This is slower than Method 2. (4) This uses topological properties (Method 1) to do scan conversion to raster

This algorithm deserves some commentary.

I first tried the following:

  • outer borders: 4-fill from outside, stopping at the border, using pixFillClosedBorders()
  • inner borders: 4-fill from outside, stopping again at the border, XOR with the border, and invert to get the hole. This did not work, because if you have a hole border that looks like:

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x

if you 4-fill from the outside, the pixel 'o' will not be filled! XORing with the border leaves it OFF. Inverting then gives a single bad ON pixel that is not actually part of the hole.

So what you must do instead is 4-fill the holes from inside. You can do this from a seedfill, using a pix with the hole border as the filling mask. But you need to start with a pixel inside the hole. How is this determined? The best way is from the contour. We have a right-hand shoulder rule for inside (i.e., the filled region). Take the first 2 pixels of the hole border, and compute dx and dy (second coord minus first coord: dx = sx - fx, dy = sy - fy). There are 8 possibilities, depending on the values of dx and dy (which can each be -1, 0, and +1, but not both 0). These 8 cases can be broken into 4; see the simple algorithm below. Once you have an interior seed pixel, you fill from the seed, clipping with the hole border pix by filling into its invert.

You then successively XOR these interior filled components, in any order.

Definition at line 1918 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBox(), boxDestroy(), boxGetGeometry(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, CCBorda::h, L_CLONE, L_WARNING, CCBord::local, locateOutsideSeedPixel(), NULL, PIX_XOR, pixCreate(), pixCreateTemplate(), pixDestroy(), pixFillClosedBorders(), pixInvert(), pixRasterop(), pixSeedfillBinary(), pixSetPixel(), PROCNAME, ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), and CCBorda::w.

PIX* ccbaDisplayImage2 ( CCBORDA ccba)


Input: ccborda Return: pix of image, or null on error

Notes: (1) Uses local chain ptaa, which gives each border pixel in local coordinates, so the actual pixel positions must be computed using all offsets. (2) Treats exterior and hole borders on equivalent footing, and does all calculations on a pix that spans the c.c. with a 1 pixel added boundary. (3) This uses topological properties (Method 2) to do scan conversion to raster (4) The algorithm is described at the top of this file (Method 2). It is preferred to Method 1 because it is between 1.2x and 2x faster than Method 1.

Definition at line 2036 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBoxGeometry(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, CCBorda::h, L_CLONE, L_WARNING, CCBord::local, locateOutsideSeedPixel(), NULL, PIX_XOR, pixCreate(), pixCreateTemplate(), pixDestroy(), pixInvert(), pixRasterop(), pixSeedfillBinary(), pixSetPixel(), PROCNAME, ptaaGetCount(), ptaaGetPta(), ptaDestroy(), ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), and CCBorda::w.

Referenced by main().

l_int32 ccbaWrite ( const char *  filename,


Input: filename ccba Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Definition at line 2131 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaWriteStream(), ERROR_INT, fopenWriteStream(), NULL, and PROCNAME.

Referenced by main().

l_int32 ccbaWriteStream ( FILE *  fp,


Input: stream ccba Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error

Format: ccba: 7d cc
(num. c.c.) (ascii) (18B) pix width (4B) pix height (4B) [for i = 1, ncc] ulx (4B) uly (4B) w (4B) -- not req'd for reconstruction h (4B) -- not req'd for reconstruction number of borders (4B) [for j = 1, nb] startx (4B) starty (4B) [for k = 1, nb] 2 steps (1B) end in z8 or 88 (1B)

Definition at line 2180 of file ccbord.c.

References bbufferCreate(), bbufferDestroyAndSaveData(), bbufferRead(), CCBord::boxa, boxaGetBoxGeometry(), ccbaGenerateStepChains(), ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_INT, FREE, L_CLONE, NULL, numaaGetCount(), numaaGetNuma(), numaDestroy(), numaGetCount(), numaGetIValue(), CCBorda::pix, pixGetHeight(), pixGetWidth(), PROCNAME, ptaGetIPt(), CCBord::start, CCBord::step, and zlibCompress().

Referenced by ccbaWrite().

CCBORDA* ccbaRead ( const char *  filename)


Input: filename Return: ccba, or null on error

Definition at line 2280 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaReadStream(), ERROR_PTR, fopenReadStream(), NULL, and PROCNAME.

Referenced by main().

CCBORDA* ccbaReadStream ( FILE *  fp)


Input: stream Return: ccba, or null on error

Format: ccba: 7d cc
(num. c.c.) (ascii) (17B) pix width (4B) pix height (4B) [for i = 1, ncc] ulx (4B) uly (4B) w (4B) -- not req'd for reconstruction h (4B) -- not req'd for reconstruction number of borders (4B) [for j = 1, nb] startx (4B) starty (4B) [for k = 1, nb] 2 steps (1B) end in z8 or 88 (1B)

Definition at line 2324 of file ccbord.c.

References CCBord::boxa, boxaAddBox(), boxCreate(), ccbaAddCcb(), ccbaCreate(), ccbCreate(), ERROR_PTR, FREE, CCBorda::h, l_binaryReadStream(), L_INSERT, NULL, numaaAddNuma(), numaaCreate(), numaAddNumber(), numaCreate(), PROCNAME, ptaAddPt(), CCBord::start, CCBord::step, CCBorda::w, and zlibUncompress().

Referenced by ccbaRead().

l_int32 ccbaWriteSVG ( const char *  filename,


Input: filename ccba Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

Definition at line 2446 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaWriteSVGString(), ERROR_INT, FREE, l_binaryWrite(), NULL, and PROCNAME.

Referenced by main().

char* ccbaWriteSVGString ( const char *  filename,


Input: filename ccba Return: string in svg-formatted, that can be written to file, or null on error.

Definition at line 2477 of file ccbord.c.

References ccbaGetCcb(), ccbaGetCount(), ccbDestroy(), ERROR_PTR, NULL, PROCNAME, ptaGetCount(), ptaGetIPt(), sarrayAddString(), sarrayCreate(), sarrayDestroy(), sarrayToString(), and CCBord::spglobal.

Referenced by ccbaWriteSVG().

Variable Documentation

const l_int32 INITIAL_PTR_ARRAYSIZE = 20 [static]

Definition at line 244 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by ccbaCreate().

const l_int32 NMAX_HOLES = 150 [static]

Definition at line 248 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by ccbaGenerateSinglePath().

const l_int32 xpostab[] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1} [static]

Definition at line 262 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords(), and findNextBorderPixel().

const l_int32 ypostab[] = {0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1} [static]

Definition at line 263 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords(), and findNextBorderPixel().

const l_int32 qpostab[] = {6, 6, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4} [static]

Definition at line 264 of file ccbord.c.

Referenced by findNextBorderPixel().

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