Category | # |
Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | 9 |
Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | 104 |
Basic Pix Array Functions | 90 |
Basic Pix Functions | 192 |
Basic image operations | 102 |
Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | 83 |
Connected Components in Binary Images | 47 |
Float-Valued Images | 76 |
Formatted I/O | 175 |
Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | 350 |
Image Morphology | 135 |
Image Operations with Filling | 32 |
Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | 145 |
Image Scaling | 83 |
Line Graphics and Special Output | 45 |
Low-Level Pixel Access | 21 |
Maze | 4 |
Miscellaneous Utilities | 104 |
Other Geometric Image Transforms | 104 |
Specialized Document Image Processing | 117 |
Specialized Image Filters | 28 |
21 Categories | 2046 |
Filename | Category | Function | Return Type | Arguments |
2046 of 2046 rows match filter(s) | ||||
<<Previous | Page of | Next>> | ||
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | absDifferenceLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas1, l_uint32 *datas2, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | accumulateLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 op |
paintcmap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | addColorizedGrayToCmap | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 type, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, NUMA **pna |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | addConstantGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 val |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | addGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | adjacentOnPixelInRaster | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 *pxa, l_int32 *pya |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | affineInvertXform | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_float32 **pvci |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | affineXformPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pxp, l_float32 *pyp |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | affineXformSampledPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 *pxp, l_int32 *pyp |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | applyCubicFit | l_int32 | l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 d, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | applyLinearFit | l_int32 | l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | applyQuadraticFit | l_int32 | l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | applyQuarticFit | l_int32 | l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 d, l_float32 e, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | arrayFindEachSequence | NUMA * | const l_uint8 *data, l_int32 datalen, const l_uint8 *sequence, l_int32 seqlen |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | arrayFindSequence | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *data, l_int32 datalen, const l_uint8 *sequence, l_int32 seqlen, l_int32 *poffset, l_int32 *pfound |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | arrayRead | l_uint8 * | const char *fname, l_int32 *pnbytes |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | arrayReadStream | l_uint8 * | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pnbytes |
bardecode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | barcodeDispatchDecoder | char * | char *barstr, l_int32 format, l_int32 debugflag |
bardecode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | barcodeFormatIsSupported | l_int32 | l_int32 format |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferBytesToWrite | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, size_t *pnbytes |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferCreate | BBUFFER * | l_uint8 *indata, l_int32 nalloc |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferDestroy | void | BBUFFER **pbb |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferDestroyAndSaveData | l_uint8 * | BBUFFER **pbb, size_t *pnbytes |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferExtendArray | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, l_int32 nbytes |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferRead | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, l_uint8 *src, l_int32 nbytes |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferReadStream | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, FILE *fp, l_int32 nbytes |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferWrite | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, l_uint8 *dest, size_t nbytes, size_t *pnout |
bbuffer.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | bbufferWriteStream | l_int32 | BBUFFER *bb, FILE *fp, size_t nbytes, size_t *pnout |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | bilinearXformPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pxp, l_float32 *pyp |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | bilinearXformSampledPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 *pxp, l_int32 *pyp |
convolvelow.c | Basic image operations | blockconvAccumLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls |
convolvelow.c | Basic image operations | blockconvLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpl, l_uint32 *dataa, l_int32 wpla, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolvelow.c | Basic image operations | blocksumLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpl, l_uint32 *dataa, l_int32 wpla, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfCreate | L_BMF * | const char *dir, l_int32 size |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfDestroy | void | L_BMF **pbmf |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetBaseline | l_int32 | L_BMF *bmf, char chr, l_int32 *pbaseline |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetLineStrings | SARRAY * | L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_int32 maxw, l_int32 firstindent, l_int32 *ph |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetPix | PIX * | L_BMF *bmf, char chr |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetStringWidth | l_int32 | L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_int32 *pw |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetWidth | l_int32 | L_BMF *bmf, char chr, l_int32 *pw |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | bmfGetWordWidths | NUMA * | L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, SARRAY *sa |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxAdjustSides | BOX * | BOX *boxd, BOX *boxs, l_int32 delleft, l_int32 delright, l_int32 deltop, l_int32 delbot |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxBoundingRegion | BOX * | BOX *box1, BOX *box2 |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxChangeRefcount | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_int32 delta |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxClipToRectangle | BOX * | BOX *box, l_int32 wi, l_int32 hi |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxClone | BOX * | BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxContains | l_int32 | BOX *box1, BOX *box2, l_int32 *presult |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxContainsPt | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_float32 x, l_float32 y, l_int32 *pcontains |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxCopy | BOX * | BOX *box |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxCreate | BOX * | l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxCreateValid | BOX * | l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxDestroy | void | BOX **pbox |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxEqual | l_int32 | BOX *box1, BOX *box2, l_int32 *psame |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxGetCenter | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_float32 *pcx, l_float32 *pcy |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxGetGeometry | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxGetRefcount | l_int32 | BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxIntersectByLine | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 slope, l_int32 *px1, l_int32 *py1, l_int32 *px2, l_int32 *py2, l_int32 *pn |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxIntersects | l_int32 | BOX *box1, BOX *box2, l_int32 *presult |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxOverlapFraction | l_int32 | BOX *box1, BOX *box2, l_float32 *pfract |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxOverlapRegion | BOX * | BOX *box1, BOX *box2 |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxPrintStreamInfo | l_int32 | FILE *fp, BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxRelocateOneSide | BOX * | BOX *boxd, BOX *boxs, l_int32 loc, l_int32 sideflag |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxRotateOrth | BOX * | BOX *box, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 rotation |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxSetGeometry | l_int32 | BOX *box, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxTransform | BOX * | BOX *box, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxTransformOrdered | BOX * | BOX *boxs, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 order |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaAddBox | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, BOX *box, l_int32 copyflag |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | boxaAffineTransform | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_float32 *mat |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaBinSort | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 sorttype, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnaindex |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaClear | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaClipToBox | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaCombineOverlaps | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaContainedInBox | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaConvertToPta | PTA * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 ncorners |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaCopy | BOXA * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 copyflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaCreate | BOXA * | l_int32 n |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaDestroy | void | BOXA **pboxa |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaEqual | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa1, BOXA *boxa2, l_int32 maxdist, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 *psame |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaExtendArray | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaExtendArrayToSize | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 size |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | boxaExtractSortedPattern | NUMAA * | BOXA *boxa, NUMA *na |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetBox | BOX * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetBoxGeometry | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetCount | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetCoverage | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 exactflag, l_float32 *pfract |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetExtent | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, BOX **pbox |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetMedian | BOX * | BOXA *boxa |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetNearestToPt | BOX * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetRankSize | BOX * | BOXA *boxa, l_float32 fract |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetValidBox | BOX * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaGetValidCount | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa |
partition.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | boxaGetWhiteblocks | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, BOX *box, l_int32 sortflag, l_int32 maxboxes, l_float32 maxoverlap, l_int32 maxperim, l_float32 fract, l_int32 maxpops |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaInitFull | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, BOX *box |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaInsertBox | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index, BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaIntersectsBox | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, BOX *box |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaJoin | l_int32 | BOXA *boxad, BOXA *boxas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaLocationRange | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pminx, l_int32 *pminy, l_int32 *pmaxx, l_int32 *pmaxy |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaMakeSizeIndicator | NUMA * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaPermutePseudorandom | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaPermuteRandom | BOXA * | BOXA *boxad, BOXA *boxas |
partition.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | boxaPruneSortedOnOverlap | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_float32 maxoverlap |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaRead | BOXA * | const char *filename |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaReadStream | BOXA * | FILE *fp |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaRemoveBox | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaReplaceBox | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 index, BOX *box |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | boxaRotate | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_float32 xc, l_float32 yc, l_float32 angle |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaRotateOrth | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 rotation |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | boxaScale | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSelectBySize | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation, l_int32 *pchanged |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSelectWithIndicator | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, NUMA *na, l_int32 *pchanged |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSizeRange | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pminw, l_int32 *pminh, l_int32 *pmaxw, l_int32 *pmaxh |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSort | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 sorttype, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnaindex |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSort2d | BOXAA * | BOXA *boxas, NUMAA **pnaad, l_int32 delta1, l_int32 delta2, l_int32 minh1 |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSort2dByIndex | BOXAA * | BOXA *boxas, NUMAA *naa |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSortByIndex | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, NUMA *naindex |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaSwapBoxes | l_int32 | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 i, l_int32 j |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaTransform | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaTransformOrdered | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 order |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | boxaTranslate | BOXA * | BOXA *boxas, l_float32 transx, l_float32 transy |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, BOXA *boxa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, BOXA *boxa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaAddBox | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, l_int32 index, BOX *box, l_int32 accessflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaAddBoxa | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, BOXA *ba, l_int32 copyflag |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaAlignBox | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, BOX *box, l_int32 delta, l_int32 *pindex |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaCopy | BOXAA * | BOXAA *baas, l_int32 copyflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaCreate | BOXAA * | l_int32 n |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaDestroy | void | BOXAA **pbaa |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaDisplay | PIX * | BOXAA *boxaa, l_int32 linewba, l_int32 linewb, l_uint32 colorba, l_uint32 colorb, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaExtendArray | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaFlattenToBoxa | BOXA * | BOXAA *baa, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 copyflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaGetBoxCount | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaGetBoxa | BOXA * | BOXAA *baa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaGetCount | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa |
boxfunc2.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaGetExtent | l_int32 | BOXAA *boxaa, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, BOX **pbox |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaInsertBoxa | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, l_int32 index, BOXA *boxa |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | boxaaQuadtreeRegions | BOXAA * | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 nlevels |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaRead | BOXAA * | const char *filename |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaReadStream | BOXAA * | FILE *fp |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaRemoveBoxa | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, l_int32 index |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaReplaceBoxa | l_int32 | BOXAA *baa, l_int32 index, BOXA *boxa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, BOXAA *baa |
boxbasic.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | boxaaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, BOXAA *baa |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbCreate | CCBORD * | PIX *pixs |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbDestroy | void | CCBORD **pccb |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaAddCcb | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba, CCBORD *ccb |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaCreate | CCBORDA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 n |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaDestroy | void | CCBORDA **pccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaDisplayBorder | PIX * | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaDisplayImage1 | PIX * | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaDisplayImage2 | PIX * | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaDisplaySPBorder | PIX * | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaExtendArray | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGenerateGlobalLocs | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGenerateSPGlobalLocs | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 ptsflag |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGenerateSinglePath | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGenerateStepChains | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGetCcb | CCBORD * | CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 index |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaGetCount | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaRead | CCBORDA * | const char *filename |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaReadStream | CCBORDA * | FILE *fp |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaStepChainsToPixCoords | l_int32 | CCBORDA *ccba, l_int32 coordtype |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaWriteSVG | l_int32 | const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaWriteSVGString | char * | const char *filename, CCBORDA *ccba |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | ccbaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, CCBORDA *ccba |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | composeRGBPixel | l_int32 | l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_uint32 *ppixel |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | compressed_dataDestroy | void | L_COMPRESSED_DATA **pcid |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | concatenatePdf | l_int32 | const char *dirname, const char *substr, const char *fileout |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | concatenatePdfToData | l_int32 | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertByteToHexAscii | void | l_uint8 byteval, char *pnib1, char *pnib2 |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | convertFilesFittedToPS | l_int32 | const char *dirin, const char *substr, l_float32 xpts, l_float32 ypts, const char *fileout |
convertfiles.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | convertFilesTo1bpp | l_int32 | const char *dirin, const char *substr, l_int32 upscaling, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 firstpage, l_int32 npages, const char *dirout, l_int32 outformat |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | convertFilesToPS | l_int32 | const char *dirin, const char *substr, l_int32 res, const char *fileout |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertFilesToPdf | l_int32 | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_int32 res, l_float32 scalefactor, l_int32 quality, const char *title, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertFlateToPS | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *operation, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertFlateToPSEmbed | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertFlateToPSString | l_int32 | const char *filein, char **poutstr, l_int32 *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertG4ToPS | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *operation, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 maskflag, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertG4ToPSEmbed | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertG4ToPSString | l_int32 | const char *filein, char **poutstr, l_int32 *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 maskflag, l_int32 endpage |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | convertHSVToRGB | l_int32 | l_int32 hval, l_int32 sval, l_int32 vval, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertImageDataToPdf | l_int32 | l_uint8 *imdata, size_t size, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, const char *fileout, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertImageDataToPdfData | l_int32 | l_uint8 *imdata, size_t size, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertJpegToPS | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *operation, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertJpegToPSEmbed | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertJpegToPSString | l_int32 | const char *filein, char **poutstr, l_int32 *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | convertOnBigEnd16 | l_uint16 | l_uint16 shortin |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | convertOnBigEnd32 | l_uint32 | l_uint32 wordin |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | convertOnLittleEnd16 | l_uint16 | l_uint16 shortin |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | convertOnLittleEnd32 | l_uint32 | l_uint32 wordin |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | convertRGBToHSV | l_int32 | l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *phval, l_int32 *psval, l_int32 *pvval |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | convertRGBToYUV | l_int32 | l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pyval, l_int32 *puval, l_int32 *pvval |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertSegmentedFilesToPdf | l_int32 | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_int32 res, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, BOXAA *baa, l_int32 quality, l_float32 scalefactor, const char *title, const char *fileout |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | convertSegmentedPagesToPS | l_int32 | const char *pagedir, const char *pagestr, const char *maskdir, const char *maskstr, l_int32 numpre, l_int32 numpost, l_int32 maxnum, l_float32 textscale, l_float32 imagescale, l_int32 threshold, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | convertTiffMultipageToPS | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, const char *tempfile, l_float32 fillfract |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | convertToPSEmbed | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, l_int32 level |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertToPdf | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, const char *fileout, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertToPdfData | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertToPdfDataSegmented | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_int32 res, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 quality, l_float32 scalefactor, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | convertToPdfSegmented | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_int32 res, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 quality, l_float32 scalefactor, const char *fileout |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | convertYUVToRGB | l_int32 | l_int32 yval, l_int32 uval, l_int32 vval, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | create2dFloatArray | l_float32 ** | l_int32 sy, l_int32 sx |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | create2dIntArray | l_int32 ** | l_int32 sy, l_int32 sx |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | createMatrix2dRotate | l_float32 * | l_float32 xc, l_float32 yc, l_float32 angle |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | createMatrix2dScale | l_float32 * | l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | createMatrix2dTranslate | l_float32 * | l_float32 transx, l_float32 transy |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | decodeAscii85 | l_uint8 * | char *ina, l_int32 insize, l_int32 *poutsize |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpApplyDisparity | l_int32 | L_DEWARP *dew, PIX *pixs, l_int32 debugflag |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpBuildModel | l_int32 | L_DEWARP *dew, l_int32 debugflag |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpCreate | L_DEWARP * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 sampling, l_int32 minlines, l_int32 applyhoriz |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpDestroy | void | L_DEWARP **pdew |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpMinimize | l_int32 | L_DEWARP *dew |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpPopulateFullRes | l_int32 | L_DEWARP *dew |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpRead | L_DEWARP * | const char *filename |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpReadStream | L_DEWARP * | FILE *fp |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, L_DEWARP *dew |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | dewarpWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_DEWARP *dew |
graymorphlow.c | Image Morphology | dilateGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 size, l_int32 direction, l_uint8 *buffer, l_uint8 *maxarray |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | displayHSVColorRange | PIX * | l_int32 hval, l_int32 sval, l_int32 vval, l_int32 huehw, l_int32 sathw, l_int32 nsamp, l_int32 factor |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | distanceFunctionLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_int32 connectivity |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherTo2bppLineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14, l_int32 lastlineflag |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherTo2bppLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14 |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherToBinaryLUTLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14 |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherToBinaryLineLUTLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 *tabval, l_int32 *tab38, l_int32 *tab14, l_int32 lastlineflag |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherToBinaryLineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip, l_int32 lastlineflag |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | ditherToBinaryLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *bufs1, l_uint32 *bufs2, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixChangeRefcount | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 delta |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixClone | DPIX * | DPIX *dpix |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixConvertToFPix | FPIX * | DPIX *dpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixCopy | DPIX * | DPIX *dpixd, DPIX *dpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixCopyResolution | l_int32 | DPIX *dpixd, DPIX *dpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixCreate | DPIX * | l_int32 width, l_int32 height |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixCreateTemplate | DPIX * | DPIX *dpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixDestroy | void | DPIX **pdpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixEndianByteSwap | DPIX * | DPIX *dpixd, DPIX *dpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetData | l_float64 * | DPIX *dpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetDimensions | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetPixel | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float64 *pval |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetRefcount | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetResolution | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixGetWpl | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixRead | DPIX * | const char *filename |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixReadStream | DPIX * | FILE *fp |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixResizeImageData | l_int32 | DPIX *dpixd, DPIX *dpixs |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixScaleByInteger | DPIX * | DPIX *dpixs, l_int32 factor |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixSetData | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_float64 *data |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixSetDimensions | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixSetPixel | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float64 val |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixSetResolution | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 xres, l_int32 yres |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixSetWpl | l_int32 | DPIX *dpix, l_int32 wpl |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, DPIX *dpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | dpixWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, DPIX *dpix |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | encodeAscii85 | char * | l_uint8 *inarray, l_int32 insize, l_int32 *poutsize |
graymorphlow.c | Image Morphology | erodeGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 size, l_int32 direction, l_uint8 *buffer, l_uint8 *minarray |
