Leptonica 1.68
C Image Processing Library

src Directory Reference

Directory dependency graph for src/:


file  adaptmap.c [code]

local adaptive grayscale quantization; mostly gray-to-gray in preparation

file  affine.c [code]

3-pt affine transforms on images and coordinates, with sampling and interpolation; gauss-jordan solver

file  affinecompose.c [code]

Composable affine coordinate transforms.

file  allheaders.h [code]

Includes all required Leptonica header files.

file  alltypes.h [code]

Includes all required Leptonica type related header files.

file  arithlow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of grayscale image arithmetic.

file  array.h [code]

Structs for basic number and string arrays (Numa, Numaa, Numa2d, NumaHash and Sarray)

file  arrayaccess.c [code]

Function access to pixels in 32-bit arrays.

file  arrayaccess.h [code]

Macro access to pixels in 32-bit arrays.

file  bardecode.c [code]

Decode barcodes after sequence of widths is found.

file  baseline.c [code]

Find text baselines; determine and remove local skew.

file  bbuffer.c [code]

Implements ByteBuffer, a byte queue; used for zlib comp/decomp in memory.

file  bbuffer.h [code]

Struct for expandable byte buffer (see bbuffer.c)

file  bilinear.c [code]

4-pt bilinear transforms on images and coordinates, with sampling and interpolation

file  binarize.c [code]

Special binarization methods, locally adaptive: Otsu and Sauvola.

file  binexpand.c [code]

Integer upscaling of 1 bpp images by replicated expansion.

file  binexpandlow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of integer upscaling.

file  binreduce.c [code]

Power of 2 integer reduction of 1 bpp images by sampling and rank value.

file  binreducelow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of power of 2 reduction.

file  blend.c [code]

Blend (optionally with a mask) and re-coloring images.

file  bmf.c [code]

Generation of bitmap fonts.

file  bmf.h [code]

Structs for bitmap fonts.

file  bmp.h [code]

Structs for bmp file format (uncompressed)

file  bmpio.c [code]

Read/write bmp format, from/to file and memory.

file  bmpiostub.c [code]

Read/write bmp format, from/to file and memory.

file  boxbasic.c [code]

Implementation of Box, Boxa (Box array), and Boxaa classes.

file  boxfunc1.c [code]

Box intersection, union, containment; Boxa union, extent, permutation.

file  boxfunc2.c [code]

Boxa/Box transforms; Boxa/Boxaa sorting; Boxaa utilities.

file  boxfunc3.c [code]

Mask <-> Boxa; painting into and drawing Boxa.

file  bytearray.c [code]

Functions for handling byte arrays, in analogy with C++ 'strings'.

file  ccbord.c [code]

Border representation of connected components: display and svg serialization.

file  ccbord.h [code]

Structs for representation of 1 bpp component outlines.

file  ccthin.c [code]

Connected-component-preserving thinning.

file  classapp.c [code]

Unsupervised classification of connected components and words; image comparison using word bounding boxes.

file  colorcontent.c [code]

Measure and map the color content (divergence from gray) of an image.

file  colormap.c [code]

Implements PixColormap; colormap conversions, serialization, transforms.

file  colormorph.c [code]

Color morphological operations (apply grayscale separately to each component)

file  colorquant1.c [code]

Octcube color quantization.

file  colorquant2.c [code]

Modified median cut color quantization (Heckbert)

file  colorseg.c [code]

Unsupervised color segmentation; selection and display of color content in HSV.

file  colorspace.c [code]

Colorspace conversions between RGB, HSV, and YUV.

file  compare.c [code]

Pix equality, binary Pix correlation, image differences.

file  conncomp.c [code]

Connected component counting and extraction (Heckbert's seedfill algorithm)

file  convertfiles.c [code]

Perform depth conversion on selected files.

file  convolve.c [code]

Grayscale, color, float, double convolution; windowed mean, block sum and rank filters; census transform.