binexpandlow.c | Image Scaling | expandBinaryPower2Low | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 factor |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | extractG4DataFromFile | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pminisblack |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | extractJpegDataFromArray | l_int32 | const void *data, size_t nbytes, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | extractJpegDataFromFile | l_int32 | const char *filein, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | extractMinMaxComponent | l_int32 | l_uint32 pixel, l_int32 type |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | extractNumberFromFilename | l_int32 | const char *fname, l_int32 numpre, l_int32 numpost |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | extractRGBValues | void | l_uint32 pixel, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | fgetJpegResolution | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | fgetPngResolution | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
fhmtauto.c | Image Morphology | fhmtautogen | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fhmtauto.c | Image Morphology | fhmtautogen1 | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fhmtauto.c | Image Morphology | fhmtautogen2 | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fhmtgenlow.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | fhmtgen_low_1 | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 index |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fileAppendString | l_int32 | const char *filename, const char *str |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fileConcatenate | l_int32 | const char *srcfile, const char *destfile |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fileCopy | l_int32 | const char *srcfile, const char *newfile |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | fileFormatIsTiff | l_int32 | FILE *fp |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | filesAreIdentical | l_int32 | const char *fname1, const char *fname2, l_int32 *psame |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | finalAccumulateLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 offset |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | finalAccumulateThreshLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 offset, l_uint32 threshold |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | findFileFormat | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pformat |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | findFileFormatBuffer | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *buf, l_int32 *pformat |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | findFileFormatStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pformat |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | findNextBorderPixel | l_int32 | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_uint32 *data, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 px, l_int32 py, l_int32 *pqpos, l_int32 *pnpx, l_int32 *pnpy |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | findTiffCompression | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pcomptype |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | flipLRLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpl, l_uint8 *tab, l_uint32 *buffer |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | flipTBLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpl, l_uint32 *buffer |
fmorphauto.c | Image Morphology | fmorphautogen | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fmorphauto.c | Image Morphology | fmorphautogen1 | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fmorphauto.c | Image Morphology | fmorphautogen2 | l_int32 | SELA *sela, l_int32 fileindex, const char *filename |
fmorphgenlow.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | fmorphopgen_low_1 | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 index |
dwacomblow.2.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | fmorphopgen_low_2 | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 index |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fnbytesInFile | size_t | FILE *fp |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fopenReadStream | FILE * | const char *filename |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | fopenWriteStream | FILE * | const char *filename, const char *modestring |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixAddBorder | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixAddMirroredBorder | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixAddMultConstant | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_float32 addc, l_float32 multc |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | fpixBuildHorizontalDisparity | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixv, l_float32 factor, l_int32 *pextraw |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixChangeRefcount | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 delta |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixClone | FPIX * | FPIX *fpix |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixConvertToDPix | DPIX * | FPIX *fpix |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixConvertToPix | PIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 negvals, l_int32 errorflag |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | fpixConvolve | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 normflag |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | fpixConvolveSep | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely, l_int32 normflag |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixCopy | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixd, FPIX *fpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixCopyResolution | l_int32 | FPIX *fpixd, FPIX *fpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixCreate | FPIX * | l_int32 width, l_int32 height |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixCreateTemplate | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixDestroy | void | FPIX **pfpix |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixDisplayMaxDynamicRange | PIX * | FPIX *fpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixEndianByteSwap | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixd, FPIX *fpixs |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetData | l_float32 * | FPIX *fpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetDimensions | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetMax | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_float32 *pmaxval, l_int32 *pxmaxloc, l_int32 *pymaxloc |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetMin | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_float32 *pminval, l_int32 *pxminloc, l_int32 *pyminloc |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetPixel | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pval |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetRefcount | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetResolution | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixGetWpl | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixLinearCombination | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixd, FPIX *fpixs1, FPIX *fpixs2, l_float32 a, l_float32 b |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixPrintStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, FPIX *fpix, l_int32 factor |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixRasterop | l_int32 | FPIX *fpixd, l_int32 dx, l_int32 dy, l_int32 dw, l_int32 dh, FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixRead | FPIX * | const char *filename |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixReadStream | FPIX * | FILE *fp |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixRemoveBorder | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | fpixRenderContours | PIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_float32 startval, l_float32 incr, l_float32 proxim |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixResizeImageData | l_int32 | FPIX *fpixd, FPIX *fpixs |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | fpixSampledDisparity | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 sampling |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixScaleByInteger | FPIX * | FPIX *fpixs, l_int32 factor |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixSetData | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_float32 *data |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixSetDimensions | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixSetPixel | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 val |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixSetResolution | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 xres, l_int32 yres |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixSetWpl | l_int32 | FPIX *fpix, l_int32 wpl |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, FPIX *fpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, FPIX *fpix |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaAddFPix | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, FPIX *fpix, l_int32 copyflag |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaChangeRefcount | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 delta |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaCopy | FPIXA * | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 copyflag |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaCreate | FPIXA * | l_int32 n |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaDestroy | void | FPIXA **pfpixa |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | fpixaDisplayQuadtree | PIX * | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 factor |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaExtendArray | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaExtendArrayToSize | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 size |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaGetCount | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaGetFPix | FPIX * | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accesstype |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaGetFPixDimensions | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaGetPixel | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pval |
fpix1.c | Float-Valued Images | fpixaSetPixel | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 val |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | fprintTiffInfo | l_int32 | FILE *fpout, const char *tiffile |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | freadHeaderJpeg | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pycck, l_int32 *pcmyk |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | freadHeaderPng | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | freadHeaderPnm | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX **ppix, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pdepth, l_int32 *ptype, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | freadHeaderSpix | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | freadHeaderTiff | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 n, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pres, l_int32 *pcmap, l_int32 *pformat |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | gaussjordan | l_int32 | l_float32 **a, l_float32 *b, l_int32 n |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | genPathname | char * | const char *dir, const char *fname |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | genRandomIntegerInRange | l_int32 | l_int32 range, l_int32 seed, l_int32 *pval |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | genTempFilename | char * | const char *dir, const char *tail, l_int32 usetime, l_int32 usepid |
maze.c | Maze | generateBinaryMaze | PIX * | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 xi, l_int32 yi, l_float32 wallps, l_float32 ranis |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | generateFlatePS | char * | const char *filein, L_COMPRESSED_DATA *cid, l_float32 xpt, l_float32 ypt, l_float32 wpt, l_float32 hpt, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | generateG4PS | char * | const char *filein, L_COMPRESSED_DATA *cid, l_float32 xpt, l_float32 ypt, l_float32 wpt, l_float32 hpt, l_int32 maskflag, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | generateJpegPS | char * | const char *filein, L_COMPRESSED_DATA *cid, l_float32 xpt, l_float32 ypt, l_float32 wpt, l_float32 hpt, l_int32 pageno, l_int32 endpage |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaBox | PTA * | BOX *box, l_int32 width |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaBoxa | PTA * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_int32 removedups |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaFilledCircle | PTA * | l_int32 radius |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaHashBox | PTA * | BOX *box, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 width, l_int32 orient, l_int32 outline |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaLine | PTA * | l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2 |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaLineFromPt | PTA * | l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float64 length, l_float64 radang |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaPolyline | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 width, l_int32 closeflag, l_int32 removedups |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaWideLine | PTA * | l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 width |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaaBoxa | PTAA * | BOXA *boxa |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | generatePtaaHashBoxa | PTAA * | BOXA *boxa, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 width, l_int32 orient, l_int32 outline |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | generateUncompressedPS | char * | char *hexdata, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 psbpl, l_int32 bps, l_float32 xpt, l_float32 ypt, l_float32 wpt, l_float32 hpt, l_int32 boxflag |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | getAffineXformCoeffs | l_int32 | PTA *ptas, PTA *ptad, l_float32 **pvc |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | getBilinearXformCoeffs | l_int32 | PTA *ptas, PTA *ptad, l_float32 **pvc |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | getCompositeParameters | l_int32 | l_int32 size, l_int32 *psize1, l_int32 *psize2, char **pnameh1, char **pnameh2, char **pnamev1, char **pnamev2 |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | getCutPathForHole | PTA * | PIX *pix, PTA *pta, BOX *boxinner, l_int32 *pdir, l_int32 *plen |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | getExtendedCompositeParameters | l_int32 | l_int32 size, l_int32 *pn, l_int32 *pextra, l_int32 *pactualsize |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | getFilenamesInDirectory | SARRAY * | const char *dirname |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | getFormatExtension | const char * | l_int32 format |
libversions.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | getImagelibVersions | char * | |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | getImpliedFileFormat | l_int32 | const char *filename |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | getLeptonicaVersion | char * | |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | getLogBase2 | l_float32 | l_int32 val, l_float32 *logtab |
morph.c | Image Morphology | getMorphBorderPixelColor | l_uint32 | l_int32 type, l_int32 depth |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | getNumberedPathnamesInDirectory | SARRAY * | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_int32 numpre, l_int32 numpost, l_int32 maxnum |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | getOctcubeIndexFromRGB | void | l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_uint32 *rtab, l_uint32 *gtab, l_uint32 *btab, l_uint32 *pindex |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | getProjectiveXformCoeffs | l_int32 | PTA *ptas, PTA *ptad, l_float32 **pvc |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | getResA4Page | l_int32 | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 fillfract |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | getResLetterPage | l_int32 | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 fillfract |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | getScaledParametersPS | void | BOX *box, l_int32 wpix, l_int32 hpix, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale, l_float32 *pxpt, l_float32 *pypt, l_float32 *pwpt, l_float32 *phpt |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | getSortedPathnamesInDirectory | SARRAY * | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_int32 firstpage, l_int32 npages |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | getTiffResolution | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotAddPlot | l_int32 | GPLOT *gplot, NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 plotstyle, const char *plottitle |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotCreate | GPLOT * | const char *rootname, l_int32 outformat, const char *title, const char *xlabel, const char *ylabel |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotDestroy | void | GPLOT **pgplot |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotGenCommandFile | l_int32 | GPLOT *gplot |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotGenDataFiles | l_int32 | GPLOT *gplot |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotMakeOutput | l_int32 | GPLOT *gplot |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotRead | GPLOT * | const char *filename |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotSetScaling | l_int32 | GPLOT *gplot, l_int32 scaling |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotSimple1 | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotSimple2 | l_int32 | NUMA *na1, NUMA *na2, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotSimpleN | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 outformat, const char *outroot, const char *title |
gplot.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | gplotWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, GPLOT *gplot |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | ioFormatTest | l_int32 | const char *filename |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbAccumulateComposites | PIXA * | PIXAA *pixaa, NUMA **pna, PTA **pptat |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbAddPage | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, PIX *pixs |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbAddPageComponents | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxas, PIXA *pixas |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbAddPages | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, SARRAY *safiles |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbClasserCreate | JBCLASSER * | l_int32 method, l_int32 components |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbClasserDestroy | void | JBCLASSER **pclasser |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbClassifyCorrelation | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, BOXA *boxa, PIXA *pixas |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbClassifyRankHaus | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, BOXA *boxa, PIXA *pixas |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbCorrelation | l_int32 | const char *dirin, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 weight, l_int32 components, const char *rootname, l_int32 firstpage, l_int32 npages, l_int32 renderflag |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbCorrelationInit | JBCLASSER * | l_int32 components, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 weightfactor |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbCorrelationInitWithoutComponents | JBCLASSER * | l_int32 components, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 weightfactor |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbDataDestroy | void | JBDATA **pdata |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbDataRead | JBDATA * | const char *rootname |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbDataRender | PIXA * | JBDATA *data, l_int32 debugflag |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbDataSave | JBDATA * | JBCLASSER *classer |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbDataWrite | l_int32 | const char *rootout, JBDATA *jbdata |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbGetComponents | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 components, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, BOXA **pboxad, PIXA **ppixad |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbGetLLCorners | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbGetULCorners | l_int32 | JBCLASSER *classer, PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbRankHaus | l_int32 | const char *dirin, l_int32 size, l_float32 rank, l_int32 components, const char *rootname, l_int32 firstpage, l_int32 npages, l_int32 renderflag |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbRankHausInit | JBCLASSER * | l_int32 components, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, l_int32 size, l_float32 rank |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbTemplatesFromComposites | PIXA * | PIXA *pixac, NUMA *na |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | jbWordsInTextlines | JBCLASSER * | const char *dirin, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 weight, NUMA **pnatl, l_int32 firstpage, l_int32 npages |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelCopy | L_KERNEL * | L_KERNEL *kels |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelCreate | L_KERNEL * | l_int32 height, l_int32 width |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelCreateFromFile | L_KERNEL * | const char *filename |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelCreateFromPix | L_KERNEL * | PIX *pix, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelCreateFromString | L_KERNEL * | l_int32 h, l_int32 w, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx, const char *kdata |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelDestroy | void | L_KERNEL **pkel |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelDisplayInPix | PIX * | L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 size, l_int32 gthick |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelGetElement | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_float32 *pval |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelGetMinMax | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_float32 *pmin, l_float32 *pmax |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelGetParameters | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 *psy, l_int32 *psx, l_int32 *pcy, l_int32 *pcx |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelGetSum | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_float32 *psum |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelInvert | L_KERNEL * | L_KERNEL *kels |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelNormalize | L_KERNEL * | L_KERNEL *kels, l_float32 normsum |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelRead | L_KERNEL * | const char *fname |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelReadStream | L_KERNEL * | FILE *fp |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelSetElement | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_float32 val |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelSetOrigin | l_int32 | L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelWrite | l_int32 | const char *fname, L_KERNEL *kel |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | kernelWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_KERNEL *kel |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_binaryCopy | l_uint8 * | l_uint8 *datas, size_t size |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_binaryRead | l_uint8 * | const char *filename, size_t *pnbytes |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_binaryReadStream | l_uint8 * | FILE *fp, size_t *pnbytes |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_binaryWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, const char *operation, void *data, size_t nbytes |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaAppendData | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba, l_uint8 *newdata, size_t newbytes |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaAppendString | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba, char *str |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaCopy | L_BYTEA * | L_BYTEA *bas, l_int32 copyflag |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaCopyData | l_uint8 * | L_BYTEA *ba, size_t *psize |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaCreate | L_BYTEA * | size_t nbytes |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaDestroy | void | L_BYTEA **pba |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaExtendArrayToSize | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba, size_t size |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaFindEachSequence | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba, l_uint8 *sequence, l_int32 seqlen, NUMA **pna |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaGetData | l_uint8 * | L_BYTEA *ba, size_t *psize |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaGetSize | size_t | L_BYTEA *ba |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaInitFromFile | L_BYTEA * | const char *fname |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaInitFromMem | L_BYTEA * | l_uint8 *data, size_t size |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaInitFromStream | L_BYTEA * | FILE *fp |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaJoin | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba1, L_BYTEA **pba2 |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaSplit | l_int32 | L_BYTEA *ba1, size_t splitloc, L_BYTEA **pba2 |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaWrite | l_int32 | const char *fname, L_BYTEA *ba, size_t startloc, size_t endloc |
bytearray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | l_byteaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_BYTEA *ba, size_t startloc, size_t endloc |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | l_chooseDisplayProg | void | l_int32 selection |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_clearDataBit | void | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_clearDataDibit | void | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_clearDataQbit | void | void *line, l_int32 n |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_error | void | const char *msg, const char *procname |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_errorFloat | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_errorInt | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_errorString | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, const char *str |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | l_generateFlateData | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | const char *fname, l_int32 ascii85flag |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | l_generateG4Data | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | const char *fname, l_int32 ascii85flag |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | l_generateJpegData | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | const char *fname, l_int32 ascii85flag |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_getCurrentTime | void | l_int32 *sec, l_int32 *usec |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataBit | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataByte | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataDibit | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataFourBytes | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataQbit | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_getDataTwoBytes | l_int32 | void *line, l_int32 n |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_getFormattedDate | char * | |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_info | void | const char *msg, const char *procname |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_infoFloat | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_infoFloat2 | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval1, l_float32 fval2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_infoInt | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_infoInt2 | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival1, l_int32 ival2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_infoString | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, const char *str |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | l_jpegSetNoChromaSampling | void | l_int32 flag |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pdfSetDateAndVersion | void | l_int32 flag |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pdfSetG4ImageMask | void | l_int32 flag |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pngSetStrip16To8 | void | l_int32 flag |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pngSetStripAlpha | void | l_int32 flag |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pngSetWriteAlpha | void | l_int32 flag |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | l_pngSetZlibCompression | void | l_int32 val |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | l_productMat2 | l_int32 | l_float32 *mat1, l_float32 *mat2, l_float32 *matd, l_int32 size |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | l_productMat3 | l_int32 | l_float32 *mat1, l_float32 *mat2, l_float32 *mat3, l_float32 *matd, l_int32 size |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | l_productMat4 | l_int32 | l_float32 *mat1, l_float32 *mat2, l_float32 *mat3, l_float32 *mat4, l_float32 *matd, l_int32 size |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | l_productMatVec | l_int32 | l_float32 *mat, l_float32 *vecs, l_float32 *vecd, l_int32 size |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | l_psWriteBoundingBox | void | l_int32 flag |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | l_setAlphaMaskBorder | void | l_float32 val1, l_float32 val2 |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | l_setConvolveSampling | void | l_int32 xfact, l_int32 yfact |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataBit | void | void *line, l_int32 n |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataBitVal | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataByte | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataDibit | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataFourBytes | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataQbit | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
arrayaccess.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | l_setDataTwoBytes | void | void *line, l_int32 n, l_int32 val |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warning | void | const char *msg, const char *procname |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warningFloat | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warningFloat2 | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval1, l_float32 fval2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warningInt | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warningInt2 | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival1, l_int32 ival2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | l_warningString | void | const char *msg, const char *procname, const char *str |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_calloc | void * | size_t nmemb, size_t size |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_cp | l_int32 | const char *srcfile, const char *newfile |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_fclose | l_int32 | FILE *fp |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_fopen | FILE * | const char *filename, const char *mode |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_free | void | void *ptr |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_mkdir | l_int32 | const char *subdir |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_mv | l_int32 | const char *srcfile, const char *newfile |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_rm | l_int32 | const char *subdir, const char *filename |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | lept_rmdir | l_int32 | const char *subdir |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapAdd | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh, void *item |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapCreate | L_HEAP * | l_int32 nalloc, l_int32 direction |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapDestroy | void | L_HEAP **plh, l_int32 freeflag |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapExtendArray | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapGetCount | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapPrint | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapRemove | void * | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapSort | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapSortStrictOrder | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapSwapDown | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh |
heap.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lheapSwapUp | l_int32 | L_HEAP *lh, l_int32 index |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | lineEndianByteSwap | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpl |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | linearInterpolatePixelColor | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 x, l_float32 y, l_uint32 colorval, l_uint32 *pval |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | linearInterpolatePixelGray | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_float32 x, l_float32 y, l_int32 grayval, l_int32 *pval |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listAddToHead | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead, void *data |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listAddToTail | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead, DLLIST **ptail, void *data |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listDestroy | void | DLLIST **phead |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listFindElement | DLLIST * | DLLIST *head, void *data |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listFindTail | DLLIST * | DLLIST *head |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listGetCount | l_int32 | DLLIST *head |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listInsertAfter | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead, DLLIST *elem, void *data |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listInsertBefore | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead, DLLIST *elem, void *data |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listJoin | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead1, DLLIST **phead2 |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listRemoveElement | void * | DLLIST **phead, DLLIST *elem |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listRemoveFromHead | void * | DLLIST **phead |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listRemoveFromTail | void * | DLLIST **phead, DLLIST **ptail |
list.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | listReverse | l_int32 | DLLIST **phead |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | locateOutsideSeedPixel | void | l_int32 fpx, l_int32 fpy, l_int32 spx, l_int32 spy, l_int32 *pxs, l_int32 *pys |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | locatePtRadially | l_int32 | l_int32 xr, l_int32 yr, l_float64 dist, l_float64 radang, l_float64 *px, l_float64 *py |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueAdd | l_int32 | L_QUEUE *lq, void *item |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueCreate | L_QUEUE * | l_int32 nalloc |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueDestroy | void | L_QUEUE **plq, l_int32 freeflag |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueExtendArray | l_int32 | L_QUEUE *lq |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueGetCount | l_int32 | L_QUEUE *lq |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueuePrint | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_QUEUE *lq |
queue.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lqueueRemove | void * | L_QUEUE *lq |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackAdd | l_int32 | L_STACK *lstack, void *item |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackCreate | L_STACK * | l_int32 nalloc |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackDestroy | void | L_STACK **plstack, l_int32 freeflag |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackExtendArray | l_int32 | L_STACK *lstack |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackGetCount | l_int32 | L_STACK *lstack |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackPrint | l_int32 | FILE *fp, L_STACK *lstack |
stack.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | lstackRemove | void * | L_STACK *lstack |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | make8To1DitherTables | l_int32 | l_int32 **ptabval, l_int32 **ptab38, l_int32 **ptab14, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | make8To2DitherTables | l_int32 | l_int32 **ptabval, l_int32 **ptab38, l_int32 **ptab14, l_int32 cliptoblack, l_int32 cliptowhite |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | makeDoGKernel | L_KERNEL * | l_int32 halfheight, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 stdev, l_float32 ratio |
binexpandlow.c | Image Scaling | makeExpandTab2x | l_uint16 * | void |
binexpandlow.c | Image Scaling | makeExpandTab4x | l_uint32 * | void |
binexpandlow.c | Image Scaling | makeExpandTab8x | l_uint32 * | void |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | makeFlatKernel | L_KERNEL * | l_int32 height, l_int32 width, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | makeGaussianKernel | L_KERNEL * | l_int32 halfheight, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 stdev, l_float32 max |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | makeGaussianKernelSep | l_int32 | l_int32 halfheight, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 stdev, l_float32 max, L_KERNEL **pkelx, L_KERNEL **pkely |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | makeGrayQuantColormapArb | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *tab, l_int32 outdepth, PIXCMAP **pcmap |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | makeGrayQuantIndexTable | l_int32 * | l_int32 nlevels |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | makeGrayQuantTableArb | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 **ptab, PIXCMAP **pcmap |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | makeGrayQuantTargetTable | l_int32 * | l_int32 nlevels, l_int32 depth |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | makeLogBase2Tab | l_float32 * | void |
runlength.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | makeMSBitLocTab | l_int32 * | l_int32 bitval |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | makeOrientDecision | l_int32 | l_float32 upconf, l_float32 leftconf, l_float32 minupconf, l_float32 minratio, l_int32 *porient, l_int32 debug |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | makePixelCentroidTab8 | l_int32 * | void |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | makePixelSumTab8 | l_int32 * | void |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | makeRGBToIndexTables | l_int32 | l_uint32 **prtab, l_uint32 **pgtab, l_uint32 **pbtab, l_int32 cqlevels |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | makeReverseByteTab1 | l_uint8 * | void |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | makeReverseByteTab2 | l_uint8 * | void |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | makeReverseByteTab4 | l_uint8 * | void |
binreducelow.c | Image Scaling | makeSubsampleTab2x | l_uint8 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeSumTabSG2 | l_uint32 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeSumTabSG3 | l_uint32 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeSumTabSG4 | l_uint32 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeValTabSG2 | l_uint8 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeValTabSG3 | l_uint8 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeValTabSG4 | l_uint8 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeValTabSG6 | l_uint8 * | void |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | makeValTabSG8 | l_uint8 * | void |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | morphSequenceVerify | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | multConstAccumulateLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpl, l_float32 factor, l_uint32 offset |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | multConstantGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpl, l_float32 val |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | nbytesInFile | size_t | const char *filename |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | nextOnPixelInRaster | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xstart, l_int32 ystart, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | nextOnPixelInRasterLow | l_int32 | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 xstart, l_int32 ystart, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dAddNumber | l_int32 | NUMA2D *na2d, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_float32 val |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dCreate | NUMA2D * | l_int32 nrows, l_int32 ncols, l_int32 initsize |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dDestroy | void | NUMA2D **pna2d |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dGetCount | l_int32 | NUMA2D *na2d, l_int32 row, l_int32 col |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dGetFValue | l_int32 | NUMA2D *na2d, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_int32 index, l_float32 *pval |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dGetIValue | l_int32 | NUMA2D *na2d, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_int32 index, l_int32 *pval |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numa2dGetNuma | NUMA * | NUMA2D *na2d, l_int32 row, l_int32 col |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaAddBorder | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_float32 val |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaAddNumber | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 val |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaAddSpecifiedBorder | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 type |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaArithOp | NUMA * | NUMA *nad, NUMA *na1, NUMA *na2, l_int32 op |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaChangeRefcount | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 delta |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaClipToInterval | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 first, l_int32 last |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaClone | NUMA * | NUMA *na |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaClose | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 size |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | numaContrastTRC | NUMA * | l_float32 factor |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaConvertToInt | NUMA * | NUMA *nas |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCopy | NUMA * | NUMA *na |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCopyXParameters | l_int32 | NUMA *nad, NUMA *nas |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCountReversals | l_int32 | NUMA *nas, l_float32 minreversal, l_int32 *pnr, l_float32 *pnrpl |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCreate | NUMA * | l_int32 n |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCreateFromFArray | NUMA * | l_float32 *farray, l_int32 size, l_int32 copyflag |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCreateFromIArray | NUMA * | l_int32 *iarray, l_int32 size |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCrossingsByPeaks | NUMA * | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_float32 delta |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaCrossingsByThreshold | NUMA * | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_float32 thresh |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaDestroy | void | NUMA **pna |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaDifferentiateInterval | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_float32 x0, l_float32 x1, l_int32 npts, NUMA **pnadx, NUMA **pnady |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaDilate | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 size |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaDiscretizeRankAndIntensity | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 nbins, NUMA **pnarbin, NUMA **pnam, NUMA **pnar, NUMA **pnabb |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaEmpty | l_int32 | NUMA *na |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | numaEqualizeTRC | NUMA * | PIX *pix, l_float32 fract, l_int32 factor |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaErode | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 size |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaEvalBestHaarParameters | l_int32 | NUMA *nas, l_float32 relweight, l_int32 nwidth, l_int32 nshift, l_float32 minwidth, l_float32 maxwidth, l_float32 *pbestwidth, l_float32 *pbestshift, l_float32 *pbestscore |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaEvalHaarSum | l_int32 | NUMA *nas, l_float32 width, l_float32 shift, l_float32 relweight, l_float32 *pscore |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaExtendArray | l_int32 | NUMA *na |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaFindExtrema | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 delta |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaFindPeaks | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 nmax, l_float32 fract1, l_float32 fract2 |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaFitMax | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pmaxval, NUMA *naloc, l_float32 *pmaxloc |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | numaGammaTRC | NUMA * | l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetBinSortIndex | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 sortorder |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetCount | l_int32 | NUMA *na |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetCountRelativeToZero | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pcount |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetEdgeValues | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 edge, l_int32 *pstart, l_int32 *pend, l_int32 *psign |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetFArray | l_float32 * | NUMA *na, l_int32 copyflag |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetFValue | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_float32 *pval |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetHistogramStats | l_int32 | NUMA *nahisto, l_float32 startx, l_float32 deltax, l_float32 *pxmean, l_float32 *pxmedian, l_float32 *pxmode, l_float32 *pxvariance |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetHistogramStatsOnInterval | l_int32 | NUMA *nahisto, l_float32 startx, l_float32 deltax, l_int32 ifirst, l_int32 ilast, l_float32 *pxmean, l_float32 *pxmedian, l_float32 *pxmode, l_float32 *pxvariance |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetIArray | l_int32 * | NUMA *na |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetIValue | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_int32 *pival |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetMax | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pmaxval, l_int32 *pimaxloc |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetMedian | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pval |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetMin | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pminval, l_int32 *piminloc |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetMode | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pval, l_int32 *pcount |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetNonzeroRange | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 eps, l_int32 *pfirst, l_int32 *plast |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetPartialSums | NUMA * | NUMA *na |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetRankBinValues | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 nbins, NUMA **pnarbin, NUMA **pnam |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetRankValue | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 fract, l_float32 *pval |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetRefcount | l_int32 | NUMA *na |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetSortIndex | NUMA * | NUMA *na, l_int32 sortorder |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetSpanValues | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 span, l_int32 *pstart, l_int32 *pend |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetStatsUsingHistogram | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 maxbins, l_float32 *pmin, l_float32 *pmax, l_float32 *pmean, l_float32 *pvariance, l_float32 *pmedian, l_float32 rank, l_float32 *prval, NUMA **phisto |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetSum | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *psum |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetSumOnInterval | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 first, l_int32 last, l_float32 *psum |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaGetXParameters | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 *pstartx, l_float32 *pdelx |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHasOnlyIntegers | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 maxsamples, l_int32 *pallints |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHashAdd | l_int32 | NUMAHASH *nahash, l_uint32 key, l_float32 value |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHashCreate | NUMAHASH * | l_int32 nbuckets, l_int32 initsize |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHashDestroy | void | NUMAHASH **pnahash |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHashGetNuma | NUMA * | NUMAHASH *nahash, l_uint32 key |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHistogramGetRankFromVal | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 rval, l_float32 *prank |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaHistogramGetValFromRank | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 rank, l_float32 *prval |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInsertNumber | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_float32 val |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaIntegrateInterval | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_float32 x0, l_float32 x1, l_int32 npts, l_float32 *psum |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInterpolateArbxInterval | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 type, l_float32 x0, l_float32 x1, l_int32 npts, NUMA **pnadx, NUMA **pnady |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInterpolateArbxVal | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 type, l_float32 xval, l_float32 *pyval |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInterpolateEqxInterval | l_int32 | l_float32 startx, l_float32 deltax, NUMA *nasy, l_int32 type, l_float32 x0, l_float32 x1, l_int32 npts, NUMA **pnax, NUMA **pnay |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInterpolateEqxVal | l_int32 | l_float32 startx, l_float32 deltax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 type, l_float32 xval, l_float32 *pyval |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaInvert | NUMA * | NUMA *nad, NUMA *nas |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaIsSorted | l_int32 | NUMA *nas, l_int32 sortorder, l_int32 *psorted |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaJoin | l_int32 | NUMA *nad, NUMA *nas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaLogicalOp | NUMA * | NUMA *nad, NUMA *na1, NUMA *na2, l_int32 op |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaLowPassIntervals | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 maxn |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeConstant | NUMA * | l_float32 val, l_int32 size |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeDelta | NUMA * | NUMA *nas |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeHistogram | NUMA * | NUMA *na, l_int32 maxbins, l_int32 *pbinsize, l_int32 *pbinstart |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeHistogramAuto | NUMA * | NUMA *na, l_int32 maxbins |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeHistogramClipped | NUMA * | NUMA *na, l_float32 binsize, l_float32 maxsize |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeRankFromHistogram | l_int32 | l_float32 startx, l_float32 deltax, NUMA *nasy, l_int32 npts, NUMA **pnax, NUMA **pnay |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeSequence | NUMA * | l_float32 startval, l_float32 increment, l_int32 size |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaMakeThresholdIndicator | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 type |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaNormalizeHistogram | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 area |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaOpen | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 size |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaPseudorandomSequence | NUMA * | l_int32 size, l_int32 seed |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | numaQuantizeCrossingsByWidth | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 binfract, NUMA **pnaehist, NUMA **pnaohist, l_int32 debugflag |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | numaQuantizeCrossingsByWindow | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 ratio, l_float32 *pwidth, l_float32 *pfirstloc, NUMA **pnac, l_int32 debugflag |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaRandomPermutation | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 seed |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaRead | NUMA * | const char *filename |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaReadStream | NUMA * | FILE *fp |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaRebinHistogram | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 newsize |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaRemoveBorder | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 left, l_int32 right |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaRemoveNumber | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaReplaceNumber | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_float32 val |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSelectCrossingThreshold | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_float32 estthresh, l_float32 *pbestthresh |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSetCount | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 newcount |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSetValue | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_float32 val |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSetXParameters | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 startx, l_float32 delx |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaShiftValue | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_int32 index, l_float32 diff |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSort | NUMA * | NUMA *naout, NUMA *nain, l_int32 sortorder |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSortByIndex | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, NUMA *naindex |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSortPair | l_int32 | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnasx, NUMA **pnasy |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSplitDistribution | l_int32 | NUMA *na, l_float32 scorefract, l_int32 *psplitindex, l_float32 *pave1, l_float32 *pave2, l_float32 *pnum1, l_float32 *pnum2, NUMA **pnascore |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaSubsample | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 subfactor |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaThresholdEdges | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 thresh1, l_float32 thresh2, l_float32 maxn |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaTransform | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_float32 shift, l_float32 scale |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaUniformSampling | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 nsamp |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWindowedMean | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 wc |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWindowedMeanSquare | NUMA * | NUMA *nas, l_int32 wc |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWindowedStats | l_int32 | NUMA *nas, l_int32 wc, NUMA **pnam, NUMA **pnams, NUMA **pnav, NUMA **pnarv |
numafunc2.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWindowedVariance | l_int32 | NUMA *nam, NUMA *nams, NUMA **pnav, NUMA **pnarv |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, NUMA *na |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, NUMA *na |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaAddNuma | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, NUMA *na, l_int32 copyflag |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaAddNumber | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 index, l_float32 val |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | numaaCompareImagesByBoxes | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa1, NUMAA *naa2, l_int32 nperline, l_int32 nreq, l_int32 maxshiftx, l_int32 maxshifty, l_int32 delx, l_int32 dely, l_int32 *psame, l_int32 debugflag |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaCreate | NUMAA * | l_int32 n |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaDestroy | void | NUMAA **pnaa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaExtendArray | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa |
numafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaFlattenToNuma | NUMA * | NUMAA *naa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetCount | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetNuma | NUMA * | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetNumaCount | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 index |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetNumberCount | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetPtrArray | NUMA ** | NUMAA *naa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaGetValue | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 i, l_int32 j, l_float32 *pval |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaRead | NUMAA * | const char *filename |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaReadStream | NUMAA * | FILE *fp |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaReplaceNuma | l_int32 | NUMAA *naa, l_int32 index, NUMA *na |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, NUMAA *naa |
numabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | numaaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, NUMAA *naa |
parseprotos.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | parseForProtos | char * | const char *filein, const char *prestring |
kernel.c | Basic image operations | parseStringForNumbers | NUMA * | const char *str, const char *seps |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | pathJoin | char * | const char *dir, const char *fname |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixAbsDifference | PIX * | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixAccumulate | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 op |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddBlackBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 npix |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 npix, l_uint32 val |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddBorderGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot, l_uint32 val |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixAddConstantGray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 val |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixAddGray | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixAddGrayColormap8 | l_int32 | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixAddMinimalGrayColormap8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddMirroredBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddMixedBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddRepeatedBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixAddSingleTextblock | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_uint32 val, l_int32 location, l_int32 *poverflow |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAddText | l_int32 | PIX *pix, const char *textstring |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixAddWithIndicator | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixa, NUMA *na |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffine | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffineColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint32 colorval |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffineGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint8 grayval |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffinePta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffinePtaColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint32 colorval |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffinePtaGammaXform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffinePtaGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint8 grayval |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffinePtaWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, PIX *pixg, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffineSampled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffineSampledPta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