file  convolvelow.c [code]

Optimized low-level implementation of grayscale convolution and binary rank filter.

file  correlscore.c [code]

Correlation between pairs of binary images.

file  dewarp.c [code]

Dewarp scanned book pages by generating a vertical disparity array based on textlines.

file  dewarp.h [code]

Data structure to hold arrays and results for generating a vertical disparity array based on textlines.

file  dwacomb.2.c [code]

DWA morphology with auto-generated comb Sels for composite operations on brick Sels.

file  dwacomblow.2.c [code]

Low-level Sel implementation for dwacomb.2.c.

file  edge.c [code]

Sobel and related edge filters.

file  endianness.h [code]

Machine endian test helper.

file  endiantest.c [code]
file  enhance.c [code]

Image enhancements: gamma TRC mapping; contrast enhancement, histogram eq; unsharp-masking; hue and saturation.

file  environ.h [code]

Specifies external libraries to be used, and whether the runtime supports output redirection from files to memory.

file  fhmtauto.c [code]

Code generator, writes dwa code for user-supplied hit-miss transform Sels.

file  fhmtgen.1.c [code]

DWA morphology with auto-generated hit-miss sels (high-level)

file  fhmtgenlow.1.c [code]

Low-level Sel implementation for fhmtgen.1.c.

file  finditalic.c [code]

Identifies italic words.

file  flipdetect.c [code]

Page orientation detection (on roman text)

file  fliphmtgen.c [code]

Hit-miss transforms for flipdetect.c.

file  fmorphauto.c [code]

Code generator, writes dwa code for erosion, dilation, opening and closing, for user-supplied Sels.

file  fmorphgen.1.c [code]

DWA morphology with auto-generated brick sels (high-level)

file  fmorphgenlow.1.c [code]

Low-level Sel implementation for fmorphgen.1.c.

file  fpix1.c [code]

Implements FPix and DPix classes (float and double images)

file  fpix2.c [code]

FPix operations: interconversion FPix <-> Pix; borders; rasterop; arithmetic.

file  freetype.c [code]

Display freetype fonts in a pix.

file  freetype.h [code]

Display freetype fonts in a pix.

file  gifio.c [code]

Read/write gif format from/to file and memory.

file  gifiostub.c [code]

Read/write gif format from/to file and memory.

file  gplot.c [code]

Basic gnuplot-based plotting; serialization of plots.

file  gplot.h [code]

Struct and parameters for generating gnuplot files.

file  graphics.c [code]

Rendering shapes from lines (using Pta representation)

file  graymorph.c [code]

Top-level grayscale morphological operations.

file  graymorphlow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of grayscale morphology.

file  grayquant.c [code]

Standard, simple, general grayscale quantization.

file  grayquantlow.c [code]

Low-level implementation for some grayscale quantiziation functions.

file  heap.c [code]

Implements heap of generic pointers to structs that are keyed by a float, used for priority queue.

file  heap.h [code]

Struct for representing generic expandable priority queue (L_Heap)

file  imageio.h [code]

Enums for supported image file formats.

file  jbclass.c [code]

data extraction from a set of pages for jbig2 compression

file  jbclass.h [code]

Structs for unsupervised classification of 1 bpp components from a set of pages; used for jbig2 compression.

file  jpegio.c [code]

Read/write jpeg format from/to file and memory.

file  jpegiostub.c [code]

Read/write jpeg format from/to file and memory.

file  kernel.c [code]

Basic operations on image kernels for convolution; special kernels.

file  leptprotos.h [code]

ANSII C headers for all functions in the library, automatically generated by xtractprotos.

file  leptwin.c [code]

Leptonica routines needed only on Microsoft Windows.

file  leptwin.h [code]

ANSII C headers for Leptonica routines needed only on Microsoft Windows.

file  libversions.c [code]

Returns string with image library versions.

file  list.c [code]