affine.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixAffineSequential | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 bw, l_int32 bh |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAnd | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixApplyHorizontalDisparity | PIX * | PIX *pixs, FPIX *fpix, l_int32 extraw |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixApplyInvBackgroundGrayMap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixApplyInvBackgroundRGBMap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixmr, PIX *pixmg, PIX *pixmb, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixApplyLocalThreshold | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixth, l_int32 redfactor |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixApplyVariableGrayMap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixg, l_int32 target |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixApplyVerticalDisparity | PIX * | PIX *pixs, FPIX *fpix |
colorseg.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixAssignToNearestColor | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 level, l_int32 *countarray |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAverageIntensityProfile | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 fract, l_int32 dir, l_int32 first, l_int32 last, l_int32 factor1, l_int32 factor2 |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixAverageOnLine | l_float32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 factor |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNorm | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, PIX *pixg, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 bgval, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormFlex | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, l_int32 delta |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormGrayArray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 bgval, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, PIX **ppixd |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormGrayArrayMorph | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 size, l_int32 bgval, PIX **ppixd |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormMorph | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 size, l_int32 bgval |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormRGBArrays | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, PIX *pixg, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 bgval, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, PIX **ppixr, PIX **ppixg, PIX **ppixb |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormRGBArraysMorph | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 size, l_int32 bgval, PIX **ppixr, PIX **ppixg, PIX **ppixb |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixBackgroundNormSimple | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, PIX *pixg |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinear | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint32 colorval |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint8 grayval |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearPta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearPtaColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint32 colorval |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearPtaGammaXform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearPtaGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint8 grayval |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearPtaWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, PIX *pixg, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearSampled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
bilinear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixBilinearSampledPta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlend | PIX * | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixBlendBoxaRandom | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_float32 fract |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixb, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 sindex |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendColor | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract, l_int32 transparent, l_uint32 transpix |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendColorByChannel | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 rfract, l_float32 gfract, l_float32 bfract, l_int32 transparent, l_uint32 transpix |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendGray | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract, l_int32 type, l_int32 transparent, l_uint32 transpix |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendGrayAdapt | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract, l_int32 shift |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendHardLight | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixBlendInRect | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_uint32 val, l_float32 fract |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendMask | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 fract, l_int32 type |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixBlendWithGrayMask | PIX * | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, PIX *pixg, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconv | PIX * | PIX *pix, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconvAccum | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconvGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconvGrayTile | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconvGrayUnnormalized | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockconvTiled | PIX * | PIX *pix, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlockrank | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_float32 rank |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixBlocksum | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixacc, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixCensusTransform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfsize, PIX *pixacc |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixCentroid | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *centtab, l_int32 *sumtab, l_float32 *pxave, l_float32 *pyave |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixChangeRefcount | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 delta |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixChooseOutputFormat | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCleanupByteProcessing | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_uint8 **lineptrs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClearAll | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClearInRect | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClearPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClipBoxToEdges | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *boxs, l_int32 lowthresh, l_int32 highthresh, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 factor, PIX **ppixd, BOX **pboxd |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClipBoxToForeground | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *boxs, PIX **ppixd, BOX **pboxd |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClipMasked | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_uint32 outval |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClipRectangle | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, BOX **pboxc |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClipToForeground | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX **ppixd, BOX **pbox |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixClone | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixClose | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseCompBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseCompBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseGeneralized | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseGray3 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseSafe | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseSafeBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixCloseSafeCompBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorContent | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 rwhite, l_int32 gwhite, l_int32 bwhite, l_int32 mingray, PIX **ppixr, PIX **ppixg, PIX **ppixb |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorFraction | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 darkthresh, l_int32 lightthresh, l_int32 diffthresh, l_int32 factor, l_float32 *ppixfract, l_float32 *pcolorfract |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixColorGray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
paintcmap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixColorGrayCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 type, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorMagnitude | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 rwhite, l_int32 gwhite, l_int32 bwhite, l_int32 type |
colormorph.c | Image Morphology | pixColorMorph | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixColorMorphSequence | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep, l_int32 dispy |
colorseg.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorSegment | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxdist, l_int32 maxcolors, l_int32 selsize, l_int32 finalcolors |
colorseg.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorSegmentClean | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 selsize, l_int32 *countarray |
colorseg.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorSegmentCluster | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxdist, l_int32 maxcolors |
colorseg.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorSegmentRemoveColors | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 finalcolors |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorizeGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 color, l_int32 cmapflag |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixColorsForQuantization | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 *pncolors, l_int32 *piscolor, l_int32 debug |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixColumnStats | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, NUMA **pnamean, NUMA **pnamedian, NUMA **pnamode, NUMA **pnamodecount, NUMA **pnavar, NUMA **pnarootvar |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCombineMasked | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCombineMaskedGeneral | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareBinary | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 comptype, l_float32 *pfract, PIX **ppixdiff |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareGray | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 comptype, l_int32 plottype, l_int32 *psame, l_float32 *pdiff, l_float32 *prmsdiff, PIX **ppixdiff |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareGrayOrRGB | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 comptype, l_int32 plottype, l_int32 *psame, l_float32 *pdiff, l_float32 *prmsdiff, PIX **ppixdiff |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareRGB | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 comptype, l_int32 plottype, l_int32 *psame, l_float32 *pdiff, l_float32 *prmsdiff, PIX **ppixdiff |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareRankDifference | NUMA * | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 factor |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCompareTiled | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 type, PIX **ppixdiff |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixConformsToRectangle | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 dist, l_int32 *pconforms |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixConnComp | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, PIXA **ppixa, l_int32 connectivity |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixConnCompBB | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixConnCompPixa | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, PIXA **ppixa, l_int32 connectivity |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixContrastNorm | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 mindiff, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixContrastTRC | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 factor |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixContrastTRCMasked | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_float32 factor |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert16To8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 whichbyte |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To16 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint16 val0, l_uint16 val1 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To2 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 val0, l_int32 val1 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To2Cmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To32 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint32 val0, l_uint32 val1 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To4 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 val0, l_int32 val1 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To4Cmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert1To8 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint8 val0, l_uint8 val1 |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert24To32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert2To8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint8 val0, l_uint8 val1, l_uint8 val2, l_uint8 val3, l_int32 cmapflag |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert32To24 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert4To8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 cmapflag |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert8To16 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 leftshift |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvert8To32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertColorToSubpixelRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_int32 order |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertForPSWrap | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertGrayToColormap | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertGrayToColormap8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 mindepth |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertGrayToFalseColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertGrayToSubpixelRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_int32 order |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertHSVToRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertLossless | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 d |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertRGBToColormap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ditherflag |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertRGBToGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 rwt, l_float32 gwt, l_float32 bwt |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertRGBToGrayFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertRGBToHSV | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertRGBToHue | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertRGBToLuminance | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertRGBToSaturation | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertRGBToValue | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertRGBToYUV | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo1 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 threshold |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo16 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo1BySampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 threshold |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo32BySampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 cmapflag |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo8BySampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 cmapflag |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertTo8Or32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 copyflag, l_int32 warnflag |
fpix2.c | Float-Valued Images | pixConvertToFPix | FPIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ncomps |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | pixConvertToPdf | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, const char *fileout, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | pixConvertToPdfData | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 type, l_int32 quality, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 res, L_PDF_DATA **plpd, l_int32 position, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | pixConvertToPdfDataSegmented | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 res, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 quality, l_float32 scalefactor, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes, const char *title |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | pixConvertToPdfSegmented | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 res, l_int32 type, l_int32 thresh, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 quality, l_float32 scalefactor, const char *fileout, const char *title |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixConvertToSubpixelRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_int32 order |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixConvertYUVToRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixConvolve | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 normflag |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixConvolveRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixConvolveRGBSep | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixConvolveSep | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kelx, L_KERNEL *kely, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 normflag |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopy | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyColormap | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyDimensions | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyInputFormat | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyResolution | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCopyText | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCorrelationBinary | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_float32 *pval |
correlscore.c | Basic image operations | pixCorrelationScore | l_float32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 area1, l_int32 area2, l_float32 delx, l_float32 dely, l_int32 maxdiffw, l_int32 maxdiffh, l_int32 *tab |
correlscore.c | Basic image operations | pixCorrelationScoreSimple | l_float32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 area1, l_int32 area2, l_float32 delx, l_float32 dely, l_int32 maxdiffw, l_int32 maxdiffh, l_int32 *tab |
correlscore.c | Basic image operations | pixCorrelationScoreThresholded | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 area1, l_int32 area2, l_float32 delx, l_float32 dely, l_int32 maxdiffw, l_int32 maxdiffh, l_int32 *tab, l_int32 *downcount, l_float32 score_threshold |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixCountConnComp | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 *pcount |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCountPixels | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *pcount, l_int32 *tab8 |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCountPixelsByColumn | NUMA * | PIX *pix |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCountPixelsByRow | NUMA * | PIX *pix, l_int32 *tab8 |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCountPixelsInRow | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 row, l_int32 *pcount, l_int32 *tab8 |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreate | PIX * | l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 depth |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixCreateFromPixcomp | PIX * | PIXC *pixc |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreateHeader | PIX * | l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 depth |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreateNoInit | PIX * | l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 depth |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreateRGBImage | PIX * | PIX *pixr, PIX *pixg, PIX *pixb |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreateTemplate | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixCreateTemplateNoInit | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixDeserializeFromMemory | PIX * | const l_uint32 *data, size_t nbytes |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixDeskew | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 redsearch |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixDeskewBarcode | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixb, BOX *box, l_int32 margin, l_int32 threshold, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixDeskewGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 redsweep, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_int32 redsearch, l_int32 thresh, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf |
baseline.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixDeskewLocal | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nslices, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixDestroy | void | PIX **ppix |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixDestroyColormap | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixDilate | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateCompBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateCompBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixDilateGray3 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixDisplay | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixDisplayColorArray | PIX * | l_uint32 *carray, l_int32 ncolors, l_int32 side, l_int32 ncols, l_int32 textflag |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixDisplayDiffBinary | PIX * | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2 |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixDisplayHitMissSel | PIX * | PIX *pixs, SEL *sel, l_int32 scalefactor, l_uint32 hitcolor, l_uint32 misscolor |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixDisplayMatchedPattern | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixp, PIX *pixe, l_int32 x0, l_int32 y0, l_uint32 color, l_float32 scale, l_int32 nlevels |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixDisplayMultiple | l_int32 | const char *filepattern |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixDisplayPta | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PTA *pta |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixDisplayPtaa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTAA *ptaa |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixDisplayWithTitle | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, const char *title, l_int32 dispflag |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixDisplayWrite | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 reduction |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixDisplayWriteFormat | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 format |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixDistanceFunction | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 boundcond |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixDitherTo2bpp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 cmapflag |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixDitherTo2bppSpec | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip, l_int32 cmapflag |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixDitherToBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixDitherToBinaryLUT | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixDitherToBinarySpec | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 lowerclip, l_int32 upperclip |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixDrawBoxa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_uint32 val |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixDrawBoxaRandom | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixEmbedForRotation | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor, l_int32 width, l_int32 height |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEndianByteSwap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEndianByteSwapNew | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEndianTwoByteSwap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEndianTwoByteSwapNew | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEqual | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 *psame |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixEqualWithCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 *psame |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixEqualizeTRC | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 fract, l_int32 factor |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixErode | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeCompBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeCompBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixErodeGray3 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
binexpand.c | Image Scaling | pixExpandBinaryPower2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
binexpand.c | Image Scaling | pixExpandBinaryReplicate | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixExpandReplicate | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixExtendByReplication | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 addw, l_int32 addh |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixExtractBarcodeCrossings | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 debugflag |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixExtractBarcodeWidths1 | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 binfract, NUMA **pnaehist, NUMA **pnaohist, l_int32 debugflag |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixExtractBarcodeWidths2 | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_float32 *pwidth, NUMA **pnac, l_int32 debugflag |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixExtractBarcodes | PIXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 debugflag |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixExtractBorderConnComps | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixExtractBoundary | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixExtractData | l_uint32 * | PIX *pixs |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixExtractOnLine | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 factor |
fhmtgen.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixFHMTGen_1 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, char *selname |
fmorphgen.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixFMorphopGen_1 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 operation, char *selname |
dwacomb.2.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixFMorphopGen_2 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 operation, char *selname |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixFadeWithGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixb, l_float32 factor, l_int32 type |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixFastTophat | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xsize, l_int32 ysize, l_int32 type |
colorquant2.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFewColorsMedianCutQuantMixed | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ncolor, l_int32 ngray, l_int32 maxncolors, l_int32 darkthresh, l_int32 lightthresh, l_int32 diffthresh |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFewColorsOctcubeQuant1 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFewColorsOctcubeQuant2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level, NUMA *na, l_int32 ncolors, l_int32 *pnerrors |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFewColorsOctcubeQuantMixed | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level, l_int32 darkthresh, l_int32 lightthresh, l_int32 diffthresh, l_float32 minfract, l_int32 maxspan |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixFillClosedBorders | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixFillHolesToBoundingRect | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 minsize, l_float32 maxhfract, l_float32 minfgfract |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFillMapHoles | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, l_int32 filltype |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixFinalAccumulate | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 offset, l_int32 depth |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixFinalAccumulateThreshold | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 offset, l_uint32 threshold |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFindAreaFraction | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *tab, l_float32 *pfract |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFindAreaPerimRatio | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *tab, l_float32 *pfract |
baseline.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindBaselines | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, PTA **ppta, l_int32 debug |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixFindCornerPixels | PTA * | PIX *pixs |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindDifferentialSquareSum | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *psum |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixFindEqualValues | PIX * | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixFindHistoPeaksHSV | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 npeaks, l_float32 erasefactor, PTA **ppta, NUMA **pnatot, PIXA **ppixa |
runlength.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | pixFindHorizontalRuns | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 y, l_int32 *xstart, l_int32 *xend, l_int32 *pn |
maze.c | Maze | pixFindLargestRectangle | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 polarity, BOX **pbox, const char *debugfile |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindNormalizedSquareSum | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *phratio, l_float32 *pvratio, l_float32 *pfract |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFindOverlapFraction | l_int32 | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 *tab, l_float32 *pratio, l_int32 *pnoverlap |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFindPerimSizeRatio | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *tab, l_float32 *pratio |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFindRectangleComps | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dist, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkew | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewAndDeskew | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewOrthogonalRange | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta, l_float32 confprior |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewSweep | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_int32 reduction, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScore | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf, l_float32 *pendscore, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweepcenter, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta |
skew.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFindSkewSweepAndSearchScorePivot | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pangle, l_float32 *pconf, l_float32 *pendscore, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweepcenter, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta, l_int32 pivot |
runlength.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | pixFindVerticalRuns | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 *ystart, l_int32 *yend, l_int32 *pn |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFixedOctcubeQuant256 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ditherflag |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixFixedOctcubeQuantGenRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level |
fliphmtgen.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixFlipFHMTGen | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, char *selname |
rotateorth.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixFlipLR | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFlipPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
rotateorth.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixFlipTB | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixFreeData | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGammaTRC | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGammaTRCMasked | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGammaTRCWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval |
pageseg.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGenHalftoneMask | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX **ppixtext, l_int32 *phtfound, l_int32 debug |
pageseg.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGenTextblockMask | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixvws, l_int32 debug |
pageseg.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGenTextlineMask | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX **ppixvws, l_int32 *ptlfound, l_int32 debug |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixGenerateFlateData | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixGenerateFromPta | PIX * | PTA *pta, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixGenerateG4Data | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixGenerateJpegData | L_COMPRESSED_DATA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag, l_int32 quality |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGenerateMaskByBand | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 lower, l_int32 upper, l_int32 inband, l_int32 usecmap |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGenerateMaskByBand32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 refval, l_int32 delm, l_int32 delp |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGenerateMaskByDiscr32 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 refval1, l_uint32 refval2, l_int32 distflag |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGenerateMaskByValue | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 val, l_int32 usecmap |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixGenerateSelBoundary | SEL * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hitdist, l_int32 missdist, l_int32 hitskip, l_int32 missskip, l_int32 topflag, l_int32 botflag, l_int32 leftflag, l_int32 rightflag, PIX **ppixe |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixGenerateSelRandom | SEL * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 hitfract, l_float32 missfract, l_int32 distance, l_int32 toppix, l_int32 botpix, l_int32 leftpix, l_int32 rightpix, PIX **ppixe |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixGenerateSelWithRuns | SEL * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nhlines, l_int32 nvlines, l_int32 distance, l_int32 minlength, l_int32 toppix, l_int32 botpix, l_int32 leftpix, l_int32 rightpix, PIX **ppixe |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetAllCCBorders | CCBORDA * | PIX *pixs |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetAverageMasked | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor, l_int32 type, l_float32 *pval |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetAverageMaskedRGB | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor, l_int32 type, l_float32 *prval, l_float32 *pgval, l_float32 *pbval |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetAverageTiled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 type |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetAverageTiledRGB | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 type, PIX **ppixr, PIX **ppixg, PIX **ppixb |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGetBackgroundGrayMap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, PIX **ppixd |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGetBackgroundGrayMapMorph | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 size, PIX **ppixm |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGetBackgroundRGBMap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, PIX *pixg, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, PIX **ppixmr, PIX **ppixmg, PIX **ppixmb |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGetBackgroundRGBMapMorph | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 size, PIX **ppixmr, PIX **ppixmg, PIX **ppixmb |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetBinnedColor | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixg, l_int32 factor, l_int32 nbins, NUMA *nalut, l_uint32 **pcarray, l_int32 debugflag |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetBinnedComponentRange | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nbins, l_int32 factor, l_int32 color, l_int32 *pminval, l_int32 *pmaxval, l_uint32 **pcarray, l_int32 debugflag |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetCCBorders | CCBORD * | PIX *pixs, BOX *box |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetCmapHistogram | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetCmapHistogramMasked | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetColorHistogram | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, NUMA **pnar, NUMA **pnag, NUMA **pnab |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetColorHistogramMasked | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor, NUMA **pnar, NUMA **pnag, NUMA **pnab |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetColormap | PIXCMAP * | PIX *pix |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetColumnStats | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 nbins, l_int32 thresh, l_float32 *rowvect |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetComponentRange | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 color, l_int32 *pminval, l_int32 *pmaxval |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetData | l_uint32 * | PIX *pix |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetDepth | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetDifferenceHistogram | NUMA * | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 factor |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetDifferenceStats | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 factor, l_int32 mindiff, l_float32 *pfractdiff, l_float32 *pavediff, l_int32 printstats |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetDimensions | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pd |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGetEdgeProfile | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 side, const char *debugfile |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetExtremeValue | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 type, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval, l_int32 *pgrayval |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetGrayHistogram | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetGrayHistogramMasked | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetHeight | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetHoleBorder | l_int32 | CCBORD *ccb, PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 xs, l_int32 ys |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetInputFormat | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGetInvBackgroundMap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 bgval, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGetLastOffPixelInRun | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 direction, l_int32 *ploc |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixGetLastOnPixelInRun | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 direction, l_int32 *ploc |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetLinePtrs | void ** | PIX *pix, l_int32 *psize |
baseline.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetLocalSkewAngles | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nslices, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb |
baseline.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetLocalSkewTransform | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nslices, l_int32 redsweep, l_int32 redsearch, l_float32 sweeprange, l_float32 sweepdelta, l_float32 minbsdelta, PTA **pptas, PTA **pptad |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetMaxValueInRect | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_uint32 *pmaxval, l_int32 *pxmax, l_int32 *pymax |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetMeanVerticals | PTA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetOuterBorder | l_int32 | CCBORD *ccb, PIX *pixs, BOX *box |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetOuterBorderPta | PTA * | PIX *pixs, BOX *box |
ccbord.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixGetOuterBordersPtaa | PTAA * | PIX *pixs |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetPSNR | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 factor, l_float32 *ppsnr |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_uint32 *pval |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRGBComponent | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 color |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRGBComponentCmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 color |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRGBLine | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 row, l_uint8 *bufr, l_uint8 *bufg, l_uint8 *bufb |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRGBPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRandomPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_uint32 *pval, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRankColorArray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nbins, l_int32 type, l_int32 factor, l_uint32 **pcarray, l_int32 debugflag |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRankValueMasked | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor, l_float32 rank, l_float32 *pval, NUMA **pna |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRankValueMaskedRGB | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 factor, l_float32 rank, l_float32 *prval, l_float32 *pgval, l_float32 *pbval |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRasterData | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRefcount | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pageseg.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetRegionsBinary | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX **ppixhm, PIX **ppixtm, PIX **ppixtb, l_int32 debug |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetResolution | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *pxres, l_int32 *pyres |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetRowStats | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 nbins, l_int32 thresh, l_float32 *colvect |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixGetRunCentersOnLine | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 minlength |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixGetRunsOnLine | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2 |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetText | char * | PIX *pix |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetTextlineCenters | PTAA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 debugflag |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetWidth | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetWordBoxesInTextlines | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 minwidth, l_int32 minheight, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, BOXA **pboxad, NUMA **pnai |
classapp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixGetWordsInTextlines | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 minwidth, l_int32 minheight, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 maxheight, BOXA **pboxad, PIXA **ppixad, NUMA **pnai |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetWpl | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetXRes | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixGetYRes | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGlobalNormNoSatRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 factor, l_float32 rank |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGlobalNormRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 mapval |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixGrayMorphSequence | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep, l_int32 dispy |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGrayQuantFromCmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 mindepth |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixGrayQuantFromHisto | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_float32 minfract, l_int32 maxsize |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixHDome | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 height, l_int32 connectivity |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixHMT | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
fhmtgen.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixHMTDwa_1 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, char *selname |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixHShear | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 liney, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixHShearCenter | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixHShearCorner | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixHShearIP | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 liney, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixHShearLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 liney, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixHalfEdgeByBandpass | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sm1h, l_int32 sm1v, l_int32 sm2h, l_int32 sm2v |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixHaustest | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, PIX *pix3, PIX *pix4, l_float32 delx, l_float32 dely, l_int32 maxdiffw, l_int32 maxdiffh |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixHolesByFilling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
viewfiles.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixHtmlViewer | l_int32 | const char *dirin, const char *dirout, const char *rootname, l_int32 thumbwidth, l_int32 viewwidth, l_int32 copyorig |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixInitAccumulate | PIX * | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_uint32 offset |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixIntersectionOfMorphOps | PIX * | PIX *pixs, SELA *sela, l_int32 type |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixInvert | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
finditalic.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixItalicWords | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxaw, PIX *pixw, BOXA **pboxa, l_int32 debugflag |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixLinearMapToTargetColor | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint32 srcval, l_uint32 dstval |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixLinearTRCTiled | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, PIX *pixmin, PIX *pixmax |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixLocalExtrema | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxmin, l_int32 minmax, PIX **ppixmin, PIX **ppixmax |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixLocateBarcodes | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh, PIX **ppixb, PIX **ppixm |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeHistoHS | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, NUMA **pnahue, NUMA **pnasat |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeHistoHV | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, NUMA **pnahue, NUMA **pnaval |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeHistoSV | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, NUMA **pnasat, NUMA **pnaval |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixMakeMaskFromLUT | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *tab |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeRangeMaskHS | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 huecenter, l_int32 huehw, l_int32 satcenter, l_int32 sathw, l_int32 regionflag |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeRangeMaskHV | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 huecenter, l_int32 huehw, l_int32 valcenter, l_int32 valhw, l_int32 regionflag |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixMakeRangeMaskSV | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 satcenter, l_int32 sathw, l_int32 valcenter, l_int32 valhw, l_int32 regionflag |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixMaskBoxa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 op |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixMaskConnComp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity, BOXA **pboxa |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMaskOverColorPixels | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 threshdiff, l_int32 mindist |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMaskedThreshOnBackgroundNorm | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, l_float32 scorefract, l_int32 *pthresh |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixMaxDynamicRange | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixMeanInRectangle | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, PIX *pixma, l_float32 *pval |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixMeanSquareAccum | DPIX * | PIX *pixs |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixMeasureEdgeSmoothness | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 side, l_int32 minjump, l_int32 minreversal, l_float32 *pjpl, l_float32 *pjspl, l_float32 *prpl, const char *debugfile |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixMeasureSaturation | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_float32 *psat |
colorquant2.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMedianCutHisto | l_int32 * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sigbits, l_int32 subsample |
colorquant2.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMedianCutQuant | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ditherflag |
colorquant2.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMedianCutQuantGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ditherflag, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 maxcolors, l_int32 sigbits, l_int32 maxsub, l_int32 checkbw |
colorquant2.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMedianCutQuantMixed | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 ncolor, l_int32 ngray, l_int32 darkthresh, l_int32 lightthresh, l_int32 diffthresh |
rank.c | Basic image operations | pixMedianFilter | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wf, l_int32 hf |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixMinMaxTiles | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 mindiff, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, PIX **ppixmin, PIX **ppixmax |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixMinOrMax | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 type |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixMirrorDetect | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixMirrorDetectDwa | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixMirroredTiling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixModifyHue | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 fract |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixModifySaturation | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 fract |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphCompSequence | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphCompSequenceDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep |
fmorphgen.1.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixMorphDwa_1 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 operation, char *selname |
dwacomb.2.c | Auto-gen'd Destination Word Accumulation (DWA) Morphology Code | pixMorphDwa_2 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 operation, char *selname |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphGradient | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize, l_int32 smoothing |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphSequence | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphSequenceByComponent | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh, BOXA **pboxa |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphSequenceByRegion | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, const char *sequence, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh, BOXA **pboxa |
morphseq.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphSequenceDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixMorphSequenceMasked | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, const char *sequence, l_int32 dispsep |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixMultConstAccumulate | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 factor, l_uint32 offset |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixMultConstantColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 rfact, l_float32 gfact, l_float32 bfact |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixMultConstantGray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 val |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixMultMatrixColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, L_KERNEL *kel |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixNumColors | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 *pncolors |
colorcontent.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixNumSignificantGrayColors | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 darkthresh, l_int32 lightthresh, l_float32 minfract, l_int32 factor, l_int32 *pncolors |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixNumberOccupiedOctcubes | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 level, l_int32 mincount, l_float32 minfract, l_int32 *pncolors |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctcubeHistogram | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level, l_int32 *pncolors |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctcubeQuantFromCmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 mindepth, l_int32 level, l_int32 metric |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctcubeQuantFromCmapLUT | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 mindepth, l_int32 *cmaptab, l_uint32 *rtab, l_uint32 *gtab, l_uint32 *btab |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctcubeQuantMixedWithGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 depth, l_int32 graylevels, l_int32 delta |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctreeColorQuant | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 colors, l_int32 ditherflag |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctreeColorQuantGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 colors, l_int32 ditherflag, l_float32 validthresh, l_float32 colorthresh |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctreeQuantByPopulation | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level, l_int32 ditherflag |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOctreeQuantNumColors | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxcolors, l_int32 subsample |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpen | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenCompBrick | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenCompBrickDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morphdwa.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
morph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenGeneralized | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, SEL *sel |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
graymorph.c | Image Morphology | pixOpenGray3 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixOr | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixOrientDetect | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pupconf, l_float32 *pleftconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixOrientDetectDwa | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pupconf, l_float32 *pleftconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOtsuAdaptiveThreshold | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, l_float32 scorefract, PIX **ppixth, PIX **ppixd |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixOtsuThreshOnBackgroundNorm | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixim, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 bgval, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, l_float32 scorefract, l_int32 *pthresh |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixPaintBoxa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_uint32 val |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixPaintBoxaRandom | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixPaintSelfThroughMask | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 tilesize, l_int32 searchdir |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixPaintThroughMask | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_uint32 val |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixPlotAlongPta | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PTA *pta, l_int32 outformat, const char *title |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixPrintStreamInfo | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, const char *text |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixProcessBarcodes | SARRAY * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 format, l_int32 method, SARRAY **psaw, l_int32 debugflag |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjective | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectiveColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint32 colorval |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectiveGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_uint8 grayval |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectivePta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectivePtaColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint32 colorval |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectivePtaGammaXform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectivePtaGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_uint8 grayval |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectivePtaWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, PIX *pixg, l_float32 fract, l_int32 border |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectiveSampled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *vc, l_int32 incolor |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixProjectiveSampledPta | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 incolor |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixQuadraticVShear | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 vmaxt, l_int32 vmaxb, l_int32 operation, l_int32 incolor |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixQuadraticVShearLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 vmaxt, l_int32 vmaxb, l_int32 incolor |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixQuadraticVShearSampled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 vmaxt, l_int32 vmaxb, l_int32 incolor |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixQuadtreeMean | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nlevels, PIX *pix_ma, FPIXA **pfpixa |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixQuadtreeVariance | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nlevels, PIX *pix_ma, DPIX *dpix_msa, FPIXA **pfpixa_v, FPIXA **pfpixa_rv |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixQuantFromCmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 mindepth, l_int32 level, l_int32 metric |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixQuantizeIfFewColors | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxcolors, l_int32 mingraycolors, l_int32 octlevel, PIX **ppixd |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixRandomHarmonicWarp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 xmag, l_float32 ymag, l_float32 xfreq, l_float32 yfreq, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, l_uint32 seed, l_int32 grayval |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixRankColumnTransform | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
rank.c | Basic image operations | pixRankFilter | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wf, l_int32 hf, l_float32 rank |
rank.c | Basic image operations | pixRankFilterGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wf, l_int32 hf, l_float32 rank |
rank.c | Basic image operations | pixRankFilterRGB | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wf, l_int32 hf, l_float32 rank |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixRankHaustest | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, PIX *pix3, PIX *pix4, l_float32 delx, l_float32 dely, l_int32 maxdiffw, l_int32 maxdiffh, l_int32 area1, l_int32 area3, l_float32 rank, l_int32 *tab8 |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixRankRowTransform | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixRasterop | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, l_int32 dx, l_int32 dy, l_int32 dw, l_int32 dh, l_int32 op, PIX *pixs, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixRasteropFullImage | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 op |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixRasteropHip | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, l_int32 by, l_int32 bh, l_int32 hshift, l_int32 incolor |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixRasteropIP | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, l_int32 hshift, l_int32 vshift, l_int32 incolor |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixRasteropVip | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, l_int32 bx, l_int32 bw, l_int32 vshift, l_int32 incolor |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixRead | PIX * | const char *filename |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixReadBarcodeWidths | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 method, l_int32 debugflag |