Implements doubly-linked list of generic pointers.

file  list.h [code]

Struct for generic double-linked list; macros for list traversal.

file  maze.c [code]

A game with a pedagogical slant: generate and search binary and grayscale mazes.

file  morph.c [code]

Binary morphological operations (dilate, erode, hit-miss, open, close)

file  morph.h [code]

Structs for image morphology (Sel, Sela) and convolution (Kernel), with enum flags.

file  morphapp.c [code]

Composite morph ops: component-wise, union/isect, tophat, gradient, granulometry.

file  morphdwa.c [code]

Binary morphological (dwa) operations.

file  morphseq.c [code]

Interpreter for morphological operations, including binary expansion and reduction.

file  numabasic.c [code]

Basic operations for float/int arrays (Numa, Numaa, Numa2d, NumaHash)

file  numafunc1.c [code]

Arithmetic, data extraction, interpolation, sorting on numas.

file  numafunc2.c [code]

Shift, scale, convolve, histograms, rank statistics, splitting distributions, extrema finding, threshold crossing, frequency analysis.

file  pageseg.c [code]

Top-level page segmentation, halftone region extraction, textline extraction.

file  paintcmap.c [code]

Paint onto colormap images - regions, masks.

file  parseprotos.c [code]

Parse output of cpp to generate ANSII C function prototypes from a file of C functions.

file  partition.c [code]

Bruel algorithm for extracting large whitespace boxes from a binary image: classification and location of connected components (characters or words)

file  pdfio.c [code]

Read/write pdf format from/to file and memory.

file  pdfiostub.c [code]

Read/write pdf format from/to file and memory.

file  pix.h [code]

Basic file defining image and image-related structs (Pix, PixColormap, Pixa, Pixaa, Box, Boxa, Boxaa, Pta, Ptaa, Pixacc, PixTiling, FPix, DPix, PixComp, PixaComp), along with enums for many operations.

file  pix1.c [code]

Implements Pix (image) class - the fundamental one for this library.

file  pix2.c [code]

Pixel poking of image, pad and border pixels.

file  pix3.c [code]

Masking and logical ops, counting, mirrored tiling.

file  pix4.c [code]

Histograms, fg/bg estimation, rectangle extraction.

file  pix5.c [code]

Property measurement of 1bbp images, rectangular region extraction, property measurement along lines, cropping to foreground.

file  pixabasic.c [code]

Implements Pixa (array of Pix) and Pixaa (2d array of Pix) class.

file  pixacc.c [code]

Simple interface for grayscale image arithmetic.

file  pixafunc1.c [code]

Binary Pixa (array of Pix) filtering, sorting, clipping. See conncomp.c.

file  pixafunc2.c [code]

Render a Pixa or Pixaa in a Pix.

file  pixalloc.c [code]

Custom memory allocation for Pix memory.

file  pixarith.c [code]

Grayscale image arithmetic.

file  pixcomp.c [code]

Handles compressed pix arrays in memory.

file  pixconv.c [code]

Convert between images of different types without scaling.

file  pixtiling.c [code]

Split an image into tiles and perform operations independently on each tile.

file  pngio.c [code]

Read/write png format from/to file and memory.

file  pngiostub.c [code]

Read/write png format from/to file and memory.

file  pnmio.c [code]

Read/write pnm format from/to file and memory.

file  pnmiostub.c [code]

Read/write pnm format from/to file and memory.

file  projective.c [code]

4-pt projective transforms on images and coordinates, with sampling and interpolation

file  psio1.c [code]

High level PostScript device driver for wrapping sets of images in PostScript.

file  psio1stub.c [code]

High level PostScript device driver for wrapping sets of images in PostScript.

file  psio2.c [code]

Lower-level PostScript device driver for wrapping images.

file  psio2stub.c [code]

Lower-level PostScript device driver for wrapping images.

file  ptabasic.c [code]