readbarcode.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixReadBarcodes | SARRAY * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 format, l_int32 method, SARRAY **psaw, l_int32 debugflag |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadHeader | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pformat, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadHeaderMem | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *data, size_t size, l_int32 *pformat, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadIndexed | PIX * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 index |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadJpeg | PIX * | const char *filename, l_int32 cmflag, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 *pnwarn |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMem | PIX * | const l_uint8 *data, size_t size |
bmpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemBmp | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size |
gifio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemGif | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemJpeg | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size, l_int32 cmflag, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 *pnwarn, l_int32 hint |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemPng | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemPnm | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemSpix | PIX * | const l_uint8 *data, size_t size |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadMemTiff | PIX * | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size, l_int32 n |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadRGBAPng | PIX * | const char *filename |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStream | PIX * | FILE *fp, l_int32 hint |
bmpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamBmp | PIX * | FILE *fp |
gifio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamGif | PIX * | FILE *fp |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamJpeg | PIX * | FILE *fp, l_int32 cmflag, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 *pnwarn, l_int32 hint |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamPng | PIX * | FILE *fp |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamPnm | PIX * | FILE *fp |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamSpix | PIX * | FILE *fp |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamTiff | PIX * | FILE *fp, l_int32 n |
webpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadStreamWebP | PIX * | FILE *fp |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadTiff | PIX * | const char *filename, l_int32 n |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixReadWithHint | PIX * | const char *filename, l_int32 hint |
binreduce.c | Image Scaling | pixReduceBinary2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint8 *intab |
binreduce.c | Image Scaling | pixReduceRankBinary2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level, l_uint8 *intab |
binreduce.c | Image Scaling | pixReduceRankBinaryCascade | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level1, l_int32 level2, l_int32 level3, l_int32 level4 |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixRemoveBorder | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 npix |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixRemoveBorderConnComps | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixRemoveBorderGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixRemoveColormap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixRemoveMatchedPattern | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixp, PIX *pixe, l_int32 x0, l_int32 y0, l_int32 dsize |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixRemoveSeededComponents | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 bordersize |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixRemoveUnusedColors | l_int32 | PIX *pixs |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixRemoveWithIndicator | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixa, NUMA *na |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBox | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 width, l_int32 op |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBoxArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBoxBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_float32 fract |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBoxa | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_int32 op |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBoxaArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderBoxaBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_float32 fract, l_int32 removedups |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderContours | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 startval, l_int32 incr, l_int32 outdepth |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderHashBox | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 width, l_int32 orient, l_int32 outline, l_int32 op |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderHashBoxArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 width, l_int32 orient, l_int32 outline, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderHashBoxBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 width, l_int32 orient, l_int32 outline, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_float32 fract |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderLine | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 width, l_int32 op |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderLineArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderLineBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x1, l_int32 y1, l_int32 x2, l_int32 y2, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_float32 fract |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPolyline | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *ptas, l_int32 width, l_int32 op, l_int32 closeflag |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPolylineArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *ptas, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_int32 closeflag |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPolylineBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *ptas, l_int32 width, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_float32 fract, l_int32 closeflag, l_int32 removedups |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPta | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *pta, l_int32 op |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPtaArb | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *pta, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderPtaBlend | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PTA *pta, l_uint8 rval, l_uint8 gval, l_uint8 bval, l_float32 fract |
graphics.c | Line Graphics and Special Output | pixRenderRandomCmapPtaa | PIX * | PIX *pix, PTAA *ptaa, l_int32 polyflag, l_int32 width, l_int32 closeflag |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixResizeImageData | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixResizeToMatch | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixt, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixReversalProfile | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 fract, l_int32 dir, l_int32 first, l_int32 last, l_int32 minreversal, l_int32 factor1, l_int32 factor2 |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotate | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 type, l_int32 incolor, l_int32 width, l_int32 height |
rotateorth.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotate180 | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotate2Shear | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotate3Shear | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateorth.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotate90 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 direction |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAM | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMColor | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 colorval |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMColorCorner | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 fillval |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMColorFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 colorval |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMCorner | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_uint8 grayval |
rotateam.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateAMGrayCorner | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_uint8 grayval |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateBinaryNice | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateBySampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateGammaXform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, l_float32 angle, l_float32 fract |
rotateorth.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateOrth | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 quads |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateShear | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateShearCenter | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateShearCenterIP | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotateshear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateShearIP | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xcen, l_int32 ycen, l_float32 angle, l_int32 incolor |
rotate.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixRotateWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 angle, PIX *pixg, l_float32 fract |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixRowStats | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, NUMA **pnamean, NUMA **pnamedian, NUMA **pnamode, NUMA **pnamodecount, NUMA **pnavar, NUMA **pnarootvar |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixRunHistogramMorph | NUMA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 runtype, l_int32 direction, l_int32 maxsize |
runlength.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | pixRunlengthTransform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 color, l_int32 direction, l_int32 depth |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixSauvolaBinarize | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 whsize, l_float32 factor, l_int32 addborder, PIX **ppixm, PIX **ppixsd, PIX **ppixth, PIX **ppixd |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixSauvolaBinarizeTiled | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 whsize, l_float32 factor, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, PIX **ppixth, PIX **ppixd |
binarize.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixSauvolaGetThreshold | PIX * | PIX *pixm, PIX *pixms, l_float32 factor, PIX **ppixsd |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixSaveTiled | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 newrow, l_int32 space, l_int32 dp |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixSaveTiledOutline | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 reduction, l_int32 newrow, l_int32 space, l_int32 linewidth, l_int32 dp |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixSaveTiledWithText | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 outwidth, l_int32 newrow, l_int32 space, l_int32 linewidth, L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_uint32 val, l_int32 location |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScale | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleAreaMap | PIX * | PIX *pix, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleAreaMap2 | PIX * | PIX *pix |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleByIntSubsampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleBySampling | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleColor2xLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleColor4xLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleColorLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGammaXform | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 gamma, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_float32 fract |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, l_float32 sharpfract, l_int32 sharpwidth |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray2xLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray2xLIDither | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray2xLIThresh | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray4xLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray4xLIDither | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGray4xLIThresh | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayMinMax | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xfact, l_int32 yfact, l_int32 type |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayMinMax2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayRank2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 rank |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayRankCascade | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 level1, l_int32 level2, l_int32 level3, l_int32 level4 |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleGrayToBinaryFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 thresh |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleMipmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_float32 scale |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleRGBToBinaryFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 thresh |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleRGBToGray2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 rwt, l_float32 gwt, l_float32 bwt |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleRGBToGrayFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 color |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixScaleResolution | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_float32 xscale, l_float32 yscale |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleSmooth | PIX * | PIX *pix, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalefactor |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray16 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray2 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray3 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray4 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray6 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGray8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGrayFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalefactor |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToGrayMipmap | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalefactor |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleToSize | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd |
scale.c | Image Scaling | pixScaleWithAlpha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley, PIX *pixg, l_float32 fract |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixScanForEdge | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 lowthresh, l_int32 highthresh, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 factor, l_int32 scanflag, l_int32 *ploc |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixScanForForeground | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 scanflag, l_int32 *ploc |
maze.c | Maze | pixSearchBinaryMaze | PTA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xi, l_int32 yi, l_int32 xf, l_int32 yf, PIX **ppixd |
maze.c | Maze | pixSearchGrayMaze | PTA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 xi, l_int32 yi, l_int32 xf, l_int32 yf, PIX **ppixd |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfill | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 connectivity |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfill4 | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfill4BB | BOX * | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfill8 | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfill8BB | BOX * | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
conncomp.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixSeedfillBB | BOX * | PIX *pixs, L_STACK *lstack, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillBinaryRestricted | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 xmax, l_int32 ymax |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillGray | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillGrayBasin | PIX * | PIX *pixb, PIX *pixm, l_int32 delta, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillGrayInv | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillGrayInvSimple | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedfillGraySimple | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixSeedfillMorph | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSeedspread | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixSelectByAreaFraction | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixSelectByAreaPerimRatio | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixSelectBySize | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixSelectByWidthHeightRatio | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSelectMinInConnComp | PTA * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, NUMA **pnav |
seedfill.c | Image Operations with Filling | pixSelectedLocalExtrema | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 mindist, PIX **ppixmin, PIX **ppixmax |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixSelectiveConnCompFill | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixSerializeToMemory | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetAll | l_int32 | PIX *pix |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetAllArbitrary | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_uint32 val |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetBlackOrWhite | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 op |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixSetBlackOrWhiteBoxa | PIX * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 op |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetBorderRingVal | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dist, l_uint32 val |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetBorderVal | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot, l_uint32 val |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetColormap | l_int32 | PIX *pix, PIXCMAP *colormap |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetData | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_uint32 *data |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetDepth | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 depth |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetDimensions | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetHeight | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 height |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetInRect | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetInRectArbitrary | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_uint32 val |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetInputFormat | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 informat |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixSetLowContrast | l_int32 | PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2, l_int32 mindiff |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetMasked | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixm, l_uint32 val |
paintcmap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixSetMaskedCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetMaskedGeneral | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixm, l_uint32 val, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetMirroredBorder | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetOrClearBorder | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot, l_int32 op |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetPadBits | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 val |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetPadBitsBand | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 by, l_int32 bh, l_int32 val |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_uint32 val |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetPixelColumn | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 col, l_float32 *colvect |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetRGBComponent | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 color |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetRGBPixel | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetResolution | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 xres, l_int32 yres |
paintcmap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixSetSelectCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 sindex, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
paintcmap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixSetSelectMaskedCmap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 sindex, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetText | l_int32 | PIX *pix, const char *textstring |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixSetTextblock | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_uint32 val, l_int32 x0, l_int32 y0, l_int32 wtext, l_int32 firstindent, l_int32 *poverflow |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixSetTextline | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, L_BMF *bmf, const char *textstr, l_uint32 val, l_int32 x0, l_int32 y0, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *poverflow |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetUnderTransparency | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_uint32 val, l_int32 debugflag |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetWidth | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 width |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetWpl | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 wpl |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetXRes | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 res |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetYRes | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 res |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSetupByteProcessing | l_uint8 ** | PIX *pix, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixSimpleCaptcha | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 border, l_int32 nterms, l_uint32 seed, l_uint32 color, l_int32 cmapflag |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSizesEqual | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2 |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixSmoothConnectedRegions | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 factor |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixSnapColor | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint32 srcval, l_uint32 dstval, l_int32 diff |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixSnapColorCmap | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_uint32 srcval, l_uint32 dstval, l_int32 diff |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixSobelEdgeFilter | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 orientflag |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixSplitComponentIntoBoxa | BOXA * | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 minsum, l_int32 skipdist, l_int32 delta, l_int32 maxbg, l_int32 maxcomps, l_int32 remainder |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSplitDistributionFgBg | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 scorefract, l_int32 factor, l_int32 *pthresh, l_int32 *pfgval, l_int32 *pbgval, l_int32 debugflag |
boxfunc3.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | pixSplitIntoBoxa | BOXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 minsum, l_int32 skipdist, l_int32 delta, l_int32 maxbg, l_int32 maxcomps, l_int32 remainder |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixStereoFromPair | PIX * | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_float32 rwt, l_float32 gwt, l_float32 bwt |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixStretchHorizontal | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 type, l_int32 hmax, l_int32 operation, l_int32 incolor |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixStretchHorizontalLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 type, l_int32 hmax, l_int32 incolor |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixStretchHorizontalSampled | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 dir, l_int32 type, l_int32 hmax, l_int32 incolor |
selgen.c | Image Morphology | pixSubsampleBoundaryPixels | PTA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 skip |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSubtract | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixSubtractGray | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSumPixelValues | l_int32 | PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_float64 *psum |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSumPixelsByColumn | NUMA * | PIX *pix |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixSumPixelsByRow | NUMA * | PIX *pix, l_int32 *tab8 |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixTRCMap | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, NUMA *na |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixTestForSimilarity | l_int32 | PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 factor, l_int32 mindiff, l_float32 maxfract, l_float32 maxave, l_int32 *psimilar, l_int32 printstats |
ccthin.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixThin | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 connectivity, l_int32 maxiters |
ccthin.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixThinExamples | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 index, l_int32 maxiters, const char *selfile |
ccthin.c | Connected Components in Binary Images | pixThinGeneral | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, SELA *sela, l_int32 maxiters |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThreshold8 | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 d, l_int32 nlevels, l_int32 cmapflag |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixThresholdForFgBg | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 factor, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 *pfgval, l_int32 *pbgval |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdGrayArb | PIX * | PIX *pixs, const char *edgevals, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 use_average, l_int32 setblack, l_int32 setwhite |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdOn8bpp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nlevels, l_int32 cmapflag |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixThresholdPixelSum | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 thresh, l_int32 *pabove, l_int32 *tab8 |
adaptmap.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdSpreadNorm | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 filtertype, l_int32 edgethresh, l_int32 smoothx, l_int32 smoothy, l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval, l_int32 targetthresh, PIX **ppixth, PIX **ppixb, PIX **ppixd |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdTo2bpp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nlevels, l_int32 cmapflag |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdTo4bpp | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nlevels, l_int32 cmapflag |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixThresholdToBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 thresh |
pixarith.c | Basic image operations | pixThresholdToValue | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 threshval, l_int32 setval |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingCreate | PIXTILING * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 xoverlap, l_int32 yoverlap |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingDestroy | void | PIXTILING **ppt |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingGetCount | l_int32 | PIXTILING *pt, l_int32 *pnx, l_int32 *pny |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingGetSize | l_int32 | PIXTILING *pt, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingGetTile | PIX * | PIXTILING *pt, l_int32 i, l_int32 j |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingNoStripOnPaint | l_int32 | PIXTILING *pt |
pixtiling.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixTilingPaintTile | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, l_int32 i, l_int32 j, PIX *pixs, PIXTILING *pt |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixTophat | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize, l_int32 type |
pix1.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixTransferAllData | l_int32 | PIX *pixd, PIX **ppixs, l_int32 copytext, l_int32 copyformat |
rop.c | Basic image operations | pixTranslate | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 hshift, l_int32 vshift, l_int32 incolor |
edge.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixTwoSidedEdgeFilter | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 orientflag |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixUnionOfMorphOps | PIX * | PIX *pixs, SELA *sela, l_int32 type |
pixconv.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixUnpackBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 depth, l_int32 invert |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMasking | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMaskingFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract, l_int32 direction |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMaskingGray | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMaskingGray1D | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract, l_int32 direction |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMaskingGray2D | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract |
enhance.c | Specialized Image Filters | pixUnsharpMaskingGrayFast | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 halfwidth, l_float32 fract, l_int32 direction |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixUpDownDetect | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixUpDownDetectDwa | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 debug |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixUpDownDetectGeneral | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 npixels, l_int32 debug |
flipdetect.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixUpDownDetectGeneralDwa | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_float32 *pconf, l_int32 mincount, l_int32 npixels, l_int32 debug |
compare.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixUsesCmapColor | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 *pcolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixVShear | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_int32 linex, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixVShearCenter | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixVShearCorner | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixVShearIP | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 linex, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
shear.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | pixVShearLI | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 linex, l_float32 radang, l_int32 incolor |
grayquant.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixVarThresholdToBinary | PIX * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixg |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixVarianceInRectangle | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, PIX *pix_ma, DPIX *dpix_msa, l_float32 *pvar, l_float32 *prvar |
warper.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixWarpStereoscopic | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 zbend, l_int32 zshiftt, l_int32 zshiftb, l_int32 ybendt, l_int32 ybendb, l_int32 redleft |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixWindowedMean | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder, l_int32 normflag |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixWindowedMeanSquare | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixWindowedStats | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 hasborder, PIX **ppixm, PIX **ppixms, FPIX **pfpixv, FPIX **pfpixrv |
convolve.c | Basic image operations | pixWindowedVariance | l_int32 | PIX *pixm, PIX *pixms, FPIX **pfpixv, FPIX **pfpixrv |
jbclass.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixWordMaskByDilation | PIX * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 maxsize, l_int32 *psize |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_int32 format |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteImpliedFormat | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_int32 quality, l_int32 progressive |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteJpeg | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_int32 quality, l_int32 progressive |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMem | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, l_int32 format |
bmpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemBmp | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix |
gifio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemGif | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemJpeg | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, l_int32 quality, l_int32 progressive |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemPS | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemPng | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, l_float32 gamma |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemPnm | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemSpix | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemTiff | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMemTiffCustom | l_int32 | l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *psize, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype, NUMA *natags, SARRAY *savals, SARRAY *satypes, NUMA *nasizes |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteMixedToPS | l_int32 | PIX *pixb, PIX *pixc, l_float32 scale, l_int32 pageno, const char *fileout |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixWritePSEmbed | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWritePng | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_float32 gamma |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteRGBAPng | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteSegmentedPageToPS | l_int32 | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_float32 textscale, l_float32 imagescale, l_int32 threshold, l_int32 pageno, const char *fileout |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, l_int32 format |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamAsciiPnm | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix |
bmpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamBmp | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix |
gifio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamGif | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamJpeg | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, l_int32 quality, l_int32 progressive |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamPS | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamPdf | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, l_int32 res, const char *title |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamPng | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, l_float32 gamma |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamPnm | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamSpix | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamTiff | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
webpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStreamWebP | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIX *pixs, l_int32 quality |
psio2.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteStringPS | char * | PIX *pixs, BOX *box, l_int32 res, l_float32 scale |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteTempfile | l_int32 | const char *dir, const char *tail, PIX *pix, l_int32 format, char **pfilename |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteTiff | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype, const char *modestring |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteTiffCustom | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype, const char *modestring, NUMA *natags, SARRAY *savals, SARRAY *satypes, NUMA *nasizes |
webpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteWebP | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pixs, l_int32 quality |
webpio.c | Formatted I/O | pixWriteWebPwithTargetPSNR | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX *pixs, l_float64 target_psnr, l_int32 *pquality |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixXor | PIX * | PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs1, PIX *pixs2 |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixZero | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *pempty |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaAddBorderGeneral | PIXA * | PIXA *pixad, PIXA *pixas, l_int32 left, l_int32 right, l_int32 top, l_int32 bot, l_uint32 val |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaAddBox | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, BOX *box, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaAddPix | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, PIX *pix, l_int32 copyflag |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaAnyColormaps | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 *phascmap |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaBinSort | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_int32 sorttype, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 copyflag |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixaCentroids | PTA * | PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaChangeRefcount | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 delta |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaClear | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaClipToPix | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, PIX *pixs |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaCopy | PIXA * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 copyflag |
pix3.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaCountPixels | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaCreate | PIXA * | l_int32 n |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaCreateFromBoxa | PIXA * | PIX *pixs, BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pcropwarn |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaCreateFromPix | PIXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 n, l_int32 cellw, l_int32 cellh |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixaCreateFromPixacomp | PIXA * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDestroy | void | PIXA **ppixa |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplay | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayOnColor | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_uint32 bgcolor |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayOnLattice | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 xspace, l_int32 yspace |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayRandomCmap | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayTiled | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 tilewidth, l_int32 ncols, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 border |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayTiledInRows | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 maxwidth, l_float32 scalefactor, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 border |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaDisplayUnsplit | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, l_int32 borderwidth, l_uint32 bordercolor |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaEqual | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa1, PIXA *pixa2, l_int32 maxdist, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 *psame |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaExtendArray | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaExtendArrayToSize | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 size |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaExtractColumnFromEachPix | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 col, PIX *pixd |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindAreaFraction | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindAreaPerimRatio | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindDimensions | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, NUMA **pnaw, NUMA **pnah |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindPerimSizeRatio | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindWidthHeightProduct | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
pix5.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaFindWidthHeightRatio | NUMA * | PIXA *pixa |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixaGenerateFont | PIXA * | const char *dir, l_int32 size, l_int32 *pbl0, l_int32 *pbl1, l_int32 *pbl2 |
pix4.c | Basic Pix Functions | pixaGetAlignedStats | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 type, l_int32 nbins, l_int32 thresh |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetBox | BOX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetBoxGeometry | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetBoxa | BOXA * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetBoxaCount | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetCount | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetDepthInfo | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 *pmaxdepth, l_int32 *psame |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixaGetFont | PIXA * | const char *dir, l_int32 size, l_int32 *pbl0, l_int32 *pbl1, l_int32 *pbl2 |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetPix | PIX * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetPixArray | PIX ** | PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaGetPixDimensions | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pd |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaInitFull | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, PIX *pix, BOX *box |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaInsertPix | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, PIX *pixs, BOX *box |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaJoin | l_int32 | PIXA *pixad, PIXA *pixas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixaMorphSequenceByComponent | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, const char *sequence, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh |
morphapp.c | Image Morphology | pixaMorphSequenceByRegion | PIXA * | PIX *pixs, PIXA *pixam, const char *sequence, l_int32 minw, l_int32 minh |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaRead | PIXA * | const char *filename |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixaReadFiles | PIXA * | const char *dirname, const char *substr |
readfile.c | Formatted I/O | pixaReadFilesSA | PIXA * | SARRAY *sa |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | pixaReadMultipageTiff | PIXA * | const char *filename |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaReadStream | PIXA * | FILE *fp |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaRemovePix | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaReplacePix | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 index, PIX *pix, BOX *box |
bmf.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | pixaSaveFont | l_int32 | const char *indir, const char *outdir, l_int32 size |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSelectByAreaFraction | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSelectByAreaPerimRatio | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSelectBySize | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSelectByWidthHeightRatio | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_float32 thresh, l_int32 type, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSelectWithIndicator | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, NUMA *na, l_int32 *pchanged |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSizeRange | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 *pminw, l_int32 *pminh, l_int32 *pmaxw, l_int32 *pmaxh |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSort | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, l_int32 sorttype, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 copyflag |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSort2dByIndex | PIXAA * | PIXA *pixas, NUMAA *naa, l_int32 copyflag |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSortByIndex | PIXA * | PIXA *pixas, NUMA *naindex, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaSplitPix | PIXA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 nx, l_int32 ny, l_int32 borderwidth, l_uint32 bordercolor |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIXA *pixa |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | pixaWriteCompressedToPS | l_int32 | PIXA *pixa, const char *fileout, l_int32 res, l_int32 level |
writefile.c | Formatted I/O | pixaWriteFiles | l_int32 | const char *rootname, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 format |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXA *pixa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaAddBox | l_int32 | PIXAA *pixaa, BOX *box, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaAddPixa | l_int32 | PIXAA *pixaa, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaCreate | PIXAA * | l_int32 n |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaCreateFromPixa | PIXAA * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 n, l_int32 type, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaDestroy | void | PIXAA **ppixaa |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaDisplay | PIX * | PIXAA *pixaa, l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaDisplayByPixa | PIX * | PIXAA *pixaa, l_int32 xspace, l_int32 yspace, l_int32 maxw |
pixafunc2.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaDisplayTiledAndScaled | PIXA * | PIXAA *pixaa, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 tilewidth, l_int32 ncols, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 border |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaExtendArray | l_int32 | PIXAA *pixaa |
pixafunc1.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaFlattenToPixa | PIXA * | PIXAA *pixaa, NUMA **pnaindex, l_int32 copyflag |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaGetBoxa | BOXA * | PIXAA *pixaa, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaGetCount | l_int32 | PIXAA *pixaa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaGetPixa | PIXA * | PIXAA *pixaa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accesstype |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaRead | PIXAA * | const char *filename |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaReadStream | PIXAA * | FILE *fp |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIXAA *pixaa |
pixabasic.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pixaaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXAA *pixaa |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccAdd | l_int32 | PIXACC *pixacc, PIX *pix |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccCreate | PIXACC * | l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 negflag |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccCreateWithPix | PIXACC * | PIX *pix, l_int32 negflag |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccDestroy | void | PIXACC **ppixacc |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccFinal | PIX * | PIXACC *pixacc, l_int32 outdepth |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccGetOffset | l_int32 | PIXACC *pixacc |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccGetPix | PIX * | PIXACC *pixacc |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccMultConst | l_int32 | PIXACC *pixacc, l_float32 factor |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccMultConstAccumulate | l_int32 | PIXACC *pixacc, PIX *pix, l_float32 factor |
pixacc.c | Basic image operations | pixaccSubtract | l_int32 | PIXACC *pixacc, PIX *pix |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompAddBox | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, BOX *box, l_int32 copyflag |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompAddPix | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompAddPixcomp | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, PIXC *pixc |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompCreate | PIXAC * | l_int32 n |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompCreateFromFiles | PIXAC * | const char *dirname, const char *substr, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompCreateFromPixa | PIXAC * | PIXA *pixa, l_int32 comptype, l_int32 accesstype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompCreateFromSA | PIXAC * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompCreateInitialized | PIXAC * | l_int32 n, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompDestroy | void | PIXAC **ppixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompDisplayTiledAndScaled | PIX * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 outdepth, l_int32 tilewidth, l_int32 ncols, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 border |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompExtendArray | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetBox | BOX * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index, l_int32 accesstype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetBoxGeometry | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetBoxa | BOXA * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 accesstype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetBoxaCount | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetCount | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetPix | PIX * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetPixDimensions | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pd |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompGetPixcomp | PIXC * | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompRead | PIXAC * | const char *filename |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompReadStream | PIXAC * | FILE *fp |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompReplacePix | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index, PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompReplacePixcomp | l_int32 | PIXAC *pixac, l_int32 index, PIXC *pixc |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIXAC *pixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXAC *pixac |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixacompWriteStreamInfo | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXAC *pixac, const char *text |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapAddBlackOrWhite | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 color, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapAddColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapAddNearestColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapAddNewColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapClear | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapColorToGray | PIXCMAP * | PIXCMAP *cmaps, l_float32 rwt, l_float32 gwt, l_float32 bwt |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapContrastTRC | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_float32 factor |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapConvertHSVToRGB | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapConvertRGBToHSV | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapConvertRGBToYUV | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapConvertToHex | char * | l_uint8 *data, l_int32 nbytes, l_int32 ncolors |
colorspace.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapConvertYUVToRGB | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapCopy | PIXCMAP * | PIXCMAP *cmaps |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapCountGrayColors | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 *pngray |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapCreate | PIXCMAP * | l_int32 depth |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapCreateLinear | PIXCMAP * | l_int32 d, l_int32 nlevels |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapCreateRandom | PIXCMAP * | l_int32 depth, l_int32 hasblack, l_int32 haswhite |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapDeserializeFromMemory | PIXCMAP * | l_uint8 *data, l_int32 ncolors, l_int32 nbytes |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapDestroy | void | PIXCMAP **pcmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGammaTRC | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_float32 gamma, l_int32 minval, l_int32 maxval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 index, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetColor32 | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 index, l_uint32 *pval32 |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetComponentRange | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 color, l_int32 *pminval, l_int32 *pmaxval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetCount | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetDepth | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetExtremeValue | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 type, l_int32 *prval, l_int32 *pgval, l_int32 *pbval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetFreeCount | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetIndex | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetMinDepth | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 *pmindepth |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetNearestGrayIndex | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 val, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetNearestIndex | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGetRankIntensity | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_float32 rankval, l_int32 *pindex |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapGrayToColor | PIXCMAP * | l_uint32 color |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapHasColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 *pcolor |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapReadStream | PIXCMAP * | FILE *fp |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapResetColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 index, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapSerializeToMemory | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 cpc, l_int32 *pncolors, l_uint8 **pdata, l_int32 *pnbytes |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapSetBlackAndWhite | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 setblack, l_int32 setwhite |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapShiftIntensity | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_float32 fraction |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapToArrays | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 **prmap, l_int32 **pgmap, l_int32 **pbmap |
colorquant1.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | pixcmapToOctcubeLUT | l_int32 * | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 level, l_int32 metric |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapToRGBTable | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_uint32 **ptab, l_int32 *pncolors |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapUsableColor | l_int32 | PIXCMAP *cmap, l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_int32 *pusable |
colormap.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixcmapWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXCMAP *cmap |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompCreateFromFile | PIXC * | const char *filename, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompCreateFromPix | PIXC * | PIX *pix, l_int32 comptype |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompCreateFromString | PIXC * | l_uint8 *data, size_t size, l_int32 copyflag |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompDestroy | void | PIXC **ppixc |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompDetermineFormat | l_int32 | l_int32 comptype, l_int32 d, l_int32 cmapflag, l_int32 *pformat |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompGetDimensions | l_int32 | PIXC *pixc, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pd |
pixcomp.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | pixcompWriteStreamInfo | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PIXC *pixc, const char *text |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixelFractionalShift | l_int32 | l_int32 rval, l_int32 gval, l_int32 bval, l_float32 fraction, l_uint32 *ppixel |
blend.c | Colormap Utilities and Related Operations | pixelLinearMapToTargetColor | l_int32 | l_uint32 scolor, l_uint32 srcmap, l_uint32 dstmap, l_uint32 *pdcolor |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsCreate | l_int32 | size_t minsize, size_t smallest, NUMA *numalloc, const char *logfile |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsCustomAlloc | void * | size_t nbytes |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsCustomDealloc | void | void *data |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsDestroy | void | |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsGetAlloc | void * | size_t nbytes |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsGetLevelForAlloc | l_int32 | size_t nbytes, l_int32 *plevel |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsGetLevelForDealloc | l_int32 | void *data, l_int32 *plevel |
pixalloc.c | Basic Pix Array Functions | pmsLogInfo | void | |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | projectiveXformPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pxp, l_float32 *pyp |
projective.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | projectiveXformSampledPt | l_int32 | l_float32 *vc, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 *pxp, l_int32 *pyp |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaAddPt | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 x, l_float32 y |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | ptaAffineTransform | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_float32 *mat |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaChangeRefcount | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_int32 delta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaClone | PTA * | PTA *pta |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaContainsPt | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_int32 x, l_int32 y |
boxfunc1.c | Basic Box, Boxa and Boxaa Functions | ptaConvertToBoxa | BOXA * | PTA *pta, l_int32 ncorners |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaCopy | PTA * | PTA *pta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaCreate | PTA * | l_int32 n |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaCreateFromNuma | PTA * | NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaCyclicPerm | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 xs, l_int32 ys |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaDestroy | void | PTA **ppta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaEmpty | l_int32 | PTA *pta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaExtendArrays | l_int32 | PTA *pta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetArrays | l_int32 | PTA *pta, NUMA **pnax, NUMA **pnay |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetBoundaryPixels | PTA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetBoundingRegion | BOX * | PTA *pta |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetCount | l_int32 | PTA *pta |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetCubicLSF | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, l_float32 *pd, NUMA **pnafit |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetIPt | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_int32 index, l_int32 *px, l_int32 *py |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetInsideBox | PTA * | PTA *ptas, BOX *box |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetLinearLSF | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, NUMA **pnafit |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetPixelsFromPix | PTA * | PIX *pixs, BOX *box |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetPt | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_int32 index, l_float32 *px, l_float32 *py |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetQuadraticLSF | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, NUMA **pnafit |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetQuarticLSF | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, l_float32 *pd, l_float32 *pe, NUMA **pnafit |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetRange | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_float32 *pminx, l_float32 *pmaxx, l_float32 *pminy, l_float32 *pmaxy |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaGetRefcount | l_int32 | PTA *pta |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaJoin | l_int32 | PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaRead | PTA * | const char *filename |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaReadStream | PTA * | FILE *fp |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaRemoveDuplicates | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_uint32 factor |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaReverse | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 type |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | ptaRotate | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_float32 xc, l_float32 yc, l_float32 angle |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | ptaScale | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaSetPt | l_int32 | PTA *pta, l_int32 index, l_float32 x, l_float32 y |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaSort | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 sorttype, l_int32 sortorder, NUMA **pnaindex |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaSubsample | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 subfactor |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaTestIntersection | l_int32 | PTA *pta1, PTA *pta2 |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaTransform | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley |
affinecompose.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | ptaTranslate | PTA * | PTA *ptas, l_float32 transx, l_float32 transy |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PTA *pta, l_int32 type |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PTA *pta, l_int32 type |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaAddPta | l_int32 | PTAA *ptaa, PTA *pta, l_int32 copyflag |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaCreate | PTAA * | l_int32 n |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaDestroy | void | PTAA **pptaa |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaExtendArray | l_int32 | PTAA *ptaa |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaGetBoundaryPixels | PTAA * | PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 connectivity, BOXA **pboxa, PIXA **ppixa |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaGetCount | l_int32 | PTAA *ptaa |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaGetPt | l_int32 | PTAA *ptaa, l_int32 ipta, l_int32 jpt, l_float32 *px, l_float32 *py |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaGetPta | PTA * | PTAA *ptaa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaRead | PTAA * | const char *filename |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaReadStream | PTAA * | FILE *fp |
dewarp.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | ptaaRemoveShortLines | PTAA * | PIX *pixs, PTAA *ptaas, l_float32 fract, l_int32 debugflag |
ptafunc1.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaSortByIndex | PTAA * | PTAA *ptaas, NUMA *naindex |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, PTAA *ptaa, l_int32 type |
ptabasic.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptaaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, PTAA *ptaa, l_int32 type |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraAdd | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, void *item |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraCompactArray | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | ptraConcatenatePdf | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, const char *fileout |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | ptraConcatenatePdfToData | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa_data, SARRAY *sa, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraCreate | L_PTRA * | l_int32 n |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraDestroy | void | L_PTRA **ppa, l_int32 freeflag, l_int32 warnflag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraExtendArray | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraGetActualCount | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 *pcount |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraGetHandle | void * | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraGetMaxIndex | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 *pmaxindex |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraGetPtrToItem | void * | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraInsert | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index, void *item, l_int32 shiftflag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraJoin | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa1, L_PTRA *pa2 |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraRemove | void * | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index, l_int32 flag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraRemoveLast | void * | L_PTRA *pa |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraReplace | void * | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index, void *item, l_int32 freeflag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraReverse | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraSwap | l_int32 | L_PTRA *pa, l_int32 index1, l_int32 index2 |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaCreate | L_PTRAA * | l_int32 n |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaDestroy | void | L_PTRAA **ppaa, l_int32 freeflag, l_int32 warnflag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaFlattenToPtra | L_PTRA * | L_PTRAA *paa |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaGetPtra | L_PTRA * | L_PTRAA *paa, l_int32 index, l_int32 accessflag |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaGetSize | l_int32 | L_PTRAA *paa, l_int32 *psize |
ptra.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | ptraaInsertPtra | l_int32 | L_PTRAA *paa, l_int32 index, L_PTRA *pa |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | quadtreeGetChildren | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 level, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pval00, l_float32 *pval10, l_float32 *pval01, l_float32 *pval11 |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | quadtreeGetParent | l_int32 | FPIXA *fpixa, l_int32 level, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_float32 *pval |
quadtree.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | quadtreeMaxLevels | l_int32 | l_int32 w, l_int32 h |
ropiplow.c | Basic image operations | rasteropHipLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 pixh, l_int32 depth, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 y, l_int32 h, l_int32 shift |
roplow.c | Basic image operations | rasteropLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 dpixw, l_int32 dpixh, l_int32 depth, l_int32 dwpl, l_int32 dx, l_int32 dy, l_int32 dw, l_int32 dh, l_int32 op, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 spixw, l_int32 spixh, l_int32 swpl, l_int32 sx, l_int32 sy |
roplow.c | Basic image operations | rasteropUniLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 dpixw, l_int32 dpixh, l_int32 depth, l_int32 dwpl, l_int32 dx, l_int32 dy, l_int32 dw, l_int32 dh, l_int32 op |
ropiplow.c | Basic image operations | rasteropVipLow | void | l_uint32 *data, l_int32 pixw, l_int32 pixh, l_int32 depth, l_int32 wpl, l_int32 x, l_int32 w, l_int32 shift |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderJpeg | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pycck, l_int32 *pcmyk |
jpegio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderMemJpeg | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pycck, l_int32 *pcmyk |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderMemTiff | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size, l_int32 n, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pres, l_int32 *pcmap, l_int32 *pformat |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderPng | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderPnm | l_int32 | const char *filename, PIX **ppix, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pdepth, l_int32 *ptype, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderSpix | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderTiff | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 n, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *pres, l_int32 *pcmap, l_int32 *pformat |
webpio.c | Formatted I/O | readHeaderWebP | l_int32 | const char *filename, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | reallocNew | void * | void **pindata, l_int32 oldsize, l_int32 newsize |
binreducelow.c | Image Scaling | reduceBinary2Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls, l_uint8 *tab |
binreducelow.c | Image Scaling | reduceRankBinary2Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls, l_uint8 *tab, l_int32 level |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestCheckFile | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp, const char *localname |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestCleanup | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestCompareFiles | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp, l_int32 index1, l_int32 index2 |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestComparePix | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp, PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2 |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestCompareSimilarPix | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp, PIX *pix1, PIX *pix2, l_int32 mindiff, l_float32 maxfract, l_int32 printstats |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestSetup | l_int32 | l_int32 argc, char **argv, L_REGPARAMS **prp |
regutils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | regTestWritePixAndCheck | l_int32 | L_REGPARAMS *rp, PIX *pix, l_int32 format |
morph.c | Image Morphology | resetMorphBoundaryCondition | void | l_int32 bc |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | returnErrorFloat | l_float32 | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_float32 fval |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | returnErrorInt | l_int32 | const char *msg, const char *procname, l_int32 ival |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | returnErrorPtr | void * | const char *msg, const char *procname, void *pval |
rotateorthlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotate90Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 direction |
rotateamlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotateAMColorCornerLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 colorval |
rotateamlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotateAMColorFastLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 colorval |
rotateamlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotateAMColorLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 angle, l_uint32 colorval |
rotateamlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotateAMGrayCornerLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 angle, l_uint8 grayval |
rotateamlow.c | Other Geometric Image Transforms | rotateAMGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 angle, l_uint8 grayval |
runlength.c | Low-Level Pixel Access | runlengthMembershipOnLine | l_int32 | l_int32 *buffer, l_int32 size, l_int32 depth, l_int32 *start, l_int32 *end, l_int32 n |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | saConcatenatePdf | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, const char *fileout |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | saConcatenatePdfToData | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | saConvertFilesToPdf | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 res, l_float32 scalefactor, l_int32 quality, const char *title, const char *fileout |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | saConvertFilesToPdfData | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 res, l_float32 scalefactor, l_int32 quality, const char *title, l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayAddString | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, char *string, l_int32 copyflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayAppend | l_int32 | const char *filename, SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayAppendRange | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa1, SARRAY *sa2, l_int32 start, l_int32 end |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayChangeRefcount | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 delta |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayClear | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayClone | SARRAY * | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayConcatenate | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa1, SARRAY *sa2 |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | sarrayConvertFilesFittedToPS | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_float32 xpts, l_float32 ypts, const char *fileout |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | sarrayConvertFilesToPS | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 res, const char *fileout |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayConvertWordsToLines | SARRAY * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 linesize |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayCopy | SARRAY * | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayCreate | SARRAY * | l_int32 n |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayCreateInitialized | SARRAY * | l_int32 n, char *initstr |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayCreateLinesFromString | SARRAY * | char *string, l_int32 blankflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayCreateWordsFromString | SARRAY * | const char *string |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayDestroy | void | SARRAY **psa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayExtendArray | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayGetArray | char ** | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 *pnalloc, l_int32 *pn |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayGetCount | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayGetRefcount | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayGetString | char * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 index, l_int32 copyflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayPadToSameSize | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa1, SARRAY *sa2, char *padstring |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayParseRange | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 start, l_int32 *pactualstart, l_int32 *pend, l_int32 *pnewstart, const char *substr, l_int32 loc |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayRead | SARRAY * | const char *filename |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayReadStream | SARRAY * | FILE *fp |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayRemoveString | char * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 index |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayReplaceString | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 index, char *newstr, l_int32 copyflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarraySelectByRange | SARRAY * | SARRAY *sain, l_int32 first, l_int32 last |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarraySelectBySubstring | SARRAY * | SARRAY *sain, const char *substr |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarraySort | SARRAY * | SARRAY *saout, SARRAY *sain, l_int32 sortorder |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarraySplitString | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, const char *str, const char *separators |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayToString | char * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 addnlflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayToStringRange | char * | SARRAY *sa, l_int32 first, l_int32 nstrings, l_int32 addnlflag |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayWrite | l_int32 | const char *filename, SARRAY *sa |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | sarrayWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, SARRAY *sa |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleAreaMapLow2 | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleBinaryLow | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleBySamplingLow | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleColor2xLILineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *lines, l_int32 ws, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 lastlineflag |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleColor2xLILow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleColorAreaMapLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleColorLILow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGray2xLILineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *lines, l_int32 ws, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 lastlineflag |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGray2xLILow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGray4xLILineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *lines, l_int32 ws, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 lastlineflag |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGray4xLILow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGrayAreaMapLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleGrayLILow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleMipmapLow | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas1, l_int32 wpls1, l_uint32 *datas2, l_int32 wpls2, l_float32 red |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleRGBToGray2Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_float32 rwt, l_float32 gwt, l_float32 bwt |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleSmoothLow | l_int32 | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 ws, l_int32 hs, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 size |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray16Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab8 |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray2Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *sumtab, l_uint8 *valtab |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray3Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *sumtab, l_uint8 *valtab |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray4Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *sumtab, l_uint8 *valtab |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray6Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab8, l_uint8 *valtab |
scalelow.c | Image Scaling | scaleToGray8Low | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wd, l_int32 hd, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab8, l_uint8 *valtab |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedfillBinaryLow | void | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 hs, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 hm, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedfillGrayInvLow | void | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedfillGrayInvLowSimple | void | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedfillGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedfillGrayLowSimple | void | l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpls, l_uint32 *datam, l_int32 wplm, l_int32 connectivity |
seedfilllow.c | Image Operations with Filling | seedspreadLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datat, l_int32 wplt, l_int32 connectivity |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCopy | SEL * | SEL *sel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreate | SEL * | l_int32 height, l_int32 width, const char *name |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateBrick | SEL * | l_int32 h, l_int32 w, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx, l_int32 type |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateComb | SEL * | l_int32 factor1, l_int32 factor2, l_int32 direction |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateFromColorPix | SEL * | PIX *pixs, char *selname |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateFromPix | SEL * | PIX *pix, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx, const char *name |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateFromPta | SEL * | PTA *pta, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx, const char *name |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selCreateFromString | SEL * | const char *text, l_int32 h, l_int32 w, const char *name |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selDestroy | void | SEL **psel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selDisplayInPix | PIX * | SEL *sel, l_int32 size, l_int32 gthick |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selFindMaxTranslations | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 *pxp, l_int32 *pyp, l_int32 *pxn, l_int32 *pyn |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selGetElement | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_int32 *ptype |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selGetName | char * | SEL *sel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selGetParameters | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 *psy, l_int32 *psx, l_int32 *pcy, l_int32 *pcx |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selGetTypeAtOrigin | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 *ptype |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selPrintToString | char * | SEL *sel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selRead | SEL * | const char *fname |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selReadFromColorImage | SEL * | const char *pathname |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selReadStream | SEL * | FILE *fp |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selRotateOrth | SEL * | SEL *sel, l_int32 quads |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selSetElement | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 row, l_int32 col, l_int32 type |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selSetName | l_int32 | SEL *sel, const char *name |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selSetOrigin | l_int32 | SEL *sel, l_int32 cy, l_int32 cx |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selWrite | l_int32 | const char *fname, SEL *sel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, SEL *sel |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddBasic | SELA * | SELA *sela |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddCrossJunctions | SELA * | SELA *sela, l_float32 hlsize, l_float32 mdist, l_int32 norient, l_int32 debugflag |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddDwaCombs | SELA * | SELA *sela |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddDwaLinear | SELA * | SELA *sela |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddHitMiss | SELA * | SELA *sela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaAddSel | l_int32 | SELA *sela, SEL *sel, const char *selname, l_int32 copyflag |
sel2.c | Image Morphology | selaAddTJunctions | SELA * | SELA *sela, l_float32 hlsize, l_float32 mdist, l_int32 norient, l_int32 debugflag |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaCreate | SELA * | l_int32 n |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaCreateFromFile | SELA * | const char *filename |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaDestroy | void | SELA **psela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaDisplayInPix | PIX * | SELA *sela, l_int32 size, l_int32 gthick, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 ncols |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaExtendArray | l_int32 | SELA *sela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaFindSelByName | l_int32 | SELA *sela, const char *name, l_int32 *pindex, SEL **psel |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaGetBrickName | char * | SELA *sela, l_int32 hsize, l_int32 vsize |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaGetCombName | char * | SELA *sela, l_int32 size, l_int32 direction |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaGetCount | l_int32 | SELA *sela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaGetSel | SEL * | SELA *sela, l_int32 i |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaGetSelnames | SARRAY * | SELA *sela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaRead | SELA * | const char *fname |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaReadStream | SELA * | FILE *fp |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaWrite | l_int32 | const char *fname, SELA *sela |
sel1.c | Image Morphology | selaWriteStream | l_int32 | FILE *fp, SELA *sela |
morph.c | Image Morphology | selectComposableSels | l_int32 | l_int32 size, l_int32 direction, SEL **psel1, SEL **psel2 |
morph.c | Image Morphology | selectComposableSizes | l_int32 | l_int32 size, l_int32 *pfactor1, l_int32 *pfactor2 |
pdfio.c | Formatted I/O | selectDefaultPdfEncoding | l_int32 | PIX *pix, l_int32 *ptype |
pix2.c | Basic Pix Functions | setPixelLow | void | l_uint32 *line, l_int32 x, l_int32 depth, l_uint32 val |
ropiplow.c | Basic image operations | shiftDataHorizontalLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 shift |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | splitPathAtDirectory | l_int32 | const char *pathname, char **pdir, char **ptail |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | splitPathAtExtension | l_int32 | const char *pathname, char **pbasename, char **pextension |
textops.c | Specialized Document Image Processing | splitStringToParagraphs | SARRAY * | char *textstr, l_int32 splitflag |
pngio.c | Formatted I/O | sreadHeaderPng | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *data, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
pnmio.c | Formatted I/O | sreadHeaderPnm | l_int32 | const l_uint8 *cdata, size_t size, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pdepth, l_int32 *ptype, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp |
spixio.c | Formatted I/O | sreadHeaderSpix | l_int32 | const l_uint32 *data, l_int32 *pwidth, l_int32 *pheight, l_int32 *pbps, l_int32 *pspp, l_int32 *piscmap |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | startTimer | void | void |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | startTimerNested | L_TIMER | void |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stopTimer | l_float32 | void |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stopTimerNested | l_float32 | L_TIMER rusage_start |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringCat | l_int32 | char *dest, size_t size, const char *src |
sarray.c | Fundamental Data Structures for Computation | stringCompareLexical | l_int32 | const char *str1, const char *str2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringCopy | l_int32 | char *dest, const char *src, l_int32 n |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringFindSubstr | l_int32 | const char *src, const char *sub, l_int32 *ploc |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringJoin | char * | const char *src1, const char *src2 |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringLength | l_int32 | const char *src, size_t size |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringNew | char * | const char *src |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringRemoveChars | char * | const char *src, const char *remchars |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringReplace | l_int32 | char **pdest, const char *src |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringReplaceEachSubstr | char * | const char *src, const char *sub1, const char *sub2, l_int32 *pcount |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringReplaceSubstr | char * | const char *src, const char *sub1, const char *sub2, l_int32 *pfound, l_int32 *ploc |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringReverse | char * | const char *src |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | stringSplitOnToken | l_int32 | char *cstr, const char *seps, char **phead, char **ptail |
utils.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | strtokSafe | char * | char *cstr, const char *seps, char **psaveptr |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | subtractGrayLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuCreate | L_SUDOKU * | l_int32 *array |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuDestroy | void | L_SUDOKU **psud |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuGenerate | L_SUDOKU * | l_int32 *array, l_int32 seed, l_int32 minelems, l_int32 maxtries |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuOutput | l_int32 | L_SUDOKU *sud, l_int32 arraytype |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuReadFile | l_int32 * | const char *filename |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuReadString | l_int32 * | const char *str |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuSolve | l_int32 | L_SUDOKU *sud |
sudoku.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | sudokuTestUniqueness | l_int32 | l_int32 *array, l_int32 *punique |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | thresholdTo2bppLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | thresholdTo4bppLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 *tab |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | thresholdToBinaryLineLow | void | l_uint32 *lined, l_int32 w, l_uint32 *lines, l_int32 d, l_int32 thresh |
grayquantlow.c | Image Quantization/Depth Conversion | thresholdToBinaryLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 wpld, l_uint32 *datas, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpls, l_int32 thresh |
arithlow.c | Basic image operations | thresholdToValueLow | void | l_uint32 *datad, l_int32 w, l_int32 h, l_int32 d, l_int32 wpld, l_int32 threshval, l_int32 setval |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | tiffGetCount | l_int32 | FILE *fp, l_int32 *pn |
psio1.c | Formatted I/O | writeImageCompressedToPSFile | l_int32 | const char *filein, const char *fileout, l_int32 res, l_int32 *pfirstfile, l_int32 *pindex |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | writeMultipageTiff | l_int32 | const char *dirin, const char *substr, const char *fileout |
tiffio.c | Formatted I/O | writeMultipageTiffSA | l_int32 | SARRAY *sa, const char *fileout |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedApply | l_int32 | L_WSHED *wshed |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedBasins | l_int32 | L_WSHED *wshed, PIXA **ppixa, NUMA **pnalevels |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedCreate | L_WSHED * | PIX *pixs, PIX *pixm, l_int32 mindepth, l_int32 debugflag |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedDestroy | void | L_WSHED **pwshed |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedRenderColors | PIX * | L_WSHED *wshed |
watershed.c | Image Operations with Filling | wshedRenderFill | PIX * | L_WSHED *wshed |
zlibmem.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | zlibCompress | l_uint8 * | l_uint8 *datain, size_t nin, size_t *pnout |
zlibmem.c | Miscellaneous Utilities | zlibUncompress | l_uint8 * | l_uint8 *datain, size_t nin, size_t *pnout |
You can use regular expressions to filter the filename and function name columns. In particular, if you enter:
You will only see non-“low” level versions of filenames.