Implements 1d and 2d arrays of points (Pta, Ptaa)

file  ptafunc1.c [code]

Manipulation/calculations using arrays of points.

file  ptra.c [code]

Implements 1d and 2d arrays of generic pointers (Ptra, Ptraa)

file  ptra.h [code]

Structs for generic expandable arrays (L_Ptra, L_Ptraa)

file  quadtree.c [code]

Quadtree creation and statistics.

file  queue.c [code]

Implements queue of generic pointers.

file  queue.h [code]

Struct for generic expandable queue (L_Queue)

file  rank.c [code]

Rank order filters (generalization of min/median/max filters)

file  readbarcode.c [code]

Early beta code for locating and identifying line widths in 1d barcodes.

file  readbarcode.h [code]

Enums and consts for reading 1d barcodes.

file  readfile.c [code]

Pix from memory and disk; detecting format.

file  regutils.c [code]

Regression test utilities.

file  regutils.h [code]

Regression test parameter packer.

file  rop.c [code]

General rasterops. "pixRasterop() is your friend; it is worth memorizing!".

file  ropiplow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of in-place rasterops.

file  roplow.c [code]

Low-level general rasterop implementation.

file  rotate.c [code]

Top-level image rotation by interpolation and sampling.

file  rotateam.c [code]

Interpolated image rotation.

file  rotateamlow.c [code]

Low-level helpers for interpolated rotation.

file  rotateorth.c [code]

Orthogonal image rotation and flips.

file  rotateorthlow.c [code]

Low-level helpers for orthogonal rotation.

file  rotateshear.c [code]

Image rotation by shear.

file  runlength.c [code]

Run-length-encoding, horizontal and vertical run membership.

file  sarray.c [code]

Impements an array of C strings, and useful utilities based on it.

file  scale.c [code]

Image up- and down-scaling, by linear interpolation, area mapping, and sampling; scaling from binary to gray; mipmap scaling; upscaling with thresholding; downscaling with min, max and rank value.

file  scalelow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of scaling functions.

file  seedfill.c [code]

Binary and gray seedfill; distance functions; voronoi-like seed spreading; local extrema.

file  seedfilllow.c [code]

Low-level implementation of binary and gray seedfill.

file  sel1.c [code]

Implements Sel (morph structuring element) and Sela (array of sel)

file  sel2.c [code]

Contains definitions of simple structuring elements.

file  selgen.c [code]

Generate hit-miss Sels for doing a loose match to a small bitmap.

file  shear.c [code]

Image shear about arbitrary lines and special points.

file  skew.c [code]

Find and remove text page skew.

file  spixio.c [code]

Fast pix serialization to/from file.

file  stack.c [code]

Implements a stack of generic pointers.

file  stack.h [code]

Struct for generic expandable stack (L_Stack)

file  sudoku.c [code]

Solve a sudoku by brute force search.

file  sudoku.h [code]

Sudoku related structures.

file  textops.c [code]

Simple utility to put text on images.

file  tiffio.c [code]

Read/write tiff format from/to file and memory.

file  tiffiostub.c [code]

Read/write tiff format from/to file and memory.

file  utils.c [code]

Error, warning and info macros; safe string ops; file <-> memory ops; byte-swapping, file naming and timing ops.

file  viewfiles.c [code]

Generates html for viewing a directory of images.

file  warper.c [code]

Simple captcha generator based on random warping.

file  watershed.c [code]

Find watershed basins from specified seeds in grayscale image.

file  watershed.h [code]

Struct for generating watershed information from a grayscale image.

file  webpio.c [code]

Read/write webp format from/to file.

file  webpiostub.c [code]

Read/write webp format from/to file.

file  writefile.c [code]

Pix to memory and disk; selecting format.

file  xtractprotos.c [code]
file  zlibmem.c [code]

Compresses and decompresses a byte array from one memory buffer to another.

file  zlibmemstub.c [code]

zlib operations in memory, using bbuffer

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